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Inventions, Innovations, and the city of Manchester, England.

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Presentation on theme: "Inventions, Innovations, and the city of Manchester, England."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventions, Innovations, and the city of Manchester, England

2  Flying Shuttle (England, 1733)  Spinning Jenny (England, 1764)  Water Frame (England, 1769)  Spinning Mule (England, 1779)  Power Loom (England, 1787)  Cotton Gin (U.S.A. 1793)  Production of Textiles in England Soars  Flying Shuttle (England, 1733)  Spinning Jenny (England, 1764)  Water Frame (England, 1769)  Spinning Mule (England, 1779)  Power Loom (England, 1787)  Cotton Gin (U.S.A. 1793)  Production of Textiles in England Soars

3  Factories need power to run machines  Falling Water, Factories tend to cluster around rivers and waterfalls  1705-First Steam Engine  1765 James Watt makes the Steam Engine Faster, More Efficient, Use Less Fuel

4  Increased production increased the need to get products to market  On the Water  England Canals connect major waterways  U.S.A., 1807 Robert Fulton uses steam power to propel ships  On the Road  England, John McAdam improves road construction  England, Private investors build toll roads, and turnpikes  On the Rails  England, 1804 1 st working steam locomotive  England 1821 1 st railroad line (Manchester to Liverpool)


6  Cryus McCormick- Mechanical Reaper 1831  John Deere- Steel Plow 1837  Samual F.B. Morse- Telegraph & Morse Code 1837  Isaac Merritt Singer- Improved Sewing Machine 1851  Alexander Graham Bell- Telephone 1876  Samuel Slater- Brought English Textile Technology to America 1789  Francis Cabot Lowell- First modern textile mill in America 1814  Eli Whitney- Cotton Gin 1793  Robert Fulton- Steamship 1807

7  U.S.A. has huge amounts of the things needed to Industrialize  Raw Materials (Oil, Coal, Iron)  Invention & Innovation  Large Labor Force (Workers)  Railroads  Cities explode along RR lines  Transcontinental RR May 10, 1869  Corporations  Standard Oil  Carnegie Steel


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