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Agricultural Land and Water ttp:// Toward-Undernutrition/dp/1588266389 corn belt.

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1 Agricultural Land and Water ttp:// Toward-Undernutrition/dp/1588266389 corn belt

2 Pastoral nomadism Pastoral nomadism is a type of herding that involves moving herds each season to locations that are most suitable for the animals

3 Agricultural Land Use Source: NASA

4 Land Availability Ag land has increased slowly –2.8% 1960s –2.3% 1970s –3.7% 1980s –2.1% 1990s Most increases in pasture land Grazing cattle, Brazil

5 Sustainable land use model The sustainable land use model features humans altering the landscape in an attempt to preserve the natural environment Shifting cultivation agriculture occupies most farmland throughout the world Plantation agriculture is practiced primarily in developing countries

6 Land with Crop Potential 2.57 billion hectares of land with crop potential –Excluding china Cereal grains are the most widely grown crops in the world Only using < 1 billion Problems with most unused potential land –Hilly –Poor soil –Poor drainage Could increase ag land –30%

7 Potential arable land

8 Agricultural Intensity HANPP: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production

9 Land lost to Ag production Urban expansion –Small effect worldwide Global warming may flood coastal areas Soil degradation –1/3 cropland worldwide abandoned due to erosion

10 Central America

11 Irrigation World Water Use: –Agriculture69% –Domestic 8% –Industry23% Irrigated crops provide 40% of food worldwide Yields with irrigation increase 2-3X Intertillage refers to planting between the rows of crops. A common practice in the tropics is to plant taller, stronger crops in between rows of lower, fragile crops to protect the fragile crops from downpours

12 Agrarian societies agrarian societies rely on farming The debt-for-nature swap is a program for developing countries that reduces their foreign debt and promotes local conservation funding. It’s most common in the tropics, with its high percentages of plant and animal diversity

13 Irrigated land

14 Mediterranean agriculture extends beyond the Mediterranean basin and also includes California, central Chile, South Africa, and southwest Australia because of their similar climates. These regions are known for their fruit crops as well as other specialized plants that can tolerate moderate rainfall in the winter season

15 Water withdrawals for irrigation

16 Domesticated plants and animals are genetically adapted from their wild predecessors for human diets and other needs Industrial agriculture refers to the use of machinery in modern farming. The goal of industrial agriculture is to increase food availability. There are serious environmental and social consequences such as water pollution and lack of jobs in rural farm-based communities Slash-and-burn, a technique often used in tropical regions to clear forest land for farming, is an example of subsistence farming. Subsistence farmers produce enough food to support their families but not enough for export

17 Sandra Postel “Water use tripled between 1950 and 1990 –as world population soared by some 2.7 billion… Worldwide demand for water cannot triple again –without causing severe shortages for crop irrigation, industrial use, basic household needs and critical life-supporting ecosystems”

18 Conserving Ag water Water harvesting –Collecting and saving runoff Drip irrigation Drought tolerant varieties Drip irrigation

19 Monoculture is the practice of growing one crop at a large scale for cash Desertification is the process of fertile land turning into desert as a result of poor environmental and social management. Overgrazing, off-road vehicle use, and overcultivation all contribute to soil loss. Policies that favor sedentary farming over nomadic herding also increase desertification, as sedentary farmers cannot easily move and adjust to climatic and resource availabilities

20 Colorado River River is drained dry – before it reaches the ocean Heavy irrigation use –Colorado –Arizona –California –Mexico City water supply –Las Vegas –Phoenix –Tucson California irrigation from the Colorado River

21 Irrigation in China Yellow river used for irrigation River ran dry in 1972 –For 15 days Since 1986 runs dry every year In 1997, dry for 227 days Yellow River

22 India River Interlink Plan $200 billion plan –to bring water to south India Will link 36 rivers with canals –Completed in 2016 Potential benefits –Reduce flooding –Hydroelectric power –Irrigation

23 Vandana Shiva Industrial ag requires 5x water of indigenous ag – wheat and rice Pumping groundwater not the solution –Aquifers depleted Big dams not the solution –benefit cities, investors –Ecologically destructive –Displaces poor farmers –Many small dams better Small dam, India

24 Aswan Dam, Egypt Benefits –Controls flooding of Nile River –Hydroelectric power Problems –Fertile silt not deposited Farmers must use fertilizer –Schistosomiasis increase –Nile delta receding –Increased salinity

25 Extractive industries remove natural resources from the ground Carl Sauer, a geographer from University of California, Berkeley, argued that natural landscapes had been indirectly altered by human activity. He also wrote on plant and animal domestication and determined that plant domestication first originated in hilly areas with sedentary people

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