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Firewall Issues Research Group First meeting yesterday, GGF 14 Mailing list: Projects page:

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Presentation on theme: "Firewall Issues Research Group First meeting yesterday, GGF 14 Mailing list: Projects page:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Firewall Issues Research Group First meeting yesterday, GGF 14 Mailing list: Projects page: Chairs: Leon Gommans: Inder Monga:

2 Problem Scope: Data Center/Lab Host A FW/VPN Lab A FW/NAT/VPN

3 VO Problem Scope: VO Site A Public/ Private Network DMZ Lab Site B

4 Grid Application Grid User ALG Lab Lab Site A Lab Lab Site B Public/ Private Network Infrastructure Problem Scope: Applications Site A Site B

5 Summary of Issues (so far) Enable the network-part of the “VO” –Sharing of critical resources across the WAN Security enforcement at different layers –Application level –Network level Multiple policy/security enforcement points –Host –Lab –Site EPR address resolution and route Firewall Performance for high-speed grid interconnects Dynamic grid resource allocation and application instantiation –Mechanisms to discover and traverse mid-boxes Support different mid-box architectures –Grid resources in DMZ

6 Firewall Issues RG: Charter Charter focus WG to RG. Objectives RG: – Spur standards development within IETF and GGF. – Produce informational document to help GGF, network security people and product vendors understand grid specific issues. – Perform analyses and classification of issues. – Produce informational documents that analyse existing solutions, identify shortcomings and indicate solutions direction. – Produce a separate results document specifically for IETF.

7 Targeted Work Goals and Milestones: Submit informational documents that describe: 1) An inventory of the type of issues when Grid jobs have to deal with middle-box functions, application level gateways, VPN style gateways, etc. Describe and classify the issues in document #1 2) An evaluation of existing IETF middle-box (signaling-) protocols and functions. Recognize possible limitations and produce a list of requirements towards the IETF in document #2 3) An evaluation of approaches and solutions such as application level gateways, host based firewalls, VPN style gateways etc. Capture results in document #3 GGF13: Charter discussion and group volunteers (done). GGF14: Collection of existing documents with Group discussions GGF15: First draft of document #1 and Group discussions. GGF 16: WG-last call and submission of document #1. Draft of document #2 and group discussions GGF 17: WG last-call and final submission of document #2. GGF 18: Draft document #3 and group discussions. GGF 19: 2nd draft of document #3 with group discussions. GGF 20: WG last-call and final submission of document #3.

8 Mailing list: Projects page: Thank you!

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