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CMPS 261 – Project Proposal Visually Representing American Sign Language Translations Victor Geislinger.

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Presentation on theme: "CMPS 261 – Project Proposal Visually Representing American Sign Language Translations Victor Geislinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMPS 261 – Project Proposal Visually Representing American Sign Language Translations Victor Geislinger

2 Background/Motivation ● American Sign Language (ASL) ● Fingerspelling (FS) ● Handshapes – Basis of language

3 Background/Motivation ● Interpreters – Emergency – Inaccessible – Expensive ● Learning Tool – Feedback

4 Method ● Collect Data via Leap Motion Controller – Focus on hand(s)/finger(s) – Real time capture

5 Method ● Categorize individual letters – Form hard to determine ● Classify group shapes – Easier to guess – “Autocorrect” feature

6 Method ● Transitions sometimes exist as one unit – “J” and “Z” – Double letters – “I-L-Y” – “A-I-R” – “B-U-S”

7 Output ● Gives interpreted word/sentence ● Color coded to give likely letter from shape group

8 Output ● Features other possible guesses – Given by opacity, position, and/or hierarchy tree ● Gives timeline of duration of letter – Possibly used to visually see speed of speech

9 Potential Issues/Challenges ● Identifying letters from same group – Difficult/impossible to do with current technology ● Differences in style/accent ● Transition lengths ● Output might have to many possibilities


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