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Four Functions of Modern Governments. I. Maintaining Social Order According to the social contract theory, people need government to maintain order because.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Functions of Modern Governments. I. Maintaining Social Order According to the social contract theory, people need government to maintain order because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Functions of Modern Governments

2 I. Maintaining Social Order According to the social contract theory, people need government to maintain order because human groups do not know how to live in peace. Government controls and contains conflict between people by placing limits on what individuals are permitted to do. Government provides a group with law and order. Governments make and enforce laws: They can require people to do things they might not do voluntarily, such as pay taxes or serve in the army. Governments provide the structures to help resolve disagreements in an orderly process. The judicial system is the example of this function.

3 II. Providing Public Services One function of government is to provide the services that no one person could provide. “The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but cannot do, at all, or can not so well do, for themselves-in their separate and individual capacities. In all that people can individually do for themselves, government ought not to interfere.” Lincoln, 1854

4 II. Providing Public Services Building sewer systems, laying utility lines, paving roads and creating a water supply system are examples of government projects that individuals could not or would not do on their own. Government services promote public health and safety. For example, government inspectors enforce housing codes, check meat and oversee restaurant operations. State legislators pass laws that require drivers to pass a driving test.

5 III. Providing National Security To protect the people against attack by other states or from threats such as terrorism. Government has the exclusive power to make treaties with other nations. Government helps provide economic security by signing trade agreements with other countries..

6 IV. Making Economic Decisions No country provides its citizens with everything they need or desire. Even in the US, many people are poorly clothed, housed and fed. Historically, poverty and scarce resources have been a cause of conflict in a society or between countries. When the income gap between social groups is great, civil conflict is likely. Poverty has also contributed to full- blown revolutions. Government leaders understand this, so they often try to reduce economic conflict by intervening in the economic system..

7 IV. Making Economic Decisions Governments might intervene in the economic affairs of another nation to promote their own national security. After WWII, the US funded the Marshall Plan because it was worried that economic distress would lead to Communist revolutions. Governments make choices that distribute benefits and services among citizens. For example, they make payments to farmers who raise certain crops or allow tax advantages to certain industries. The government’s decision to build a veteran’s hospital in a certain town benefits some people, but not others. Governments usually try to stimulate economic growth and stability by controlling inflation, encouraging trade and regulating the development of natural resources.

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