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Unit 10 Spelling Antonyms: Words that mean the opposite.

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2 Unit 10 Spelling Antonyms: Words that mean the opposite

3 Advance/Retreat Advance: to go forward Retreat: to go back

4 Ascend/Descend Ascend: to go up Descend: to go down

5 Courageous/Cowardly There are many courageous people in our country. The cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz wanted courage.

6 Crooked/Straight (bonus 1) One is a crooked line, and the other is a straight line.

7 Discourage/Encourage I want to encourage you to get your work done on time. Some ads try to discourage teens from smoking.

8 Exhale/Inhale Inhale: to take in Exhale: to let out Prefixes tell meaning.

9 Failure/Success

10 Familiar/Unfamiliar Familiar: from the root word “family”; to be common, having fair knowledge of something The prefix “un-” means “not

11 Fortune/Misfortune The prefix “mis-” means “bad” or “the opposite of” The good or bad luck that happens

12 Friendly/Unfriendly

13 Seldom/Often (bonus 2) Seldom is like the idiom “once in a blue moon”. Traffic jams happen often on the expressway.

14 Don’t forget: Your homework is due Wednesday, but you may turn it in early if you wish. The test for this unit will be given on the first day of next week at the beginning of the period. Remember to bring your paper and a pencil! Study for the test. If you need help, please ask.

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