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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, July 24, 2011

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, July 24, 2011

2 Summary and Conclusion of the Upper Room and Garden of Gethsemane Discourses. John 13-16

3 Summary of Chapters 15-16, The Garden of Gethsemane Discourse, Part 3. Chapter 16:16-33

4 Vs. 16-19, The disciples deliberate over three factors:

5 1) His death, “you will not behold Me”, 2) His resurrection, “you will see Me”, and 3) His Ascension and Session, “because I go to the Father.”

6 Vs. 20, The disciple’s and world’s reaction to Jesus’ death upon the Cross is completely upside down.

7 Vs. 20b - 22, Yet the disciple’s sorrow would be turned right side up into “joy”, the +H of God.

8 Rejoicing comes from the “heart”, the right lobe of your soul where you store, retain and apply Bible Doctrine.

9 Vs. 23-24, 26-27, Prayer is in view once again.

10 The Protocol for Prayer: 1) Pray to the Father only, 2) Pray in the name of Jesus, 3) Your prayers will be answered, the confidence factor.

11 Vs. 24, +H is the result of abiding by God’s protocol for prayer.

12 Vs. 26, We can prayer directly to the Father because of our Priesthood.

13 Vs. 27, Your prayers are answered because the Father PHILEO loves you.

14 PHILEO is a rapport love or relationship type of love. AGAPE love is impersonal and unconditional.

15 AGAPE love is based on the subject “the one who is doing the loving”, where PHILEO love is based on the object, “the one who is being loved.”

16 The Father has love for you because you have expressed love to Him. Our love for the Father is shown to us in two ways.

17 1. “You have PHILEO loved Jesus,” by AGAPE loving His word, John 14:15.

18 1. “You have PHILEO loved Jesus,” by AGAPE loving His word, John 14:15. 2. You accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

19 Vs. 28, Jesus reiterates several Doctrines regarding His Incarnation:

20 1. His Deity, “I came forth form the Father.”

21 1. His Deity, “I came forth form the Father.” 2. His Humanity in Hypostatic Union, “have come into the world.”

22 3. His Cross (death), Resurrection and Ascension, “I am leaving the world.”

23 3. His Cross (death), Resurrection and Ascension, “I am leaving the world.” 4. His Session, “going to the Father.”

24 Vs. 29-32, The Disciples reveal their hypocrisy.

25 Vs. 32, The great example of faith, “I am not alone because the Father is with Me.”

26 “God will never leave you nor forsake you.” 1 Kings 8:57; Heb 13:5.

27 Vs. 33, Bible Doctrine resident within your soul results in the inner peace of God in you.

28 “I have overcome (NIKAO) the world.” This is the strategic victory of the Angelic Conflict that our Lord Jesus Christ won at the Cross that we share in too.

29 Grace Offering

30 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, July 24, 2011 Tape # 11-084 Summary and Conclusion of the Upper Room Discourse Upper Room Discourse, Part 533 John 15 and 16 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2011

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