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Dictionary Economy. Goal Uno Brandon Chittick Aristocracy The government is controlled by the upper class.

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Presentation on theme: "Dictionary Economy. Goal Uno Brandon Chittick Aristocracy The government is controlled by the upper class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dictionary Economy

2 Goal Uno Brandon Chittick

3 Aristocracy The government is controlled by the upper class

4 Double Jeopardy Can’t be accused of the same crime twice

5 Egalitarianism The belief that all men are born with certain rights

6 Eminent Domain When the government seizes control of public property for public use

7 Enlightenment The change from the dark ages to revolution; Philosophical ideas and political thought

8 Establishment Clause The government can’t make people follow a certain religion

9 John Locke Thought that people were born with “natural rights” that kings or queens can take away

10 John Peter Zenger The first to claim," Freedom of the Press!”

11 Mercantilism Make more than buy

12 Oligarchy A small group of people control the government

13 Royal Colony Ruled by the king

14 Social Contract Theory The implied contract between government and people

15 Theocracy Government ruled by a religion

16 totalitarianism The state is more important than the citizens

17 Virginia Plan The proposal of the three branches

18 Goal Numero Dos Brandon Chittick Forum February, 18, 2010

19 Appellate Authority to hear the cases that have not been heard yet

20 Budget deficit Government spends over the amount they collect in taxes

21 Commute Sentences The presidents ability to shorten sentence times for people in prison He can “mute” the judges original sentence

22 Concurrent Jurisdiction More than one kind of court has jurisdiction over a certain case

23 Concurrent Powers The power that is shared among the state and national levels

24 Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier The right to freedom of the press in school newspapers

25 Popular Sovereignty The government is created by and subject to, the people

26 Precedence When the past court cases decides present ones

27 Whip A job that ensures people voting the way that the leadership wants







34 Goal Tres

35 Annexation When a city expands and takes over surrounding, independent areas

36 Checks and Balances The power of one branch can be held back by another if the situation arises To make sure corruption is less likely

37 Gerrymandering Redrawing districts for a voting advantage

38 Incorporated Considered part of a document, but its not actually written in

39 Metropolis A very long word for very big cities

40 Redistricting Redrawing districts, usually after national census

41 Referendum Referring back to the people for a vote to change the constitution

42 Register of Deeds Important documents are sent here and put on record

43 Statutes The state laws

44 Goal Quatro

45 Two-Party System A two party system is when two main political parties dominate a countries politics

46 Radical Anyone who is thought to have an extreme view on something

47 Planks Planks are individual beliefs that a party has For example: Education principles, environmental views, pro life

48 Liberal Enjoy the benefits of a more involved government

49 Conservative Enjoy the theory of M.Y.O.B.

50 Democrat Liberal type political party, but it is not as extreme

51 Republican More conservative political party, but is less extreme

52 Sequestered The jury is taken to an isolated area where outside influence will not change the outcome

53 Compromise A agreement between to parties that make both some what happy

54 Mediation A meeting where two people get together with a third party to help discuss a compromise

55 Arbitration The third party that regulates the meeting in mediation

56 Goal Sinco

57 Conflict Resolution Ending a quarrel in a fashion where preferably both are appeased

58 Original Jurisdiction Authority to hear a case first

59 Appellate Jurisdiction Authority to hear a case after a decision has been made in another court

60 Exclusive Jurisdiction Only the federal courts can hear the case

61 Adversarial System A system where the case is argued by both defense attorneys and persecutor’s attorneys

62 Indictment A formal charge that someone has committed a federal crime

63 Subpoena Law binding documents commanding a certain person for a hearing

64 Tort A case that involves reputation, property or business

65 Writ of Certiorari The power of higher courts to request lower courts to refer their case back to them for review

66 Filibuster Someone from the senate can talk until they vote “no” to a bill or until colleagues convince others to join the cause

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