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Vocabulary Andrew Clements Then... Andrew Clements was born in Camden, New Jersey in 1949. Do you know of anybody else who was born in NJ? (hint: she’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Andrew Clements Then... Andrew Clements was born in Camden, New Jersey in 1949. Do you know of anybody else who was born in NJ? (hint: she’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary

3 Andrew Clements Then... Andrew Clements was born in Camden, New Jersey in 1949. Do you know of anybody else who was born in NJ? (hint: she’s young, beautiful... )

4 Then he and his family moved to Springfield, Illinois when he was in the middle of the sixth grade. Several teachers gave him and his writing encouragement until they asked him to teach creative writing classes.

5 He got married They had a child He went to New York to pursue a career as a singer- songwriter. Got a job in publishing Went to work for Alphabet Press and then Picture Book Studio Began writing picture book texts First published by Picture Book Studio in 1985.

6 Being Published His 1 st book was published in 1985 by Picture Book Studio while he was working for them. Frindle was published in 1996.

7 Frindle Around the World Germany United Kingdom Italy Hungary Japan Korea

8 Will Frindle Be Made into a Movie? http://www.frindlemov Click here to see for yourself.

9 Some of Clements’s Other Books Temple Cat (United Kingdom) A Week in the Woods (Italy) The Landry News (Italy) The Jacket (Germany)

10 The School Story (Japan) Big Al (Korea) The School Story (France)Circus Family Dog (France)

11 Combination of Two Words A portmanteau word is one which combines the sounds and meanings of two other words. For example:

12 Try this portmanteau... We’ll give you the word, you tell which two words created it. = ____________________ + _______________________

13 = ______________________+ ________________________

14 = ______________________ + __________________

15 = _____________________ + _________________________

16 = ______________________ + ________________________

17 = _________________ + ____________________________

18 Work Cited d.shtml d.shtml

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