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Captions and Video Description: Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities H327C150009 Working with the Advisory Group 5 NEW YEARS!

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Presentation on theme: "Captions and Video Description: Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities H327C150009 Working with the Advisory Group 5 NEW YEARS!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Captions and Video Description: Educational Tools for Hispanic Children with Disabilities H327C150009 Working with the Advisory Group 5 NEW YEARS!

2 ADVISORY STRUCTURE/ ACTIVITIES THREE MAIN ACTIVITIES IN THIS PROPOSAL: 1. Production /Educational Value Evaluation 2. Training /Research/Emergent Technologies 3. Dissemination

3 Our Advisors /Our Inspiration/ Our friends / Our best resource PRODUCTION & EDUCATIONAL CONTENT EVALUATION Judy Mathews - MA in Music therapy. Expertise in rehabilitation services. FL Carlos Martinez - Parent, parent-mentor at “Blind Children’s Center” CA Myrna Medina – Parent -Family Expert for CA Deaf-Blind Services Dean Lermen - Professor of Communication Studies. Oversees VD Quality control Ileana Rivera – Media and Outreach Specialist Ricardo Lopez- Library media specialist, expert in Information Literacy, Reading, Writing and Educational Technology in K-12 schools.

4 Our Advisors /Our Inspiration/ Our friends / Our best resource TRAINING, RESEARCH, EMERGENT TECHNOLOGIES Maria Teresa Velasco – Leading expert in the use of TV in the classroom. Director of “Discovery en la Escuela” a project for Discovery Channel. Jacklyn Packer - Researcher, expert in Video Description

5 Our Advisors /Our Inspiration/ Our friends / Our best resource DISSEMINATION Clara Berg – Parent, President of the “National Family Association for Deaf Blind”(NFADB). Angela Roth - Trilingual interpreter (ASL/ English/ Spanish) president of Mano a Mano*, President ASL Services Susan La Venture – Parent. Executive Director of the National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)

6 Where are our Advisors?

7 Advisory Job # 1: Educational Value Evaluations Getting the programs to our advisors for EVALUATION (THE PROCESS) 1. Program selection – TV Stations 2. Prepare Description Packet 3. Prepare clip samples (captions, English/ Spanish) 4. Send to advisors 5. Advisor’s FEEDBACK 6. Prepare report for U.S Department of Education 7. Obtain approval to caption/ describe the rest of the series

8 Advisory Job # 1: Educational Value Evaluations DETERMINING EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF PROGRAMS (THE QUESTIONS) 1. Does the series promote critical thinking ? 2. Does the series contain elements that help reinforce concepts of math and/or science ? 3. Does the series touch upon elements of social studies ? 4. Does the series contain elements to promote literacy or “Language Arts ” (reading, writing, composition, reading comprehension etc) 5. Does the series promote socio-emotional development in children (preK-12) 6. Can the series be used to promote life skills or vocational studies ? 7. Other

9 Advisory Job # 1: Educational Value Evaluations ADVISOR’S FEEDBACK (USING THE BOOKLETS)

10 Critical thinking Math and Science Social Studies Language Arts Social –emotional development Life Skills/ Vocational Studies REVISIONS?

11 Critical Thinking Is a higher order thinking process that involves organizing, sequencing, complex thoughts, inference, problem solving, decision making among others.

12 Math & Science MathScience * 1.Number and Operations 2.Algebra 3.Geometry 4.Measurement 5.Data Analysis & Probability 6.Process Standards National Council of teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 1.Unifying concepts and processes in science. 2.Science as inquiry. 3.Physical science. 4.Life science. 5.Earth and space science. 6.Science and technology. 7.Science in personal and social perspectives. 8.History and nature of science. Standards for science content y

13 Social Studies 1.Culture 2.Time, continuity, Change 3.People, Places & Environments 4. Individual Development & Identity 5.Individuals, Groups, And Institutions 6. Power, Authority and Governance 7. Production, Distribution, and Consumption 8. Science, Technology, and Society 9. Global Connections 10. Civic Ideals and Practices National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies execsummary

14 Language Arts  Reading: print, non-print, fiction, non-fiction, classical, contemporary, genres & periods  Comprehension: Use strategies to understand, interpret, evaluate and appreciate  Communication: Use of spoken or written language conventions, style, vocabulary. Communication with different audiences and/or purposes  Creation: Question, investigation, ability to synthesize, organize from a variety of media and resources  Functionality: Students use spoken, written, and/or visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information). National Counsel of Teachers of English (NCTE)

15 Social-Emotional Development 1. Goal 1 - Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. 2. Goal 2 - Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. 3. Goal 3 - Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts. Illinois State Board of Education

16 Life Skills and Vocational Training We have left this category open to the advisor’s interpretation. Further define?

17 Advisory Job # 2: Training/ Research/ Emergent Technologies  Maria Teresa Velasco: DISCOVERY EN LA ESCUELA  Dr. Juana Rodriguez : Media with captions (cc) and video description (vd) to support learning among children with sensory disabilities: Teachers’ opinion about this Universal Design teaching strategy (Puerto Rico)  Dr. Jacklyn Packer : Using Spanish Video Description in the Home/ Survey and Data Collection. NY, NJ, CA, FL, AZ, CO, IL, TX

18 Advisory Job # 3 : Dissemination Workshops: Let’s go to the Movies, Discovery in the School, Describing Publications

19 THANK YOU! GRACIAS! Questions Comments Suggestions

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