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Young People and the Law I will: Understand the meaning and implications of the age of criminal responsibility. Examine the law in relation to young people.

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Presentation on theme: "Young People and the Law I will: Understand the meaning and implications of the age of criminal responsibility. Examine the law in relation to young people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young People and the Law I will: Understand the meaning and implications of the age of criminal responsibility. Examine the law in relation to young people. Discuss some of the reasons why young people break the law.

2 Where do young people get there ideas of right and wrong from? In pairs complete the above thought shower. See how many ideas you can come up with!

3 Criminal Responsibility The age of criminal responsibility is the age at which we are considered old enough to become responsible for a crime and can be punished by a court. What do you think the age of criminal responsibility should be?

4 Cyprus, Ireland, Switzerland7 Scotland8 England and Wales10 France13 Germany, Italy, Austria14 Denmark, Norway, Sweden15 Portugal, Spain16 Belgium, Luxembourg18 In England and Wales children must be 10 or over to be arrested or charged with a crime.

5 Questions 1.The age of criminal responsibility is the age …… 2.In England and Wales the age of criminal responsibility is …… 3.I think that the age of criminal responsibility should be higher / lower because …..

6 Parents In Britain parents are not normally held responsible for their children’s crimes unless it can be shown that they gave their child help or encouragement. However, parents are responsible for paying their child’s court fines if he or she is under 16. Also they can be ordered to pay up to £5000 compensation to the victim. Parents can be ordered by courts to attend special guidance sessions to learn how to stop their children from getting into any more serious trouble. Parents who ignore this can be put on probation or fined £1000.

7 At __ you can vote in elections. At __ you can marry with your parents consent. At __ you can go into the bar of a pub, with permission, but only for a soft drink. At __ you can decide about your own health care. At __ you can order half a beer, cider or glass of wine to drink with a meal. At __ You can buy and smoke tobacco. At __ you can have a part time job but you are not allowed to work on any school day during school time. At __ You can drive a car with up to 8 passengers. At __ you can buy alcohol to drink in a bar. At __ you can be sold a pet animal. At __ you can be held liable for debt. At __ you can be tattooed. At __ you can be considered responsible for a crime if there is evidence to show that you knew what you were doing.

8 At 10 you can be considered responsible for a crime if there is evidence to show that you knew what you were doing. At 12 you can be sold a pet animal. At 13 you can have a part time job but you are not allowed to work on any school day during school time. At 14 you can go into the bar of a pub, with permission, but only for a soft drink. At 16 you can decide about your own health care. At 16 you can order half a beer, cider or glass of wine to drink with a meal. At 16 you can marry with your parents consent. At 16 You can buy and smoke tobacco. At 17 You can drive a car with up to 8 passengers. At 18 you can buy alcohol to drink in a bar. At 18 you can be held liable for debt. At 18 you can be tattooed. At 18 you can vote in elections.

9 Age and the Law At 16 you can: 1. 2. 3. 4. At 18 you can: 1. 2. 3. 4. What can you remember? In pairs complete the two lists.

10 Group Work Why do young people break the law? Swap writers half way through the activity. Write down as many ideas as possible!

11 Group Work What might stop young people from breaking the law? Swap writers half way through the activity. Write down as many ideas as possible!

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