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Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)

2  Two Coeus systems  Two PEER systems  Subcontracts  Billing Agreements  D Forms  Business Objects

3 Coeus will be unavailable: Thursday April 28th 5pm - Monday May 2nd Coeus resumes normal operation as two separate systems: Tuesday May 3rd

4  Two Coeus Systems—VU and VUMC will each have their own separate Coeus systems  VU personnel will no longer have access to new VUMC proposals or awards. However, VU will have the ability to add VUMC faculty and staff to proposals for billing agreements and subcontracts. Version 6.0 for VU. Use same link to download. Icon remains the same. VU Coeus

5  Two PEER Systems—VU and VUMC will each have their own separate PEER systems

6  Sponsored Programs Administration :  New Coeus Help email:

7  Proposals in Coeus with at status of In Progress will still be available in Coeus after the split (Basic Science proposals are an exception. Contact SPA for guidance.)  Approval in Progress proposals at the time of split will be rejected back to department and be re-routed due to split-related routing changes.  Proposals created prior to legal close should be reviewed for personnel, rates, and other items that may need to be updated. Re-sync budget rates after the split!

8  Proposals and Awards created prior to the split will keep the same Coeus record numbers.  Proposals and Awards created after the split will receive a new letter prefix of “U” for university.  Example: Coeus Development proposal 00012345 will be U0012345 Coeus Institute proposal 16012345 will be U1601234 Coeus Award 020123-001 will be U20123-001

9 Proposals including personnel and/or resources from both VU and VUMC require a subcontract or a billing agreement. Billing Agreement: to be used for personnel only (exception is travel for graduate students) and when majority of work will be conducted at grantee institution. Non-grantee routes billing agreement proposal in Coeus. Subcontract: required for use of resources beyond salaries or when collaborator conducts majority of work at home institution. Non-grantee routes subcontract proposal in Coeus. Both billing agreements and subcontracts will require an LOI from the collaborating institution.

10  Subcontracts between VU/VUMC are treated the same as a subcontract to another university.  VU creates and routes a Coeus proposal for an incoming grant (i.e. NIH) with VUMC listed as subawardee and uploads subaward budget.  VUMC collaborating department creates and routes a Coeus proposal listing VU as direct sponsor and budget of only VUMC costs.

11  Vanderbilt University proposal. Sponsor: NIH  On organization tab, create a Billing Agreement to VUMC.  Location will populate automatically.

12  Investigators and Key Persons can be added from either VU or VUMC.  A subcontract or billing agreement is required to add VUMC personnel with effort on a VU proposal.  On the VU Coeus, VUMC employees will appear BLUE on the Investigator and Key Person tabs, as well as in the budget. These individuals can only be in the Coeus budget for billing agreements.

13  TBA personnel are now site-specific.  Use Find VU/VUMC Employee search on Investigator/Key Person tabs or in budget.  Search for TBA*.  Name and Home Unit will indicate institution,  Select TBAs appropriate to project. On VU proposals, VUMC TBA personnel will appear in BLUE and require a billing agreement or subcontract.

14  VU department creates Coeus proposal.  Anticipated Award Type of Billing Agreement. Sponsor : VUMC Prime Sponsor: NIH  For Billing Agreement proposals, the budget will only include VU personnel and fringe (exception is travel for graduate student). Additional VU costs require a full subcontract agreement.  Choose overhead rate TDC-Zero for all billing agreements.

15  Additional validations will warn users of need for billing agreements or subcontracts!  Contact with any questions or

16  Coeus will be compatible with D-Form opportunities on May 3 rd after the split.  D-Forms will be needed for due dates after May 25, 2016.

17  University users will still see the “Coeus” folder: University users will only see Active and Pending information for University “owned” data.

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