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PREP Task Force Report. PREP: “Physics Research Equipment Pool” Online equipment request form. Catalog of modules and infrastructure. (93K units) Offsite.

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Presentation on theme: "PREP Task Force Report. PREP: “Physics Research Equipment Pool” Online equipment request form. Catalog of modules and infrastructure. (93K units) Offsite."— Presentation transcript:

1 PREP Task Force Report

2 PREP: “Physics Research Equipment Pool” Online equipment request form. Catalog of modules and infrastructure. (93K units) Offsite loans and collaborative agreements. Services that have been provided for the community: SMT Rework Wire Bonding BGA Rework X-Ray Inspection Oscilloscope and DMM calibration verification (not NIST standard) Optical Inspection Device (EPROM, EEPROM, FPGA,PLD, etc.) Programming R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 2

3 Thumb-nail of Charge* For the next 5 years who is the user community and what are their needs? What should be in the pool if it is to continue? What does it cost to keep the pool running? What is the appropriate support and tracking model for pool equipment users? Can we outsource maintenance and repairs for the existing pool? R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 3 *Charge and Report posted on the Indico site with this presentation.

4 Task Force Members Peter Cooper FNAL/CD, PREP Scientific Adviser, Chair Bob DeMaat FNAL/PPD, Head EE Dept. Robert G Forster, FNAL/CD, PREP Manager Jonathan Lewis FNAL/PPD, CDF Karol Lang, University of Texas, Minos, NoVA Vince Pavlicek, FNAL/CD, PREP Manager Paul Reimer, ANL, SeaQuest(E906)spokesman Aria Soha FNAL/PPD, FTBF Coordinator Manfred Wendt FNAL/AD, Head, Instrumentation Dept R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 4

5 Community Surveyed E875/MINOS E881/PIERRE AUGER E891/CDMS E898/MINIBOONE E904/MUCOOL E906/SEAQUEST R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 5 E929/NOVA E938/MINERVA E961/COUPP E974/MICROBOONE TEST BEAM USERS AD/BPM system Discussed charge and survey with CPAD leadership.

6 Notable Comments & Observations: What instrumentation do users want? High Voltage supplies. CAMAC modules, NIM logic modules. NIM/CAMAC crates. Need for supported modern CAMAC Crate Controller, e.g. Wiener USB Crate Controller. R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 6

7 Notable Comments & Observations: Current Deployment 9500 items presently signed out to non collider users. ~5000 items expected back from collider program users. 50-100 new items per month signed out of the pool. This volume has a equivalent value of $2500K/year. 45 items/month move through the repair cycle Many are just checked. 53 active offsite loans. R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 7

8 Notable Comments & Observations: Volume R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 8 Modules (0-500) and Repair Techs (0-10)

9 Notable Comments & Observations: Cost of operations…bare bones for scope. 0.5 FTE PREP Manager (engineer) 0.25 FTE PREP Manager (engineer) 0.5 FTE PREP Scientific Adviser (scientist) 1.0 FTE Repair Technician (2 half-time techs) 1.0 FTE Counter Technicians (2 half-time techs) Total of ~$650K/year including a small M&S budget R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 9

10 Optimal Pool Content: Partnership with modern instrumentation vendors? Bulk exposure to universities and laboratories could lead to attractive pricing/leasing. Fermilab PREP can provide logistics. Mechanism in place, reduces cost to vendor. Users would benefit from a modern pool, better synergy with EE, CS, IT enterprises. R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 10

11 Recommendations PREP should continue to be operated to support at least the present level of user activity. The staffing of PREP Instrument repair technicians must be at a level to check and repair modules at the present activity level of 50-100 items per month rate. 2 FTE technicians are required to keep up with this rate based on the growth of the number of un-repaired items as the number of available technicians dropped below this level. Additional Instrument repair effort is required on an interim basis to restore available spares to normal operating levels (~10%) for all active pool items. New equipment should be added as necessary to maintain the functionality of the systems in high demand. These acquisitions will be a combination of new equipment purchases, design of new modules and incorporation of other equipment now at the laboratory. The option to expand PREP to a national resource should be actively pursued. Given the availability of incremental support to cover the cost of the additional activity, it should be adopted. R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 11

12 Next Steps Fermilab is pursuing a sustainable staffing model in an era of severely constrained budgets. Continued dialog and feedback with CPAD and the instrumentation community would be very valuable in developing a plan that best serves the community, particularly regarding a the strategy of partnering with vendors. R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 12

13 Summary PREP is a valued resources based on survey results of the research community and anecdotal feedback from researchers. There may be an opportunity to partner with modern instrumentation vendors and evolve the PREP pool to better serve the R&D community. Robust continuation of the PREP enterprise and any scope increase requires strong support from the community, and CPAD can play a leading role here. R. Tschirhart, Instrumentation Frontier Community Meeting. January 9-11th 2013, Argonne National Laboratory 13

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