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Broward County Water Advisory Board Technical Advisory Committee December 19,2014 Barbara Powell, EPCRD, Broward County.

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1 Broward County Water Advisory Board Technical Advisory Committee December 19,2014 Barbara Powell, EPCRD, Broward County

2 Conservation Strategy Broward County-wide Integrated Water Resource Plan (IWRP)-2009 Ensuring water management strategies Protect the quantity and quality of the water resources Promoting conservation as the most cost-effective means of producing “new” water

3 Conservation Strategy, cont. Broward Water Resources Task Force Report-2010 Achieving significant and measurable reductions 40 recommendations – 25 % support conservation regional water conservation incentives/rebate program regulations for high-efficiency plumbing fixtures changes to the FL Building Codes model landscaping codes

4 Programs under the “Water Matters” campaign - Designed to produce long-term demand reductions and water quality improvements NatureScape Broward ConservationPays NatureScape Irrigation Services Know the Flow Water Matters Day Regulatory incentives Conservation Initiatives

5 Conservation Over Time

6 Partner Collaborations… Water Advisory Board Water Resources Task Force

7 …and the Broward Community!

8 SFWMD Cooperative Funding Prpogram

9 Water Conservation and Incentives Programs Broward Water Partnership 18 municipalities and water utilities: conservation messaging rebates/incentives 5,448 water saving toilets $540,000 in rebates 86 million gallons saved

10 Water Conservation and Incentives Programs-Next New campaign – February 2015 Winner will have a retrofit of their home with water saving appliances, fixtures and a new state-of-the-art irrigation system New Mascot – 2015

11 Broward Water Matters Day Record Attendance in 2014

12 Broward Water Matters Day-Next More than 40 booths 16 food trucks Music Demonstration gardens Tree and plant give away 13th Annual Water Matters Day Saturday, March 14, 2015 Tree Tops Park in Davie “Water Matters – Celebrating Our Centennial” in recognition of Broward County’s 100th Anniversary

13 NatureScape Broward 3,700 certified sites and 16 community habitats

14 NatureScape Broward - Next National Wildlife Federation Grant “Save the Monarch Broward” Creating butterfly gardens Educational opportunities

15 NatureScape Irrigation Service 18 municipal/utility partnership Over 1 Billion gallons saved to-date 125 million gallons annually >20 % water savings per site

16 NatureScape Irrigation Service-Next 5 Year ILA renewal – expanding to 21 partners New Conservation Specialist Development of Conservation Plans for partners New tools for evaluation selections insert map

17 Partnership with Broward Schools

18 Partnership with Broward Schools -Next School Board Renewal –December 2014 Opportunity to build in our programming Student water infrastructure internship New garden/landscaping opportunities Indoor school audits P3 Eco-Challenge – May, 2015

19 The Continuing Case for Conservation Provides the lowest cost source of future water Postpones and reduces the need for more costly alternative water supplies Lessens the severity of water shortages Helps to maintain groundwater levels and protect existing water supplies Will become increasingly important with climate change

20 Comprehensive Water Supply Planning Plans required of all local governments Coordination between future land use and water supply planning Identify water supply sources for future demands Requirements Data and analysis Intergovernmental coordination Fiscal planning for water supply projects Conservation and reuse measures identified

21 2% growth from 2010 to 2013 Projected med. growth to 2040 increase by 16% Additional 50 MGD Long-term Growth Trends

22 The Future Greater conservation efforts Project and funding partnerships New technologies for business and government operation Long-term commitments

23 Barbara Powell (954) 519-0356 Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department Natural Resources Planning and Management Division

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