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PART 2: Tourism Helpful or harmful?

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1 PART 2: Tourism Helpful or harmful?

2 Tourism  It is one of the largest economic activities worldwide (lots of jobs and tonnes of money $).  REASONS FOR GROWTH IN TOURISM: 1.Employers (your boss) offer paid holidays in industrialized countries 2.People have more spending money (higher standard of living ) 3.Improved transportation (access to airplanes, buses, etc.) 4.Affordable travel (cheap plane tickets, all-inclusive, etc.)

3 Characteristics of Tourism 1.Business or pleasure 2.The destination is more than 80 km from home 3.You are at the destination for more than 24 hours, less than one year.

4 4. Money spent before the trip (bathing suits, suntan lotion, etc.) and it is spent on activities & services at the destination (hotel, transport, theme parks, souvenirs, restaurants, etc.)

5 Characteristics of Tourists  80% of tourists live in industrialized (wealthy) countries.  2009: 880 million tourists from Europe, North & South America & Japan  Have more money & more holidays  They also travel within their own country or their neighbouring country.

6 Types of Tourism 1.Beach vacations (ex: Florida) 2.Winter tourism (ex: Canada) 3.Nature (ecotourism/green) tourism  learn about nature  It has little/no impact on environment

7 4. Adventure tourism: risky activities like sky diving! 5. Cultural tourism (educational)  Visiting museums & historic sites 6. Entertainment (recreation & amusement)

8 Those affected by tourism… 1.Travel agencies promote tourism destinations and sell package deals.

9 2. Businesses directly involved in tourism:  Hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, etc.

10 3. Media (ex: news, Facebook) is responsible for: a)Promoting attractions (ex: museums, amusement parks, hotels). b)Reporting positive news (safe, fun activities, amazing beaches) c)Reporting negative news (violence, war).

11 4. Locals  Given tourist-related jobs

12 Impacts of Tourism Tourist destinations need:  Larger airports  More facilities & services such as: a)More hotels b)More restaurants c)Entertainment d)Transportation for tourists

13 Sustainable Tourism in a nutshell… 1.Protects the environment 2.Promotes the local culture 3.Benefits the local economy

14 Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism  It is the idea of visiting a place while trying your best to have ONLY a positive impact on the following: a)Environment (no littering, not taking souvenirs from the nature, etc.) b)Locals (respecting their culture, traditions, etc.) c)Economy (supporting local businesses and creating tourist-related jobs for locals)

15 The Golden Rules for Sustainable Tourism in Venice a)Travel around Venice by foot or by Gondola b)Stay in hotels that respect the environment by recycling, conserving energy and water, etc. c)Visit nature reserves and the other protected territories (ex: Venice Lagoon park) d)Enjoy Venice’s local, family-owned restaurants

16 e) Eat organic fruits & vegetables that are grown by local farmers. f) Support local artists! Do not buy fake goods that are made in China. g) Don’t litter h) Choose products that are not packaged (empty packages end up in landfills)

17 i) Avoid purchasing bottled water. Tap water is refreshing, safe, and free. j) Do not leave the tap on while you are brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair. k) Save energy by turning off the lights when you do not need them and by turning off the air conditioner when you are absent. l) Don’t commit vandalism or pick up souvenirs from the natural environment (ex: shells, rocks, pieces of coral reeves).

18 Possible negative impacts of tourism 1.Pressure on environment a)Natural: It is something that could affect the health/life of an animal. (Ex: a shortage of water, food, space, and predators) b)Urban (city): Air emissions, noise, solid waste and littering, releases of sewage, oil and chemicals, even architectural/visual pollution.

19 2. Blocked transportation (traffic) 3. Demand for water & energy  Tourists consume water and use energy during their visit. Because of this, the local population may not have enough water & energy!

20 4. Loss of culture/traditions  Acculturation: partial or total assimilation of a culture after coming in contact with another 5. Deterioration of environment  Water, air, visual pollution

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