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4 A – Valley of the Geysers 4 B – The Volga River 4 C – Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras.

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Presentation on theme: "4 A – Valley of the Geysers 4 B – The Volga River 4 C – Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 A – Valley of the Geysers 4 B – The Volga River 4 C – Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras

2 Valley of the Geysers  to punch – to make a hole in something;  crust – a hard layer on the surface of something;  to eject – to make something come out;  steam – the hot wet substance like a cloud that is produced when water is heated;  jet – a stream of liquid that comes out of something very quickly and with a lot of force;  mud pot -  to obliterate – to destroy something completely;

3 Valley of the Geysers  to hurl – to throw something using a lot of force;  blink – the act of closing and opening your eyes quickly;  debris – the broken pieces that are left when something large has been destroyed;  to perceive – to understand or think about something in a particular way;  to embrace - FORMAL to accept something new with enthusiasm.

4 The Volga River  swathe – a large area;  impact – an effect or influence;  devastating – causing a lot of harm or damage;  to plummet – suddenly to become much lower;  to impose – establish, introduce;  dam -  to poach - to illegally catch or kill an animal, bird, or fish on someone else's property;

5 The Volga River  sturgeon – any of various primitive bony fishes of temperate waters of the Northern hemisphere;  to reside – to live in a particular place;  fine - an amount of money that you must pay because you have broken the law.

6 Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras  to carve – to make a pattern by cutting into stone or wood;  painstaking – done or doing something very carefully and slowly;  harsh – rough, hard;  terrain – an area of land with a particular physical feature;  astounding – very surprising or shocking;  testament – evidence that something exists or is true;

7 Rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras  to span - to last for a particular period of time;  to erode – to gradually damage the surface of rock or land so that it begins to disappear, or to be gradually damaged in this way;  gravity – the serious or important quality of something;  devastation – a process of causing a lot of harm or damage;  grave - so serious that you feel worried;  endure - to last for a long time.

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