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Bo Sun Kalyan Sunkavalli Ravi Ramamoorthi Peter Belhumeur Shree Nayar Columbia University Time-Varying BRDFs.

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Presentation on theme: "Bo Sun Kalyan Sunkavalli Ravi Ramamoorthi Peter Belhumeur Shree Nayar Columbia University Time-Varying BRDFs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bo Sun Kalyan Sunkavalli Ravi Ramamoorthi Peter Belhumeur Shree Nayar Columbia University Time-Varying BRDFs

2 Materials Change with Time

3 Previous Work Time-Varying Spatial Albedo Patterns Paints, Wet Surfaces and Dust [J. Dorsey et al., 96][J. Dorsey et al., 99][J. Lu et al., 05][S. Enrique et al., 05] [C. J. Curtis., 97][J. W. Jensen et al., 99][E. Nakamae et al., 96][S. Hsu et al., 96]

4 Previous Work Time-Varying Surface Appearance [J. Gu et al. 2006] Appearance Manifolds [J. Wang et al. 2006]

5 Our Goals Efficient TVBRDF Acquisition Underlying Temporal Trend Analysis Developing Analytic TVBRDF Models

6 Acquisition Challenges A Key Consideration: Fine sampling in the time domain High frequency reflectance in the angular domain

7 Acquisition System





12 Sample Plate before after desired

13 Acquisition System 12 seconds / scan, 360 color images / camera, 0.2~32 millisec exposures

14 Acquisition - Sampling

15 TVBRDF Samples 41 samples and three time-varying effects

16 TVBRDF Samples 41 samples and three time-varying effects

17 TVBRDF Samples 41 samples and three time-varying effects

18 TVBRDF Samples 41 samples and three time-varying effects

19 TVBRDF Samples 41 samples and three time-varying effects

20 Measurement Top Camera

21 Analytic BRDF Functions The Oren-Nayar diffuse model The Torrance-Sparrow specular model The Blinn’s dust model

22 Data Fitting Maximum RMS Error 3.84% Top Camera

23 TVBRDF Database




27 Temporal Trends

28 Time-Varying Phenomena Paints drying on smooth surfaces Water drying on rough surfaces Dust accumulation

29 Paints Exponential fall-off of specular albedo and roughness Diffuse color shifts in a dichromatic plane

30 Paints Exponential fall-off of specular albedo and roughtness Diffuse color shifts in a dichromatic plane

31 Paints Exponential fall-off of specular albedo and roughtness Diffuse color shifts in a dichromatic plane

32 Paints Exponential fall-off of specular albedo and roughtness Diffuse color shifts in a dichromatic plane

33 Paints – Spatial Variations Captured Blue Watercolor on White Surface

34 Paints – Effects Transfer Synthesized Green Watercolor on White Surface

35 Paints – Effects Transfer Synthesized Blue Watercolor on Red Surface

36 Wet Surfaces Diffuse color shifts on a straight line Sigmoidal change of surface intensity

37 Wet Surfaces Diffuse color shifts on a straight line Sigmoidal change of surface intensity

38 Wet Surfaces Diffuse color shifts on a straight line Sigmoidal change of surface intensity

39 Time-Varying Phenomena Paints drying on smooth surfaces Water drying on rough surfaces Dust accumulation

40 Dust Analysis generalizes to other BRDF models Exponential fall-off of specular highlights

41 Dust Analysis generalizes to other BRDF models Exponential fall-off of specular highlights

42 Dust – Final Example

43 Summary Acquisition of TVBRDF database (HDR) Analysis of temporal parameter trends Analytic TVBRDF models

44 Future Work Using more complicated BRDF models Generalize to other time-vayring phenomena Time–varying BTF, subsurface scattering

45 Thanks for Listening!

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