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LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto1 ENSAR: Transnational Access to LNL-LNS (TNA03) INFN-LNL, Legnaro (Padova), Italy INFN-LNS, Catania,

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Presentation on theme: "LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto1 ENSAR: Transnational Access to LNL-LNS (TNA03) INFN-LNL, Legnaro (Padova), Italy INFN-LNS, Catania,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto1 ENSAR: Transnational Access to LNL-LNS (TNA03) INFN-LNL, Legnaro (Padova), Italy INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy Photo LNL LNS LNS included for the first time in the list of Transnational Access Facilities

2 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto2 The EU-FP7 funded Integrating Activity “European Nuclear Science and Applications Research” ENSAR (Grant Agreement n. 262010) September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2014

3 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto3 ENSAR is the Integrating Activity of Nuclear Scientists from almost all European countries performing research in three of the major subfields of Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics and Applications of Nuclear Science. It proposes an optimized ensemble of Networking (NAs), Transnational Access and Joint Research Activities (JRAs), which will ensure qualitative and quantitative improvement of the access provided by the current seven infrastructures, which are at the core of this proposal. The novel and innovative developments that will be achieved by the RTD activities will also assure state-of-the-art technology needed for the new large-scale projects. Total budget ~ 8 M€ Project Coordinator : Prof. M. Harakeh Managing Institution : GANIL

4 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto4 Partners 30 Beneficiaries 18 Countries 53 Associated partners

5 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto5 Involved Laboratories Transnational Access Facilities in IA ENSAR TNA01 (Access to GANIL, 3510 hours of beam) TNA02 (Access to GSI, 3750 h) TNA03 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS, 4424 h) TNA04 (Access to JYU-JYFL, 3000h) TNA05 (Access to KVI, 800 h) TNA06 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE, 5200 h) TNA07 (Access to ALTO, 1470 h) Strong emphasis on the support for users

6 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto6 TNA03 - Transnational Access to LNL-LNS INFN-LNL, Legnaro (Padova), Italy INFN-LNS, Catania, Italy Photo LNL LNS TNA Coordinator : E. Fioretto (INFN-LNL) Deputy Coordinator : R. Alba (INFN-LNS)

7 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto7 TNA03 – Accelerator facilities PIAVE injector AN2000 CN XTU-Tandem SC Booster ALPI 3.500 h 2.000 h 12.700 beam-on-target hours 5.200 h SMP Tandem SC Cyclotron EXCYT

8 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto8 TNA03 – Deliverables Min. quantity of access to be provided 4424 h / 4y 204 users / 4y 52 projects / 4y NSDBF  Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Based Facilities AIPF  Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics Facilities


10 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto10 TNA03 – How to apply

11 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto11 TNA03 – User support 40 yearly research visits with 276 person-days: - Average cost of a round trip to LNL  300 € - Daily allowance  63 € 40 yearly research visits with 276 person-days: - Average cost of a round trip to LNL  300 € - Daily allowance  63 € 26 yearly research visits with 178 person-days: - Average cost of a round trip to LNS  400 € - Daily allowance  63 € 26 yearly research visits with 178 person-days: - Average cost of a round trip to LNS  400 € - Daily allowance  63 € Travelling expenses will be reimbursed on the most economic route. Italian administrative rules will be applied. Priority: new users users coming from countries where no such research infrastructures exist. Priority: new users users coming from countries where no such research infrastructures exist. Status: Postgraduate PGR Post-doctoral PDOC Experienced researcher EXP Technician TEC Status: Postgraduate PGR Post-doctoral PDOC Experienced researcher EXP Technician TEC

12 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto12 TNA03 – PACs and ENSAR User Selection Panel Prof. A. Vitturi (LNL PAC Chairman) Prof. R. Bougault (LNS PAC Chairman) Prof. G. De France (LNL PAC member) A. Kacperek (LNS PAC member) E. Fioretto (TNA Coordinator) ENSAR USP LNS Program Advisory Committee LNS Program Advisory Committee LNL Program Advisory Committee and USP LNL Program Advisory Committee and USP Scientific merit of the proposals EU support within ENSAR Beam time allocation Prof. S. Lunardi (LNL PAC Chairman) Prof. R. Bougault (LNS PAC Chairman) Dr. D. Ackerman (LNL PAC member) A. Kacperek (LNS PAC member) E. Fioretto (TNA Coordinator) Meetings of the ENSAR USP July 13 th, 2011 at LNL October 12 th 2011 (via e-mail) July 11 th, 2012 at LNS October 4 th 2012 (via e-mail) September 24 th, 2012 May 24 th, 2011

13 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto13 TNA03 – Web page

14 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto14 TNA03 – User feedback /questionnaire_en.html To fill out : the on-line questionnaire as soon as the experiment at the infrastructure come to end the Experiment Summary Report All publications directly linked to the supported experiments within ENSAR have to include the acknowledgement to the European Union Group Leader duties The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant Agreement n° 262010 - ENSAR.

