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SPES Target Group Solid state laser system for the SPES RIB project (classic and novel approaches) Daniele Scarpa INFN-LNL.

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Presentation on theme: "SPES Target Group Solid state laser system for the SPES RIB project (classic and novel approaches) Daniele Scarpa INFN-LNL."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPES Target Group Solid state laser system for the SPES RIB project (classic and novel approaches) Daniele Scarpa INFN-LNL

2 SPES Target Group Overview -Introduction - The SPES layout & devices - TIS R&D activities -Laser R&D activities - Final remarks.

3 SPES Target Group SPES Infra-structures Phases Artistic View of the facility Level 0 Level -1 Phase  Beam Selection & Post Acceleration Phase  Cyc & ISOL Facility 50 x 50 m 2 Phase  Applications Facility 25 x 50 m 2

4 SPES Target Group The SPES main devices Driver: ‘Commercial’ cyclotron Post Accelerator: Piave- Alpi existing complex ALPI PIAVE Production Target: NEW CONCEPT (Multi-foil UCx target) Target-Ion Source Complex: - optimized for 8kW beam power - E proton = 40 MeV for RIB - 10 13 fission/s. RIB manipulation stage - Mass Separator (WF) - Beam Couler - HRMS - Charge Breeder - RFQ

5 SPES Target Group The TIS R&D activities

6 SPES Target Group The TIS SPES Laboratories HT LNL LabTest Bench LNL Lab Carbide Chemistry LNL Lab UCx Chemistry PADOVA Lab Laser PAVIA Lab New ‘class A’ LNL Lab

7 SPES Target Group The SPES off-line Front end 40 kV platform

8 SPES Target Group Surface Ion source 12 HHe 34567910 LiBeBCNOFNe 1112131415161718 NaMgAlSiPSClAr 192021222324252627282930313233343536 KCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr 373839404142434445464748495051525354 RbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXe 555657727374757677787980818283848586 CsBaLaHfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn 878889104105106107108109110111112 FrRaAcRfDbSgBhHsMt 8 Not extracted Surface Ionization Method Laser beam Laser with SIS Photo Ionization Method Ionization Method Plasma Ionization Method RIB ionization methods: RIB ionization methods: Main fission (p-> 238 U) fragments Plasma Ion source Selective method Very selective method nonselective method

9 SPES Target Group Target and Ion Sources Hot cavity: - Optimized for Surface Ionization (Re inner surface) - Optimized for Laser Ionization (Ta, naked) > The Surface Ion Source (SIS) adopted for the SPES facility

10 SPES Target Group Target and Ion Sources > The Plasma Ion Source (PIS) adopted for the SPES facility Starting configuration Hybrid MK5 (CERN) – EBPIS (ORNL)

11 SPES Target Group 1)Commissioning 2015: Delivery of infrastructure 2015-2016 Commissioning of subsystem 2) Operational-> 2017 : 40 MeV Cyclotron - 2017 I = 5 μA,UCx (13 mm) ;(SIS) : Rb e Cs - 2018 I= 50 μ A,SiC (40 mm full scale);(PIS-LIS): Al - 2019 I= 150 μ A,UCx (40 mm full scale); (LIS): Sn SPES ROAD MAP

12 SPES Target Group Aluminum laser ionization Two step, one color ionization path: Al [308.216;308.216 e−] Al+ λ λ First step: Resonant λ =308,216 nm Second step: Non – resonant towards continuum same wavelength λ =308,216 nm Typical transition linewidth Pavia Dye Laser Laboratory

13 SPES Target Group For off-line facilities or where typical laser system – hot cavity distance is ≈ 1-5 m a possible solution: Fiber optics Optical fiber 3 in 1: optimal spatial overlap Easy final alignment Up to 1mJ in each 200um. fiber (pulse 15 ns.) Bad final beam collimation (but ok for short distance) Each laser enters in 200 um core fiber SMA-SMA connection: 3 x 200 um into 1 x 600 um + Combination of laser beam WP03

14 SPES Target Group LPX200 XeCl excimer laser Laser test at LNL with excimer Aluminum ionization with a single wavelength Laser beam Pulse. 15 ns λ=308 nm Al photo ionization The laser beam shape is focalized into hot cavity of 3 mm. diameter and 6 m. far away Hot Cavity Laser beam (phosphorescence on plastic dump)

15 SPES Target Group Beam for SPES According with the letters of intent So far, 24 LoI’s received for reaccelerated RIB

16 SPES Target Group 1)Commissioning 2015: Delivery of infrastructure 2015-2016 Commissioning of subsystem 2) Operational-> 2017 : 40 MeV Cyclotron - 2017 I = 5 μA,UCx (13 mm) ;(SIS) : Rb e Cs - 2018 I= 50 μ A,SiC (40 mm full scale);(PIS-LIS): Al - 2019 I= 150 μ A,UCx (40 mm full scale); (LIS): Sn SPES ROAD MAP

17 SPES Target Group Tin in other facilities Power and wavelength considerations: Contaminants considerations: Hot cavity high temperatures provides high rates of contaminants at first mass separator for 132 Sn due to 132 Cs. => Lower temperature for hot cavity => Engineering hot cavity materials (work functions) => Higher laser repetition rate Doubling rep rate (@ same pulse energy) Doubling ion current Doubling efficiency

18 SPES Target Group Target and Ion Sources > New Laser Ion Source Developments Laser ionization system requirements: Reference element: for Tin Possible requirements: Bandwith: Base: 5 GHz (< 0,2 cm -1 ) ; Narrow: 1 GHz (< 0,04 cm -1 ) Energy per Pulse: > 50 uJ (UV < 300 nm) ; > 500uJ (fond) Pulse duration: 20 < t < 30 ns Freq Rip: 20 kHz

