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LIST # 13. Root words= finance, influence, intent, bias Prefixes= in- not/without, pro favoring, im- not, di-through/across, re-again, un-not Suffixes=

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Presentation on theme: "LIST # 13. Root words= finance, influence, intent, bias Prefixes= in- not/without, pro favoring, im- not, di-through/across, re-again, un-not Suffixes="— Presentation transcript:

1 LIST # 13

2 Root words= finance, influence, intent, bias Prefixes= in- not/without, pro favoring, im- not, di-through/across, re-again, un-not Suffixes= ial-relating to, al-relating to, ed- past tense

3 Financial- adjective- term that pertains to money and dealing with money, credit, expenditures, etc.

4 Influential- adjective- having or demonstrating influence to others; having an impact on individuals.

5 Intentional- adjective- when things are said and/or done on purpose to help or harm others.

6 Sequential- adjective- when events follow in order; following; subsequent.

7 Flabbergasted- verb- to be overcome with complete surprise or to be astounded.

8 Implored- verb- to beg urgently for.

9 Lighthearted- adjective- carefree, cheerful, full of joy.

10 Disheveled- adjective- hanging loosely or in disorder; messy.

11 Renowned- adjective- celebrated or famous

12 Unbiased- adjective- not partial; fair.

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