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 Acid  A compound that produces hydrogen ions (H + ) when dissolved in water  An ionic compound Cation = H + Anion = monatomic or polyatomic ions Only.

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2  Acid  A compound that produces hydrogen ions (H + ) when dissolved in water  An ionic compound Cation = H + Anion = monatomic or polyatomic ions Only ionic compounds with two nonmetals

3  Naming Acids  Monatomic (single atoms) anions Acid name begins with hydro- Add –ic to the name of the element Add acid to the end HCl  Hydrochloric acid H 2 S  Hydrosulfuric acid

4  Naming Acids  Polyatomic anions If it ends in –ite Change end to –ous Add acid to the end  H 2 SO 3  Sulfurous acid If it ends in –ate Change end to –ic Add acid to the end  HNO 3  Nitric acid

5  Examples  HF Hydrofluoric acid  H 2 SO 4 Sulfuric acid  HClO 2 Chlorous acid

6  Now try going from the name to the chemical formula  Phosphorous acid H 3 PO 3  Hydrobromic acid HBr  Chloric acid HClO 3

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