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Swine Industry Feeder –pig producers Market –hog producers

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1 Swine Industry Feeder –pig producers Market –hog producers
Changed greatly from the lard type hogs of the past to the lean type hogs Types of swine operations: Feeder –pig producers Market –hog producers Farrow to Finish producers

2 terms Boar – A male pig not castrated that is used for breeding purposes. Barrow – A male pig that is castrated that is entirely meant for pork production. Sow – A female pig that has produced a litter of baby pigs. Gilt – A female pig that has not produced a litter of baby pigs Piglet- Baby Pig. Farrowing- Giving birth to piglets.

3 Swine Industry Purebred producers produce high-quality boars Improves the genetic make-up of one breed of swine Purebred boars bred to crossbred sows increase hybrid vigor (ex. muscling). Duroc, Hampshire and Yorkshire are the most popular U.S. purebred breeds today

4 Duroc Originated in the United States color is varying shades of red
droopy ears good mothering ability efficient feed converters fast growth rate Prolificacy-producing offspring a meat-type hog

5 Hampshire Originated in England
black hogs with a white belt that encircles the forepart of body, starting behind head and neck erect ears foraging ability leanness of carcass muscling used as show animals or in crossbreeding programs

6 Yorkshire Originated in Yorkshire, England
color is white, can have black freckles long bodies erect ears large litters good mothering ability good feed efficiency rapid growth used as bacon-type hogs or in crossbreeding programs

7 Berkshire Originated in Berkshire & Wiltshire Counties in England
color is black with 6 white points (feet, tail, snout) erect ears medium-sized hog lean carcass

8 Poland China Originated in Ohio
color is black with six white points (feet, tail, & face drooping ears large breed produces carcasses with large loin eyes very little back fat commonly used in crossbreeding programs  oldest breed of swine to have originated in the United States and one of the most popular. 

9 Spotted Poland China breed that is predominantly black with many white spots. Except for its additional white coloring Origin-Ohio Ears-Droopy Color-no less than 20% or more than 80% White Misc.-Good mothers, fast gainers

10 Landrace Landrace are white in color.
Their ears droop and slant forward with its top edges nearly parallel to the bridge of a straight nose. Landrace, which are noted for their ability to farrow and raise large litters, are the fifth most recorded breed of swine in the United States. 

11 Chester White The Chester White breed originated in Chester County, Pennsylvania and thereby derived its breed name. At first it was called the Chester County White, but later the "county" was dropped. The strengths of the Chester White breed are: mothering ability, durability, and soundness. Chester Whites have kept their popularity with thousands of pork producers. Not only are they preferred by producers, but packers prefer animals with white skin and proven to be superior in muscle quality. Ears-Droopy

12 Hereford Originated from the Poland China, Duroc and other breeds
color is red with a white face droopy ears good mothering ability foraging ability

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