15 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto15 TNA03 - Status The activity started at the end of May 2011 32 (19+13) experiments approved by the ENSAR User Selection Panel 18 experiments carried out from June 2011 to July 2012 6  PRISMA+AGATA Demonstrator (LNL) 1  AGATA Dem + 8 large volume LaBr3 scintillators (LNL) 1  PRISMA (LNL) 1  MAGNEX (LNS) 1  In-beam tests of FAZIA prototypes (LNS) 5  Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics projects (LNL-LNS) 1  EXOTIC (LNL) 1  Sliding-seal chamber – Nuclear astrophysics - THM (LNL) 1  In-beam tests of diamond detectors (LNS) 94 users (36 new users) 652 person-days

16 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto16 TNA03 – Experiments @ NSDBF selected in 2011 LNS GPV – CS/MAGNEX120 h 1 user6 days LNS FAZIA – CS/FAZIA telescopes160 h 6 users45 days LNL PAC10.44 – XTU Tandem+ALPI/AGATA+PRISMA192 h 7 users59 days LNL PAC10.40 – PIAVE+ALPI/AGATA+PRISMA240 h 8 users65 days LNL PAC10.30 – PIAVE+ALPI/AGATA+PRISMA192 h 7 users44 days LNL BORON – XTU Tandem+ALPI/EXOTIC168 h 5 users37 days LNS LIP-Magnex – Tandem SMP/MAGNEX144 h 6/0 users46/0 days LNS COSMOLIT – Tandem SMP/MAGNEX+monolithic Si det.168 h 5/0 users45/0 days LNL 10.41 – XTU Tandem+ALPI/AGATA+PRISMA240 h 9 users68 days LNL 11.22 – PIAVE+ALPI/AGATA+PRISMA192h 9 users80 days LNL 11.25 – PIAVE+ALPI/AGATA+PRISMA120 h 9 users57 days LNL 11.32 – XTU Tandem+ALPI/AGATA+TRACE+LaBr 3 192 h 10 users62 days LNL 11.33 – PIAVE+ALPI/PRISMA192 h 5 users36 days LNS TODD – CS/Diamond detectors24 h 7 users21 days LNS NICAR – Tandem SMP/Si telescopes384 h 4/0 users63/0 days ENSAR USP meeting July 13 th, 2011 @ LNL ENSAR USP meeting October 10 th -12 th, 2011 via e-mail 8 8 7 7

17 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto17 TNA03 – Experiments @ AIPF selected in 2011 LNL USP11.58 (COMIBEAT) – AN2000/Micro-beam48 h 2 users8 days LNL USP11.71 (MicroArchaeoStudy) – AN2000/Micro-beam120 h 2 users10 days LNS BIOMAS-Arcor – CS/CATANA and 0  beam line 8 h 2 users4 day LNS DNA-BRAGG – CS/CATANA and 0  beam line 112 h 3 users15 days ENSAR USP meeting October 10 th -12 th, 2011 via e-mail NSDBF (LNL)  508 person-days ; 69 users ; 9 projects AIPF (LNL)  18 person-days ; 4 users ; 2 projects NSDBF (LNS)  72 person-days ; 14 users ; 3 projects AIPF (LNS)  19 person-days ; 5 users ; 2 projects NSDBF  580 person-days ; 83 users 12 projects AIPF  37 person-days ; 9 users 4 projects 4 4

18 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto18 TNA03 – Experiments @ NSDBF selected in 2012 NSDBF LNL 12.05 – PIAVE+ALPI/PRISMA264 h7 users77 days LNL 12.07 – Tandem+ALPI/GARFIELD168 hNot eligible LNL 12.10 – Tandem/PISOLO (Electrostatic deflector)144 h4 users30 days LNL 12.11 – (9-18 July) – Tandem/Sliding seal240 h3 users36 days LNL 12.12 – Tandem/GARFIELD-RingCounter144 h2 users12 days LNS FAZIA – CS/FAZIA telescopes144 h10 users80 days LNS 16O-MAGNEX – CS/MAGNEX160 h4 users36 days LNS BOSE – CS/CHIMERA-FARCOS (Not presented) /Not presented LNS BRUMKOK – CS/FARCOS array (Not presented) /Not presented 271 person-days ; 30 users (10 new users) ; 30 visits ENSAR USP meeting held at LNS on July 11 th, 2012 6 6

19 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto19 TNA03 – Experiments @ AIPF selected in 2012 LNL USP12.39 (ILITS) – Tandem/PTB Ion Counter24 h4 users18 days LNL USP12.15 – (28-29 June) – AN2000/Micro-beam20 h2 users4 days LNS HADMAC – CS/CATANA and 0° irradiation facility88 h4 users28 days LNS PIXE – CS/CATANA32 h3 users9 days LNS DNA-BRAGG – CS/CATANA and 0° irradiation facility64 h4 users32 days AIPF 135 person-days; 24 users (9 new users) ; 47 visits LNL USIP12.03 (BYZANTINE_CERAMICS) AN2000/Micro-beam 50 h2 users12 days LNL USIP12.04 (CIEMAT-COMIBEAT) AN2000/Micro-beam 30 h3 users12 days AIPF ENSAR USP meeting held at LNS on July 11 th, 2012 ENSAR USP approval on October 4 th, 2012 via e-mail 5 5 2 2

