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1 IDEA, Part B Equitable Services to Children Unilaterally Enrolled by their Parents in Private Schools Slide presentation courtesy of Brustein & Manaseveit.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IDEA, Part B Equitable Services to Children Unilaterally Enrolled by their Parents in Private Schools Slide presentation courtesy of Brustein & Manaseveit."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IDEA, Part B Equitable Services to Children Unilaterally Enrolled by their Parents in Private Schools Slide presentation courtesy of Brustein & Manaseveit from their conference: Transparency and Change: Balancing Stimulus Funds, ESEA Reauthorization and Federal Grants Management December 3 & 4, 2009

2 Equitable Participation Services 2 Parentally-Placed Private School Children Receive Equitable Participation Services not FAPE! Who are these children? – Voluntarily enrolled by their parents in private schools Not referred to private schools by LEA to receive FAPE! Not placed by parents seeking FAPE tuition reimbursement! No individual right to Equitable Participation services – Cannot file due process complaint based on an individual right to services, BUT can file due process complaint on private school child find rights Brustein & Manasevit

3 For Unilaterally Enrolled Private School Students Eligible for Special Education Services Once enrolled in a public school district, the student is no longer “unilaterally enrolled” and is eligible to receive those services for which they enrolled through an IEP. Child Find Obligations ResidencyWhat services can be accessed? The district in which the private school is located. Student resides in the district in which private school is located. Proportional share services (equitable services through a SP*) through the district in which the private school is located. OR students may part time enroll in the district in which they reside and receive services through an IEP +. Student does not reside in the district in which private school is located. Proportional share services (SP) through the district in which the private school is located. Students may part time enroll in the district in which they reside and receive services through an IEP. *Service Plan + Individual Education Plan An OSPI slide

4 Private School Consultation Requirements 4 “Timely and meaningful” consultation Who? – Private school representatives – Representatives of parents of parentally-placed private school children with disabilities About what? – Child find process How can children equitably participate? How will parents, teachers & private school officials be informed of process? Proportionate share of Part B funds – Determination of proportionate share - How calculated Appendix B to Part 300 of IDEA regulations Brustein & Manasevit

5 Private School Consultation Requirements About what? (continued) 5 Consultation process – How it will operate throughout year to ensure parentally-placed private school children with disabilities can meaningfully participate? Provision of special education & related services – How, where, by whom – Types of services – direct or alternative delivery mechanism – How apportioned if funds insufficient for all – How and when decisions will be made LEA makes final decisions!!! (Provide Notice to Private Schools) Brustein & Manasevit

6 Proportionate Share Set-Aside Must spend proportionate share of Part B subgrant funds on providing special education and related services Plus any unused carryover from previous year. § 300.133(a)(3) Number of eligible parentally-placed private school CWDs*___ Total number of eligible CWDs in the LEA (public and private) *(Children with disabilities) = % of LEA IDEA Part B Grant for Equitable Services to Parentally-Placed CWDs 6Brustein & Manasevit

7 Proof of Consultation 7 Signed, written affirmation after consultation occurs – from representatives of participating private schools If no affirmation provided within a “reasonable period of time” after consultation, forward to SEA* documentation of consultation process Brustein & Manasevit *(state educational agency/OSPI)

8 Private School Officials’ Right to Submit Complaint 8 Complaint to SEA – Not necessarily formal state complaint procedures – Similar to right of complaint by private schools under NCLB Basis of complaint – Consultation was not “meaningful and timely”; and/or – SEA not give due consideration to views of private school officials Brustein & Manasevit

9 What Questions Do You Have? Brustein & Manasevit9

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