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1 ½ ounce shot distilled liquor 5 ounce glass of wine12 ounce beer, Hard Lemonade, Twisted Tea, Wine cooler, Malt beverage.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ½ ounce shot distilled liquor 5 ounce glass of wine12 ounce beer, Hard Lemonade, Twisted Tea, Wine cooler, Malt beverage."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 ½ ounce shot distilled liquor 5 ounce glass of wine12 ounce beer, Hard Lemonade, Twisted Tea, Wine cooler, Malt beverage


4 All contain ½ ounce of alcohol

5 So how is it made?

6 Wheat, corn, barley, hops, grapes, sugar cane


8 Yeast reacts with the sugars in the fruit or grain. The by-product is carbon dioxide and alcohol. Yeast + Sugar > CO2 & Alcohol


10 Beer- 3 to 8 % alcohol Wine- 8 to 14 % alcohol Malt beverages- about 4% alcohol Hard liquor- 40 to 50 % alcohol

11 But remember, drink for drink they all contain ½ ounce of alcohol.

12 Different kinds of alcohol: Ethyl: consumable/bevera ge alcohol Methyl: fuel (sterno) people get desperate


14 Alcohol is found in other products like cologne, mouthwash, cough syrup, aftershave and hair spray.

15 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Innocent Victims

16 If mom drinks, who else does?

17 What is it? A wide range of negative affects associated with drinking during pregnancy. Alcohol is a teratogen. Greek word for monster

18 Features o f FAS Growth deficiency-physical Smaller in weight Shorter in length Smaller head circumference Head and facial abnormalities Abnormal structure of organ systems

19 Features of FAS Mental deficiency –Mental retardation, short attention span, inability to remember, difficulty in learning. –Speech or hearing impairment –Display alarming amounts of disturbed psychological or maladaptive behavior unlike those suffering from Down syndrome

20 How much is too much? No determined amount The more one drinks in the first trimester (first 3 months) of pregnancy the higher the risk of FAS. Most females are drinking levels high enough to cause FAS. Many females are drinking before they know they are pregnant.

21 Four year old girl

22 15 year old boy

23 fraternal twins

24 Long term effects: the gruesome truth Cirrhosis of the liver Malnutrition Enlarged heart Hemorrhage Death


26 Normal heart, enlarged heart

27 When does the message become clear?

28 Help organizations Alcoholics Anonymous –12 step program for those with an alcohol problem Alanon –12 step program for those who are related or friends of a problem drinker Alateen –12 step program for teens who have loved ones who are problem drinkers

29 Other groups MADD Mothers Against Drunk Drivers SADD –Students Against Destructive Decisions

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