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Welcome to CHS, Class of 2020!!! Meeting Schedule  Welcome and Introductions- Autumn O’Bryan- CHS Principal  Class Selection Progress- Miranda Whittington-

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CHS, Class of 2020!!! Meeting Schedule  Welcome and Introductions- Autumn O’Bryan- CHS Principal  Class Selection Progress- Miranda Whittington-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CHS, Class of 2020!!! Meeting Schedule  Welcome and Introductions- Autumn O’Bryan- CHS Principal  Class Selection Progress- Miranda Whittington- 9 th Grade School Counselor  Advanced Placement and Raider Scholar- Autumn O’Bryan  Attendance and Upcoming Dates- Zach Riggins- 9 th /10 th Grade Level Principal

2 Block Schedule  4 Classes per semester for a total of 8 classes per year  Most classes are worth 1 credit, so students should earn 8 credits per year.  To graduate from Cleveland High School you must have 28 credits  See your handouts for specific info- Pink Sheet- 4 year course sequence

3 Let’s Build A Schedule Together!  Required classes  English  Math  Science  Wellness  Fine Art  Block1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Fall Spring

4 English  English 1(Majority of Students)  Pre AP English Honors (Must have a TVAAS Projective Percentile Score of 80 or higher)  As an example: Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 English 1 English H Fall Spring

5 Math  Algebra 1 A & B (Most Students)  Geometry Honors (Must have had Algebra 1 at CMS and have a TVAAS projected percentile score of 80 or higher)  Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 English 1 English H Geometry Algebra 1 A Algebra 1 B Fall Spring

6 Science  Physical Science  Chemistry 1 Honors (Must have a TVAAS Projective Percentile Score of 80 or higher)  Block 1Block 2 Block 3Block 4 English or English H Geometry Algebra 1 A Chemistry or Physical Science Algebra B Fall Spring

7 Wellness  Wellness is a combination of Health and PE. Wellness is required by the state of TN.  Block 1Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 EnglishGeometry Algebra 1 A Wellness Chemistry H Physical Science Algebra 1 B Fall Spring

8 Fine Art  Band-if taking Marching band you have to have Concert band, this would take up two blocks. If you want to do Concert Band it will only take 1 block. You cannot take Marching Band only.  Choir- takes up two blocks  Color Guard- Fall  Survey of Fine Arts (Most students)  Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 English 1 English H Geometry H Algebra 1 A WellnessBand/Choir Color Guard/SOFA Chemistry 1 H Physical Science Algebra 1 BBand/Choir Fall Spring

9 Social Studies- Elective  AP Human Geography – Must have a projective percentile of 80% in English in order to take this course.  $80 fee.  Must take the AP test at the end of the course. AP tests are scored 1 to 5. If your student scores 3 or higher, you will be reimbursed.  This is also your students first attempt towards the AP Scholar Award.  This is a collegiate level class and optional for those students who qualify.

10 Career Technical Education Electives  See your brochure in the attachment  Visit their website to learn more about each department   The students should have watched these videos during homeroom and should be familiar with most of the programs already

11 Advanced Placement  Based off of TVAAS percentile projections  Where can you find that information?  TVAAS= data collected from all standardized tests your student has ever taken. It helps us predict how well your student will do on an EOC or TN Ready Assessment.  Any CMS or CHS school counselor or administrator can access that information for you  To automatically qualify for Honors classes your student must have a TVAAS score of 80 or higher.  If you student doesn't’t qualify for honors classes based off of TVAAS data you can complete an honors agreement form.  During registration at CMS, Ms. Whittington will have these forms. They are to be completed and returned to their homeroom teacher at CMS by Friday, April 22. They are also available on the website.

12 Raider Scholar and other Academic Honors  For the Class of 2019 and Beyond  3.5 GPA  Over the next 4 years: 4 AP classes or 2 AP and 2 Dual Enrollment  You must take 3 Honors level courses every year. 2 out of those 3 must be core classes. Core classes include: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

13 Attendance  3 days to turn in an excuse  3 Tardies = 1 unexcused absence -- they have 10 minutes to get to class  5 unexcused absences= a letter home  7 unexcused absences= $50 citation- we have issued 250 citations to date  9 unexcused absences= Campus Court or Juvenile Court  You have 5 parent notes you can use per semester  Use Power School to keep up with your student’s attendance.  Rule of thumb- If your student is not here they need a note

14 Dates and Important Info  April 18 th and 19 th CHS registration at CMS  May 18 th 8 th Grade tours CHS  End of July/Beginning of August you will pick up schedules.  Before school starts you must show proof of residence. Proof of residence includes: a mortgage statement, a utility bill, or a current lease agreement that has your name on it. These can be emailed to Janice Blair  If you do not have any of the approved proofs of residence you must meet with Mrs. O’Bryan  Make sure your phone number is up to date to receive important information  Make sure you are following us on Twitter @freshmenraiders  Please visit the Freshman website for this power point or YouTube videos 


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