19 SPES Target Group Target and Ion Sources > New Laser Ion Source Developments Possible requirements: Bandwith: Base: 5 GHz (< 0,2 cm -1 ) ; Narrow: 1 GHz (< 0,04 cm -1 ) Energy per Pulse: > 50 uJ (UV < 300 nm) ; > 500uJ (fond) Pulse duration: 20 < t < 30 ns Freq Rip: 20 kHz Laser ionization system requirements: Reference element: Al

20 SPES Target Group Company custom proposal for SPES TiSa laser system Ti:Sa tunable laser. Proposed specification. Repetition rate: 20 kHz Wavelength:690 – 950 nm Output energy: 0.5 mJ Pulse duration:15 ns Pulse jitter:<1 ns Linewidth:5-10 GHz Narrow line option:1 GHz Master Oscillator + Power Amplifier (MOPA)

21 SPES Target Group Company alternative proposal for SPES laser system The OPG concept. An alternative approach to solid state lasers tunable in the Near IR region is currently being investigated in R&D activities at Bright Solutions. It is based on Optical Parametric Generation (OPG) in the range 680-1000 nm, when pumped by 532 nm DPSS lasers. OPG is particularly efficient when pumped by high peak power lasers with pulse length comparable with the non-linear crystal length. Sub ns pulses are ideal, 2 – 3 ns pulses can also be used with reasonable efficiency. It is not the most efficient choice when pulsewidth >10 ns are desired. Nevertheless the tuning concept and narrow band operation is greatly simplified. In all cases where shorter pulses are accepted, the OPG concept may represent a valid practical approach: spectral properties are defined by the narrow band low power seeder and the beam quality is reasonably preserved by the OPG stage. Ideal sources for seeding are mW+ level tunable laser dides, featuring superior stability, narrow line scanning, relatively wide mode hop free operation ranges. No jitter and pulse build-up variation between pump and NIR output allow precise synchronization of several channels. Master Oscillator + Power Amplifier (MOPA) OPG Power Amplifier In all cases where shorter pulses are accepted, (range < 1 nsec), the OPG concept may represent a valid practical approach: spectral properties are defined by the narrow band low power seeder and the beam quality is reasonably preserved by the OPG stage.

22 SPES Target Group Conclusion

23 SPES Target Group  Letter of Intents: under discussion to select first-day-exp.  ISOL Target and Ion Source: working in off-line laboratory.  Layout for pre-acceleration: defined.  Authorizations ready for cyclotron operation.  Contract for cyclotron: signed November ‘10, final design accepted (June ’11), cyclotron under machining.  Building project: ready, financed (June ‘12), bid on the way.  Phase β and γ partially financed (July ‘12)  Starting of Laser System R&D  Expected ground breaking March 2013.  Letter of Intents: under discussion to select first-day-exp.  ISOL Target and Ion Source: working in off-line laboratory.  Layout for pre-acceleration: defined.  Authorizations ready for cyclotron operation.  Contract for cyclotron: signed November ‘10, final design accepted (June ’11), cyclotron under machining.  Building project: ready, financed (June ‘12), bid on the way.  Phase β and γ partially financed (July ‘12)  Starting of Laser System R&D  Expected ground breaking March 2013. Current status and overview

24 SPES Target Group Meanwhile….. New off-line laser lab in LNL under construction.. SPES Laboratory area New Laser (off-line) Lab

25 SPES Target Group New off-line laser lab in LNL under construction.. Estimated end of works: March ‘13 Meanwhile…..

26 SPES Target Group Laser R&D at LNL -Beginning 2013: -Build of a new off-line solid state laser lab in LNL -2013 – 2017: -Measure and tests with solid state solutions at 20 kHz rep rate -2017: -First SPES beam laser ionization on-line

27 SPES Target Group Thank you!

28 SPES Target Group 1 Pump Laser: Quanta System G.Y.L 101/102  Nd:YAG laser  Impulse Energy up to 300mJ  Repetition rate max 10Hz Complete laser photoionization system structure 3 Tuneable Dye Laser : Lambda Physik FL3002E and Lambda Physik LPD3002E  Bandwidth 0,2 cm -1  Repetition rate according to pump complete 3λ ionization scheme Since April 2010: the 3 tuneable laser are ON Pavia Laser Laboratory Setup

29 SPES Target Group Target and Ion Sources > Possible Italian partner for laser system developments Bright Solutions S.r.l was founded in 1998 by group of laser scientists and industry experts with significant experience in diode-pumped solid state laser engineering. From the origin the Company’s activity was oriented towards the development of the state-of- the-art DPSS laser sources with a goals of superior efficiency, compactness and reliability.

30 SPES Target Group Possible portfolio baseline for SPES laser project Company custom products brief history 2010 Widely Tunable Ti:Sa 750-900 nm 10 kHz ; 10 ns 0.5 – 1 W Application: In Vivo Medical Diagnostics (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences). 2010 CZMIL US Program (Coastal Zone Mapping and Imaging Lidar) Development of a custom laser source with 6mJ pulse energy in 2ns (3 MW) at 10 kHz. Two collinear laser beams, 35W at 532nm and 25W at 1064nm, are provided at laser output. The beam at 532nm detects the sea bottom, radiation at 1064nm detects the sea surface. Several rugged units have been delivered, accumulating hundreds of flight hours each.

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