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Prefix Power TEKS- 3.4 A Identify the meaning of common prefixes and know how they change the meaning of roots.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefix Power TEKS- 3.4 A Identify the meaning of common prefixes and know how they change the meaning of roots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefix Power TEKS- 3.4 A Identify the meaning of common prefixes and know how they change the meaning of roots


3 What is a prefix? A group of letters added to the beginning of a word. Prefixes are attached to a base or root word and change it’s meaning.

4 Why are prefixes important? They help the reader to understand the meaning of the word.

5 Common prefixes re - which means again pre - meaning before un - meaning not


7 Practice with un not or the opposite of Words with prefix un mean un + able not able to do something un + fair not fair un + real not real un + safe not safe. Dangerous.

8 Meaning: Not real real base word un prefix Example

9 Meaning: not balanced even base word un prefix Example

10 Meaning: To remove or take away; get rid of load base word un prefix Example

11 Meaning: not fair fair base word un prefix Example

12 Meaning: not told or spoken told base word un prefix Example


14 Practice with re again Words with prefix re mean re + do To do something again re + build To build something again re + fill To fill something again re + think To think something over again.

15 Meaning: To start over again start base word re prefix Example

16 Meaning: To do again; to repeat do base word re prefix Example

17 Meaning: To appear again appear base word re prefix Example

18 Meaning: To write again write base word re prefix Example

19 Meaning: To repair something that has been taken apart build base word re prefix Example

20 Practice with pre before or in front of Words with prefix un mean pre + packPack before pre + gameBefore or ahead of the game pre + testA test before the real test pre + viewTo look at or see something before someone else

21 Meaning: To wash before wash base word pre prefix Example

22 Meaning: To cook food partly or completely ahead of time cook base word pre prefix Example

23 Meaning: To cut in advance cut base word pre prefix Example


25 Practice Let’s practice using prefixes to help understand the meaning of words! Identify what prefix belongs with the root word and write the new word on your white board. Let’s try an example.

26 Example I am sorry I am ___able to attend your birthday party. preunre

27 Her shoe was ___ tied. preunre

28 My art teacher told me to put the ____finished work on her desk. pre unre

29 Mom told me to____ pack my clothes before I go out to play. preunre

30 Did you____ plug your phone? pre unre

31 Do you think Dad will ____ place my bike? preunre

32 Sam will ___send the email to his class. preunre

33 Lisa will ____ tell that part of the story. preunre

34 Can you ___trace your foot steps? preunre

35 The art teacher ____ cut all of materials for the project. preunre

36 At my school parents can ____ pay for our lunch. preunre

37 Will you ____heat the oven for the cookies? preunre

38 The children in _____school performed their songs for our class. preunre

39 Review Prefixes are: A group of letters added to the beginning of a word. Prefixes are attached to a base or root word and change it’s meaning.

40 Prefixes are important to help the reader understand the meaning of words.

41 Common prefixes re - which means again pre - meaning before un - meaning not

42 Continue to use those prefixes to help you identify the meaning of words as you are reading!


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