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Bellringer: Copy and answer these EQs in your composition book. Answer in complete sentences. 1.Why is history important? 2.How do we learn about the past?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Copy and answer these EQs in your composition book. Answer in complete sentences. 1.Why is history important? 2.How do we learn about the past?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Copy and answer these EQs in your composition book. Answer in complete sentences. 1.Why is history important? 2.How do we learn about the past? 3.How do you research history?

2 Chapte r 1 What Does a Historian Do?

3 Lesson 1: What is History? It Matters Because… Events of the past created the world we live in today, and knowing history can help us make predictions and decisions about the future.

4 Why Do People Study History? Guiding Question: What types of things can history reveal about the past? History is the study of the people and events of the past. It tells the story of the ways that cultures form and change over time. It helps us understand the present in which we live. It helps us make choices about the future.


6 Measuring Time Guiding Question: What are Historical Periods? How is time measured? Yea r 365 days 10 years 100 years 1000 years Large blocks of time; length varies DecadeCentury Millennium Era

7 Eras of History Prehistoric Era – the time before people invented writing Ancient Era – about 3500 BC – AD 500 Middle Ages, or Medieval Era – 500- 1400 Modern Era – 1400 - Present

8 What 2 Tools do Historians Use to Keep Track of Time? 1.Calendars 2.Time Lines

9 Calendars What is a calendar? A calendar is a system for arranging days in order. The calendar we use today is a blend of the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. Time is divided into two periods 1.Before the birth of Jesus Christ (B.C.) 2.After His birth (A.D.)

10 Time Lines Show order of events in time. Show amount of time between events. Divided into even sections of time.


12 Digging Up the Past Guiding Question: What do students of prehistory look for? Prehistory is the period of earth before writing was invented. Without a written record, how do historians know what life was like for prehistoric man?

13 Archaeology Archaeology studies the past by looking at things people left behind. Artifacts - objects made by people Paleontology – the study of plant and animal fossils Fossil - preserved remains of plant or animal life Anthropology – study of human culture over time

14 Lucy Early human ancestor discovered in Ethiopia About 3.5 feet tall, about 60 pounds Had long arms, short legs, walked upright Her species is called Australopithecus afarensis

15 Bell Ringer Left Side: You are present in New York City on September 11, 2001. Describe the events from the perspective of someone who experienced everything with all five senses. Use vivid writing to describe the scene. Right Side: You are at your home in Tennessee on September 11, 2001. You are watching a news report of the events of the day. Describe the report. What do you learn? What do you wish the report could tell you?

16 How do Historians Draw Conclusions? Historians interpret evidence & make inferences What is an inference? Point of view – the way a person thinks about & understands an event What influences a person’s point of view? Interpretation – conclusions drawn from facts. Historians with different points of view may reach different interpretations. Bias – an unreasoned, emotional judgment about people & events The more controversial or sensitive a subject, the greater a person’s bias may be.

17 Primary or Secondary? The journal of a sailor aboard the Santa Maria during Columbus’s voyage to the New World. An English translation of the ship’s log kept by Ferdinand Magellan during his voyage around the world.

18 Da Vinci’s The Last Supper …as a source on the life of Christ …as a source on Renaissance Art

19 Portrait of Gen. George Washin gton, which he posed for as Comman der of the Colonial Army

20 19 th - century portrai t of Col. George Washin gton, depicti ng him during the French and Indian War.

21 Modern map of the Journey of Lewis & Clark

22 Willia m Clark ’s hand - draw n expe ditio n map

23 Medieval armor and weapons on display at the Art Institut e of Chicago

24 A working model of da Vinci’s catapul t design, followin g his exact plans

25 1-10 How Reliable? A modern biography of Abraham Lincoln using primary source documents from many sources The memoirs of a recent president describing his actions while in office A description of German concentration camps by a high-ranking Nazi official

26 The biography of a deceased leader by his or her grandchild. 1-10 How Reliable? An editorial on Barack Obama by a Republican journal An editorial on Barack Obama by a Democratic journal

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