20 TNA03 – Activity at LNL-LNS up to July 2012 204 users / 4y 36 new users 34 @ NSDBF, 2 @AIPF 52 projects / 4y 1816 person-days / 4y 18 projects  35% 94 users  46% 652 person-days  36%

21 TNA03 – Activity at LNL up to July 2012 124 users / 4y 30 new users 29 @ NSDBF, 1 @AIPF 28 projects / 4y 1104 person-days / 4y 13 projects  46% 78 users  63% 566 person-days  51%

22 TNA03 – Activity at LNS up to July 2012 80 users / 4y 6 new users 5 @ NSDBF, 1 @AIPF 24 projects / 4y 712 person-days / 4y 5 projects  21% (33%) 16 users  20% (38%) 86 person-days  12% (34%)

23 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto23 TNA03 – Projects supported up to July 2012 Titles Lifetimes of intruder states in N~20 sd-pf-shell neutron-rich nuclei RDDS lifetime measurement in the region of the 132 Sn: Lifetime of the 6 + state in 136 Te Structure beyond the N=50 closure in neutron-rich nuclei in the vicinity of 78 Ni: the case of N=51 nuclei Nuclear structure of neutron–rich isotopes in the Z~38 region populated by heavy–ion induced fission Spectroscopy of neutron rich Th and U nuclei after multi-nucleon reactions Collectivity at maximum nucleon valency: investiga- tion of ground-state rotation in the neutron-rich Dy, Er and Yb nuclei Study of high-lying bound and unbound states in 124 Sn and 140 Ce via inelastic scattering of 17 O ions Differential Plunger PRISMA AD DANTE TRACE + 8 large volume LaBr3 10 LaBr3 Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Based Facilities @ LNL + + + +

24 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto24 TNA03 – AGATA at LNL (end of December 2011) AGATA concluded the physics campaign at LNL the end of December 2011 ~ 50% of the total beam time at the Tandem/PIAVE-ALPI accelerator complex 7 projects 59 users (22 new users) 435 person-days PRISMAAGATA

25 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto25 TNA03 – Projects supported up to July 2012 Titles GPV measurement in Sn and Pb with (p,t) reaction (LNS) Test of FAZIA prototypes at LNS Sub-barrier transfer measurements (LNL) 8 B+ 28 Si total reaction cross sections at near barrier energies (LNL) Indirect study of the 19 F(p,  ) 16 O reaction through the THM applied to the 2 H( 19 F,  16 O)n three-body reaction High rate capable detectors for heavy ion tracking (LNS) Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Based Facilities @ LNL - LNS MAGNEX FAZIA PRISMA Diamond detectors EXOTIC

26 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto26 TNA03 – Projects supported up to July 2012 Titles Contaminant migration in radioactive waste repositories (LNL) Micro-PIXE studies on archaeological samples (LNL) DNA damage and cellular response along and around the Bragg curve of heavy ions (LNS) BiOMAS-ARCoR Biochip for Organic Matter Analysis in Space: Antibody Resistance to Cosmic Radiations Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics Facilities @ LNL - LNS Irradiation facility 0° beamline @ LNS CATANA Micro-beam @ LNL

27 TNA03 – To be performed at LNL by February 2013 9 new users 3 @ NSDBF, 6 @AIPF 19 projects  68% 100 users  80% 727 person-days  66% 124 users / 4y 28 projects / 4y 1104 person-days / 4y

28 TNA03 – To be performed at LNS by July 2013 13 new users 10 @ NSDBF, 3 @AIPF 80 users / 4y 24 projects / 4y 712 person-days / 4y 12 projects  50% 53 users  66% 400 person-days  56%

29 TNA03 – Summary 204 users / 4y 58 new users 47 @ NSDBF, 11 @AIPF 52 projects / 4y 1816 person-days / 4y 31 projects  60% 153 users  75% 1127 person-days  62% up to Feb 2013 (LNL) July 2013 (LNS) up to Feb 2013 (LNL) July 2013 (LNS)

30 LNS User Meeting – 30 th October, 2012E. Fioretto30 Summary 32 experiments selected by the ENSAR User Selection Panel 21 experiments @ NSDBF (949 person-days, 119 users, 47 new users) 11 experiments @ AIPF (178 person-days, 34 users, 11 new users) 18 experiments already performed by the end of July 2012 2 LNS experiments selected in 2011 have been postponed  stop of the Tandem operation 1 LNS experiment selected in 2011 has been cancelled by the spokesperson because new experimental results (published after the PAC meeting at LNS in June) made it irrelevant. Next calls for proposals December 2012 @ LNL February-March 2013 @ LNS

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