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Competence of Juveniles in Legal Proceedings Class 8.

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1 Competence of Juveniles in Legal Proceedings Class 8

2 CASE OF THE DAY Ramos v Town of Vernon Facts –Juvenile curfew imposed for persons under 18 –District Court affirmed, 2 nd Circuit overturned ordinance –Statute designed not just to reduce juvenile crime but to promote parental responsibility Juveniles’ rights not at issue, but state interference with parental role presents a conflict

3 “Juvenile curfews have existed throughout our Nation's history, and we do not question the Town of Vernon's authority to have such an ordinance under some circumstances. …. The constitutionality of a curfew is determined by balancing the recognized interests the state has in protecting children and fighting crime against the constitutional right of all citizens, including juveniles, to move about freely. Here, Vernon's curfew interferes with juveniles' freedom of movement, that is, their right to walk the streets, move about at will, meet in public with friends, and leave their houses when they please. This right to free movement is a vital component of life in an open society, both for juveniles and adults.”

4 Adjudicative Competence Assistance – the capacity to provide relevant information Reasoning – understanding nature of the legal proceeding and processing information about it (Rational Understanding) Appreciation – apply relevant information in a way that is reasonable and rationale (Factual Understanding) Decisional Competence – capacity to make important decisions such as confession or waiver of rights

5 Developmental Taxonomy of Competence Factual Understanding –Knowing basics about the charges, trial process, etc. Rational Understanding –Ability to reason with factual information as it is understood –Decision-making that is not distorted by irrational beliefs Consulting Counsel –Understanding counsel’s inquiries –Able to respond to counsel inquiry in manner relevant for defense

6 A Lack of Competence is Not… … merely the presence of a mental or developmental disability …necessarily a constant or permanent condition (can often be modified) …a question of criminal responsibility, culpability, or blameworthiness

7 Competence Applications Waive counsel Waive Miranda rights Assist counsel Accurate reconstruction of events

8 Legal Standard A defendant is competent to stand trial if he "has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding [and if] he has a rational as well as a factual understanding of the proceedings against him." Dusky v. United States, 362 U.S. 402, 402, 80 S. Ct. 788, 4 L.Ed.2d 824 (1960)

9 “ A 14-year old boy, no matter how sophisticated, …. is not equal to the police in knowledge and understanding…and is unable to know how to protect his own interests or how to get the benefit of his constitutional rights…A lawyer or adult relative or friend could have given the petitioner the protection which own immaturity could not…Without some adult protection, …a 14-year old boy would not be able to know...such constitutional rights as he had.” Gallegos v Colorado, 370 U.S.49, 82 S. Ct. 1209 (1962)

10 “Age 15 is a tender and difficult age for a boy….a lad of tender years is no match for the police in such a contest…he needs counsel and support if he is not to become the victim first of fear, then of panic.” Haley v Ohio, 332 U.S. 596 (1948)

11 Evaluation should meet “totality of circumstances” test, including: age, experience, education, background, and intelligence, and whether he has the capacity to understand the warnings given him, the nature of his Fifth Amendment rights, and the consequences of those rights.” Fare v Michael C., 442 US 707 (1979)

12 States’ Competency Standards Juvenile standard (20) Adult applies to Juveniles (15) Adult standard (16)

13 “[A] adult competency statute did not apply in determining whether juveniles were competent…... In essence the code affords juvenile courts a degree of discretion and flexibility, unparalleled in the criminal code, to address the needs of children and to act in their best interests. That flexibility is severely compromised by resorting to the procedures set forth in the adult competency statute when resolving questions concerning juvenile competency.” In the Matter of K.G., D.G., D.C.B., and J.J.S., 808 N.E.2d 631

14 What is the Standard? Current standard is “Dusky” + decisional competence Some states (e.g., FL) include immaturity in their articulation of standards (but fail to define immaturity) 34 States and DC have held that juveniles have a due process right to a competency determination

15 What Information Should a Competency Evaluation Contain? Fifteen states provide guidelines typically requiring the following: – Opinion as to competency – Conditions causing incompetency – Prognosis – Recommended treatment – Criminal responsibility (3)

16 Who Has the Burden? Not Specified State (4) Defendant (4) Party that raises the issue (6)

17 What Standard of Proof Applies? Not Specified Preponderance of the Evidence Clear Preponderance Greater Weight of the Evidence

18 Dismiss with prejudice Dismiss without prejudice Civil commitment Dependency adjudication [GA] Child in need of services petition (AR, MN, VA) What Happens When There is a Finding of Incompetency?

19 “Immaturity” and Competence In re J.M. (Vermont, 2001) –“…evaluation of a juvenile’s competency is to be made with regard to juvenile norms” In the matter of Carey (Michigan, 2000) –“…competency evaluations should be made in light of juvenile, rather than adult, norms” Golden v. State (Arkansas, 2000) –“…age appropriate capacity standard to apply to juveniles, which is different from that of adults” In the Matter of K.G., D.G., D.C.B., and J.J.S. (Indiana, 2004) –“adult competency statute did not apply in determining whether juveniles were competent”

20 In re Charles B. (Arizona, 1999) In re Charles B. (Arizona, 1999) “although the juvenile…has no mental disorder or disability, he fits the description of “incompetent”… because he lacks a present ability to consult with his attorney with a reasonable degree of rational understanding, and he does not have a rational and factual understanding of the proceeding against him” – “although the juvenile…has no mental disorder or disability, he fits the description of “incompetent”… because he lacks a present ability to consult with his attorney with a reasonable degree of rational understanding, and he does not have a rational and factual understanding of the proceeding against him”

21 False Confessions Susceptibility to suggestion Susceptibility to threat from authority figures Desire to please authority figure, leading to distorted or inaccurate information Loss of temporal perspective Legal decision making capacity to waive rights

22 Current Research Thomas Grisso et al., “Juveniles’ Competence to Stand Trial: A Comparison of Adolescents’ and Adults’ Capacities as Trial Defendants,” Law & Human Behavior, 2003

23 Design – Abilities associated with adjudicative competence were assessed among 927 adolescents in juvenile detention facilities and community settings. Adolescents’ abilities were compared to those of 466 young adults in jails and in the community. Method – vignettes








31 What Age, What Standard? Should there be presumptive ages below/above which juveniles should be assumed incompetent/competent? Should immaturity alone be a basis for incompetence? Should competence be required for juvenile proceedings? If so, should criteria and standards be different from those applied in criminal court? Should competence evaluations for youth under a certain age be mandated before transfer to criminal court? What is appropriate response to juveniles found not competent in criminal court? What is appropriate response to juveniles found not competent in juvenile court? What does competence “restoration” entail when basis for incompetence is immaturity? What should we do with individuals while competence is restored?

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