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Speaking your Mind A European dream realised through Education and Multilingualism Gerard McHugh 7 October 2009, Murcia, Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking your Mind A European dream realised through Education and Multilingualism Gerard McHugh 7 October 2009, Murcia, Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking your Mind A European dream realised through Education and Multilingualism Gerard McHugh 7 October 2009, Murcia, Spain

2 Bore da Buon Giorno Guten Tag God dag Dobrý den Merhaba Hola Dzien dobry Bonjour Yia sαs Hei Dia dhíbh Good morning everyone, you are all very welcome Guten Tag Geia s Geia sαs

3 Context Multinational Citizens of Earth Multinational Citizens of Earth A world we must imagine A world we must imagine Organise their education around C21 models Organise their education around C21 models

4 Outline of themes/dimensions European dimension why, how and what of European dimension political cultural educational Educated European Citizens Classrooms in our multilingual age Future challenges in Education in Europe Teachers – the key factor The Future

5 European Dimension Place in the world Boundaries constant Possible extension of eastern boundary The Renaissance and Enlightenment Conflict in Europe European Union TEXT

6 European Dimension Alliances Society – supportive, cooperative and productive Political – dialogue not war We can shape a ‘smaller’ Europe and world People are divided, not territories

7 European Dimension Common humanity transcends difference Education for peace and democracy Celebrate culture and heritage Tolerance


9 San Carlo Motto Samhlaíocht Saothar Cúram

10 Educated European Citizens Meaning Self - Image Independent Cope Learn Categorise Information Solve Problems Innovate Receptive to others Communicate Enjoy / practice Arts Care for environment Live sensitively with others Sound mind in a sound body

11 Speaking your Mind A European dream realised through Education and Multilingualism Gerard McHugh 7 October 2009, Murcia, Spain

12 Comprendo que no existe El camino derecho Solo un gran laberintino De encrucijadas multiples Los Puentes Colgantes (Lorca)

13 I know there is no straight road No straight road in this world Only a giant labyrinth Of intersecting crossroads “Floating Bridges” from Suites (Lorca)

14 Multilingualism: European Union Core Values Respect for individual Openness for other cultures Tolerance and acceptance of others Respect for linguistic diversity

15 Multilingualism: European Union Language is the most direct expression of culture Policy at levels of society, economy, individual Barcelona objective 2002 – two foreign languages

16 Respondents able to participate in a conversation in another language than their mother tongue % country

17 Languages commonly used in the European Union %

18 Multilingualism: European Union Increasing citizens’ language skills More and better jobs Powerful symbol of Union’s aspirations re diversity Strengthen life chances of citizens

19 Multilingualism Links between language and society deeply interconnected Without language no society can function Multilingualism – a challenge for democracy Northern hemisphere, monolingualism Southern hemisphere, colonial languages Education – key role in shaping a participative democracy

20 Bilingualism Immersion in second language Additive bilingualism assists students under headings linguistic ability cognitive ability academic development social and community development Language acquired rather than learned

21 Europe today Language rich environment needed for teachers Bilingualism rarely an option Linguistic assimilation leading to cultural discontinuity Beware rejecting a child’s own language in school Create a linguistically plural environment

22 Practices schools might avoid Insisting on a monolingual classroom Banning home languages outside school Restricting encouragement to second language learning

23 Practices schools might adopt Welcome languages in the classroom Ask students to share their languages Encourage students to help their peers Expand the school’s cultural repertoire Involve parents Don’t assume parents and pupils want plurilingualism

24 Classrooms in digital/multilingual age

25 Challenges in Education Requiring Attention Integration of International Pupils Special needs - inclusiveness

26 Recent studies show that the single most important factor in determining a student’s achievement isn't the colour of his/her skin or where he/she comes from, but who the child’s teacher is. (Obama)

27 Professionalism and Teachers The Deserted Village His words of learned length and thundering sound Amazed the gazing rustics ranged around…. How one small head could carry all he knew Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774)

28 The Future Develop the imagination Rooted in values, powered by hope Vision and realism Make a difference Dare to dream

29 Speaking your Mind A European dream realised through Education and Multilingualism Gerard McHugh 7 October 2009, Murcia, Spain

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