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GCE Software Systems Development A2 Agreement Trial Implementing Solutions October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "GCE Software Systems Development A2 Agreement Trial Implementing Solutions October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCE Software Systems Development A2 Agreement Trial Implementing Solutions October 2015

2 Agenda  Welcome and Introduction  Summer 2015  Administration Considerations  Specification Overview  E-Candidate Record sheets  The A2 2 Assessment Criteria  Demo of RDMS solution of one candidate  Exemplar 1-Table Marking  Exemplar 2 -Table Marking  Exemplar 3 – Table Marking  Creating a database in SQL Management Studio  Studio2 case study

3 Summer 2014  First A2 award  Work was submitted from 5 centres  31 candidates in total

4 Administration Considerations  Files for assessment must be submitted on CD  CD must include the executable program, the project files and the report  Database backup  Indicate on online CRS username and password  CDs must be thoroughly tested prior to submission  Imperative that centres indicate with comment and specific page numbers where candidates were awarded credit

5 Specification Overview UnitAssessment Method Unit AS 1: Introduction to Object Oriented Development External Assessment 2 hour Question Paper Unit AS 2: Event Driven Programming Internal Assessment Development of interactive game/quiz Software solution and portfolio of evidence Unit A2 1: Systems Approaches and Database Concepts External Assessment 2 hour Question Paper Unit A2 2: Implementing Solutions Internal Assessment Based on pre-release material Software solution and Portfolio of evidence

6 The A2 2 Assessment Criteria

7 AO1 – Level 4 “Candidate demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of project management techniques. This is evidenced by the provision of a comprehensive project plan showing the full range of tasks, resources and timescales using relevant software.”

8 “Candidate demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the need to adopt a suitable approach to the solution This is evidenced by the clear identification of a range of approaches to the solution.”

9 “Candidate demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of User Requirements. This is evidenced by the provision of a comprehensive User Requirements specification that is very well structured and contains all necessary elements. The User Requirements specification will relate explicitly to the outcomes of research of the problem.”

10 AO1 – Level 4  Background A brief overview of North Coast Adventures  Problem Identification Identify problems with the current system  Identify System Approach Analyse all the approached to software development and chose an approach to apply to the solution.  Time Plan Gannt Chart/PERT Chart (Detailed breakdown of tasks, time and resources used)  User requirements  A numbered list of objectives which the user wants the solution to provide.

11 AO1 – Level 4 “Candidate demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of a documented design. This is evidenced by the production of a highly detailed design specification that includes a valid data model, structure, input specifications, processes, output specifications, screen designs and report specifications. The design shows comprehensive evidence of testing.”

12 AO1 – Level 4  Discussion on Data model Normalisation of section of Studio 2 chosen  For candidates’ Designs – Normalise the section for which a solution is proposed  Data structures  Storyboard, screen designs, reports, output  SQL algorithms or pseudo code  control property tables (place in appendix) (Already demonstrated at AS)

13 AO2 – Level 4  “Candidate demonstrates excellent application of knowledge and skills to the solution of the problem using a RDMS.  This is evidenced by a comprehensive working solution to the specified problem that has a good quality, user friendly user interface.”

14 AO2 – Level 4 “Candidate demonstrates excellent knowledge and skills regarding the development of a solution to multiple tables showing the ability to: add: delete: update and display comprehensive related data from multiple tables. Candidates generate a report of related data demonstrating manipulation of data reported to a very high standard. Candidate demonstrates excellent application of knowledge and skills of the solution. This is evidenced by the production of a CD or alternative electronic media containing the code to create and populate the supporting database; the code used to develop the solution; and a highly detailed instructional user guide.”

15 AO2 – Level 4 “Candidate demonstrates excellent application of knowledge and skills to the testing of the solution. This is evidenced by the production of a comprehensive test plan and a detailed range of representative sample test outcomes.”

16 AO2 – Level 4  The test plan, where appropriate, should use specific values for test data and for expected output  Test should be driven by the user requirements

17 AO2 – Level 4  If testing is comprehensive and meets the needs of the user requirements then all relevant screenshots should be included  Moderators will run the program in advance and view the code used  Program code should include relevant comment relating to each method, class etc.

18 AO3 – Level 4  “ Candidate demonstrates excellent analysis and evaluation skills. This is evidenced by highly detailed reference to the tasks, resources and timescales contained in the project plan.  Candidate explains the impact of change on the project plan and the completion of the project.”

19 AO3 – Level 4  “Candidate makes very detailed reference to the user requirements and comprehensively evaluates how they have been fulfilled.  Candidate demonstrates excellent analysis and evaluation of the range of possible approaches to the solution of the problem as well as a thorough justification and explanation of the selected approach.  Candidate provides excellent evaluation of test procedures.”

20 AO3 – Level 4 “Candidate provides excellent evaluative comment regarding the solution to the problem. Candidate demonstrates excellent application of analysis and evaluation of the solution evidenced by the provision of a podcast. Candidate makes very detailed evaluative comment regarding their own performance. Relevant material is succinct, well organised and presented with a high degree of clarity and coherence. Use of specialist vocabulary and spelling, punctuation and grammar is excellent.”

21 AO3 - Level 4  Evaluation of user requirements  Copy and paste the user requirements and under each state the degree to which you have achieved this. For evidence refer to where in the testing this can be found and you can enhance this by pasting some of the coding used.  Evaluation of approach to the solution  Refer back to the different options considered and reiterate how the SQL and C# frontend provides a more flexible customised approach.

22 AO3 – Level 4  Evaluation of project plan  Comment on how the implementation matched the proposed development. Discuss the tasks set out, the resources and timescales suggested. Explain the impact of change on the project plan.  Evaluation of Test procedures  Did you follow through the strategy you suggested at the start of the testing, did you encounter any difficulties?

23 AO3 – Level 4  Evaluation of solution  Overall comment on how effective your final solution is, refer to strengths and limitations and areas for further improvement.  Evaluation of own performance  Use your diary to discuss how you approached the work in relation to your studies, discuss time management, show how you organised, stored and backed up your work. Screen shot relevant folders. Show how you used comments on coding, standard industry naming formats and version of development.

24 AO3 – Level 4  Portfolios should be presented appropriately  This should be one WP file or one PDF  It would be beneficial if all centres provided a table of contents with page numbers to assist the moderation process

25 Exemplars & Table Marking

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