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Generator status Akiya Miyamoto KEK 23 February 2016.

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1 Generator status Akiya Miyamoto KEK 23 February 2016

2 LC generator group  Formed for DBD common samples, but inactive after DBD  reactivated since LCWS2015, monthly meetings (vidyo)  Members: Timothy Barklow (SiD, SLAC), Mikael Berggren(ILD, DESY), Philip Roloff(clicDP, CERN), Akiya Miyamoto(ILD, KEK)  Aiming Act as liaisons among detector groups and to generator developers Standardize generator codes and provide common generator samples for LC studies Main concern for the moment is to –Update DBD generator tools, Whizard1, to Whizard2 2 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

3 Whizard1  Whizard2 Whizard2 is a completely new package. The latest, Whizard2.2.8, (Nov.2015) New steering language: Sindrain Matching hard gluon radiation from hard process. Whizard1.95: In DBD,  s =0 in Whizard and phythia for parton shower and hadronization Whizard2 : Matches gluon from Whizard hard process with gluons in parton shower and hadronization Improved treatment of t-tbar threshold 6 and 8 fermion final states: Whizard1.95: 6f, very time consuming, 8f practically impossible. Whizard2 : now possible with “Multi-processing” option. Many event output formats including LCIO Beam-beam luminosity spectrum could be directly input to Whizard User interface routines: - Whzard1.95:In Whizard1.95: We used the routine developed by Tim for beam-strahlung spectrum, ISR, hadronization by pythia6 including tauola. - Whizard2: These functions are/will be implemented in Whizard2 itself.  test by LC community is essential 3 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

4 Whizard2 status: Output format and interface Whizard2 (2.2.8) : Can output STDHEP (hepevt only ) and HEPEV4 (hepevt+hepev4) format.  In case of HEPEV4, color-flow information is not filled yet. Spin information is filled when polarization switch is on, but it’s format is not same as our convention. This will be fixed soon. LCIO: New feature in Whizard2 is working. 4 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

5 Beam-spectrum Whizrd1.95: user.f90 (by Tim) was used to generate beam spectrum. It read Lumi Linker files, which were prepared from GuineaPig outputs. Whizard2: 2 options: circe2 package or directly reads GuineaPig lumi files.  Circe2: Parameter files ILC spectrum are included in the release, but without the initial beam energy spread. Parameter files can be created from GuineaPig outputs which includes beam energy spread. But Whizard2 with pythia6 does not work. The problem has been reported to the authors.  Directly read GuineaPig ( used for DBD ) has to be randomized, but it works. –20BX of files (3.4M lines, ~60MB) were used. Would be not efficient. eg and gg spectrum have to be prepared. –The latest guineapig++(1.1.1) does not output need an expert help –Lumi linker files for Whizard1.95 used e/g spectrum “after BX”, not the one “during BX”  Lum. values were corrected, but not the spectrum. 5 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

6 6 23/02/2016

7 Tauola Not included in the standard Whizard2 release yet. LHC:  Tauola(c++ version) has been developed and used together with Pythia8.  Pythia8 interface has not been fully implemented. Whizard2:  HepMC output by Whizard2 could be edited for polarized tau decay by pythia8 ( Daniel Jeans’s method), but not for a large production  Spin information of fermions in hard process is kept in the internal buffer of Whizard2, but spin can not be saved in Pythia jetset buffer.  Tau is created not only by Whizard2 but also by Pythia in H, W, Z, decays (heavy quarks ?)  “user.f90” like interface is required to implement tauola in pythia6 a la DBD  An attempt has been made to port Whizard1interface to Whizard by A.M. Partially working, but need more tests. Communicating with Whizard authors for the inclusion to the Whizard2 release. 7 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

8 e + e -      , @ 250 GeV, with eL.pR  decays to  only.  decay angle in the  rest frame 

9 Red(ZH): e + e -       Black(ZZ): e + e -         ( m H =2TeV) Cos  between   and      decay only Angle between    and    plains cos   ?

10 hadronization DBD Whizard1.95,  LEP tuned hadronization parameters   S =0 to avoid double between parton shower and diagrams with gluon in multi quark final states Whizard2  2 hadronization methods, by Whizard2 itself or Pythia6/8.  Pythia6 hadronization with LEP parameter is possible.  Same distribution as Whizard1, if run with  S =0 and LEP parameter ?  Pythia8 parameters tuned by LHC exists  future direction   S !=0 with shower matching should be considered.  Affects event properties  Will increase CPU times  New process classification, with new kinematical condition qq  qq, qqj, qqjj j=u,d,s,c,g qqqq  qqqq, qqqqj, qqqqjj, … no double counting ?, general cut condition possible ? 10 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

11 Energy: 2q, 500 GeV

12 2q, 500 GeV

13 Energy, 4q, 500 GeV

14 #particles, 4q, 500 GeV Difference in kinematical cuts ?

15 6f/8f processes Full diagram calculation by Whizard requires a quite large CPU for generation of 6f (ex. e bcsb (tt) ) and 8f ( ex. udbcsbbb (tth) ) processes. Whith Whizard1, 6f took > 1 month. 8f too long code and failed to compile generated source codes. For DBD study, simplified diagrams ( without non-signal diagrams and QCD/EW interference ) were used. Whizard2 offers parallel computing. A test of multi-thread calculation has been made by Jan Strube. Shorter CPU time than Whizard1 has been observed. 15 23/02/2016 Jan Strube Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

16 Other processes   low Pt hadron:    lowPt hadron samples has been re-created in order to resolve the problems in DBD samples In the new sample, pythia simulation Ecm threshold restored to 2 GeV; improvements to 0.3<Ecm< 2 GeV simulation; electron recoil enabled (Tim) They are now in ILCDirac  Tim’s generator uses Whizard1.95 functions for beam-spectrum and event output. New development will be necessary if we move to Whizard2 Bhabha and other QED processes.  Standard QED samples, for bhabha,  etc would be useful.  BHWIDE with CLIC spectrum has been developed.  GRACE would be another possibility. 16 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

17 Summary Whizard2 is ready for use in some channels. We need more test, understanding, and developments are needed to produce a “general purpose sample” ala DBD. Close communication with Whizard2 team is essential. 17 23/02/2016 Akiya Miyamoto, ILD Software and Optimization Workshop

18 18 23/02/2016 BACKUP

19 2f_z_h.eL.pR @ 250 GeV Energy, 2q, 250 GeV

20 #particles, 2q, 250 GeV

21 P2f_z_h.eL.pR @ 250 GeV DBD Whizard2 Cos   EE Different ISR photon distr.?  ; 2q, 250 GeV Whizard2 parameter to turn on Pt(  ) !

22 4q, 250 GeV

23 #particles, 4q, 250 GeV


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