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WASH Cluster 2012 – Information Management. Information Management tools 4Ws, stockpiles Physical resource mapping, MIRA/RAT/CAT.

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Presentation on theme: "WASH Cluster 2012 – Information Management. Information Management tools 4Ws, stockpiles Physical resource mapping, MIRA/RAT/CAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASH Cluster 2012 – Information Management

2 Information Management tools 4Ws, stockpiles Physical resource mapping, MIRA/RAT/CAT

3 Information Management tools Key role of Cluster is to facilitate exchange of information between members, and between Cluster and Government, donors, and other agencies WASH Cluster tools include 4W matrix, website, preparedness reports, assessment formats, contact lists, donor updates, and various map products Accuracy and usefulness of these information products depends primarily on quality and timeliness of information provided by Cluster members

4 Funding Organization Implementing Organization Project codeProject Title Activity Type Activity Description/ Name of items distributed Unit (use drop- down list) Quantity Capacity of Unit (eg tanker or bladder size, etc. - if applicable) Activity Start Date/Items Distribution Start Date Activity/Items Distribution Planned End Date ProvinceDistrictPcodeTehsilPcode Union Council Village / Camp Name Longitude (if known) Latitude (if known) Total Number of Beneficiaries Reached Beneficiaries Type (Individuals, Families/HH) Date of Latest Information on Beneficiaries Reached Total Number of Target Beneficiaries MaleFemale Childre n (0-2 years) Childre n < 5 Children 5-15 years CBA Women PL Women NameMobileEmail Comments (Constraints Only) Reporting Date WASH Cluster activity reporting format (4W)(4W)

5 Resource mapping Aim: to give an overview of the Cluster’s preparedness for emergency response in 2012 Information based on 4W reports from 2010/2011, stock reports from agencies, and online survey conducted July 2012 Covers both agency presence and resources (human and physical)

6 Preparedness - agencies


8 Cluster * contingency stock levels – minimum package ItemBasisAvailable Aquatabs 23 per person / 3 months 2,635,031 Sachets4,315,240 Leaflets1 per family148,467 Soaps4 per family / month385,704 JerryCans2 per family177,536 Plastic buckets1 per family107,448 Sanitary towels2 per family, 1/month114,285 Tarpaulin1 roll per 20 latrines (1 latrine/40 people)3,886 Water TankerRp 6,750 / 10,000L ($.035 per person per day)N/A Stocks currently available to reach up to 620,000 beneficiaries (with the exception of sanitary towels and water tanker costs) UNICEF and some partners have long-term agreements (LTAs) in place for additional supplies; unclear if other agencies have equivalent arrangements Approximate total cost for Cluster to reach 1 million beneficiaries: USD $4.2 million (including $1.2 million for water trucking); this represents $2.6 million in addition to items in stock * stock reports received from 14 Cluster partners; including UNICEF

9 MIRA/RAT/CAT Assessment tools for use at various stages of emergency response MIRA (Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessment) – coordinated by OCHA, combination of secondary data and key informant interviews, to provide an initial report within 2 weeks WASH Cluster assessments - RAT (Rapid Assessment Tool) and CAT (Comprehensive Assessment Tool

10 Mapping / GIS Products HandPumps/WSS-Punjab/Sindh Water Quality-WHO Google Earth 4W Maps Web-GIS WASH CLUSTER PAKISTA N








18 Web-GIS, Attabad Land Slide Disaster – Hunza What Happened where and When

19 Web-GIS, Attabad Land Slide Disaster – Hunza What Happened where and When

20 Recommendations Information sharing will be great at UC or Mouza level. Lat/long (XY) coordinate can be get through GPS or Google Earth the easy tool of GIS mapping 4W format is the best information management tool for gap analysis and show the real picture from the ground. A Web based GIS can be developed for spatial information sharing with WASH partners and communities.

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