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1 Introduction to Cryptography Chapter-4. Definitions  Cryptography = the science (art) of encryption  Cryptanalysis = the science (art) of breaking.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introduction to Cryptography Chapter-4. Definitions  Cryptography = the science (art) of encryption  Cryptanalysis = the science (art) of breaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introduction to Cryptography Chapter-4

2 Definitions  Cryptography = the science (art) of encryption  Cryptanalysis = the science (art) of breaking encryption  Cryptology = cryptography + cryptanalysis

3 Cryptography Goals  Encryption – Prevent Eve from intercepting message  Authentication – Prevent Eve from impersonating Alice AliceBob Eve Insecure Channel

4 Cryptosystems A. Ciphers B. Classic B.1 Substitution e.g., Caesar Cipher B.2 Transposition e.g., Route Cipher B.3 Hybrid C. Modern C.1 Symmetric (Private Key) Stream Cipher e.g., RC4, A5/1 Block Cipher e.g., DES, AES C.2 Asymmetric (Public Key) e.g., RSA C.3 Hybrid

5 A. Terminology  Cryptology is the art and science of making and breaking “secret codes.”  Cryptography is the making of “secret codes.”  Cryptanalysis is the breaking of “secret codes.”  Crypto is a synonym for any or all of the above (and more).  Cipher ( صفر ) is an algorithm for performing encryption and decryption — a series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a procedure. 5

6 Terminology  Encryption is the process of encoding a message so that its meaning is not obvious  Equivalent terms: encode, encipher  Decryption is the reverse process, transforming an encrypted message back into its normal, original form  Equivalent terms: decode, decipher Plaintext Ciphertext Encrypt Decrypt 6

7 Substitution Ciphers Tap Code  Each letter is replaced by a number of beeps 7

8 8 Substitution Cipher Pigpen Cipher  Each letter is replaced by an art

9 Substitution Ciphers Vigenère Cipher  Polyalphabetic ciphers flatten the frequency distribution of the plaintext considerably.  Vigenère Cipher is an example of polyalphabetic ciphers - use different monoalphabetic substitutions as one proceeds through the plaintext message.  For example: Plaintext (M)meet me at ten Key (K)badb ad ba dba Ciphertext(C)nehu mh bt wfn where C = M+K mod 26 9


11 Plaintext (M)= Y 24 Key (K) = T 19 Ciphertext(C) 24+19=43 43 mod 26  43 – 26 = 17 ( R )

12 B.2. Transposition Ciphers  Transposition cipher – reorders (rearrange) symbols but does not disguise them. It is also called permutation  With transposition, the cryptography aims for diffusion  Widely spreading the information from the message or the key across the ciphertext  Transpositions try to break established patterns 12

13 Transposition Ciphers Route Cipher 13

14 Transposition Ciphers Rail Fence Cipher 14

15 Transposition Ciphers Columnar Transposition  Plaintext written in rows  Number of columns = key length  Key is used to number the columns  Ciphertext reads out by columns, starting with column whose key letter is lowest 15

16 Transposition Ciphers Columnar Transposition  Plaintext (M): WE ARE DISCOVERED FLEE AT ONCE  Key (K): 6 3 2 4 1 5  Ciphertext(C): EVLNE ACDTK ESEAQ ROFOJ DEECU WIREE 16

17 Terminology  Encryption/decryptions algorithms often use a device called a key, so that the resulting ciphertext depends on the original plaintext message, the algorithm, and the key value  An encryption scheme that does not require the use of a key is called a keyless cipher Plaintext Ciphertext Encrypt Decrypt 17

18 Terminology  Plaintext: message to be encrypted  Ciphertext: encrypted message  D K (E K (P)) = P 18

19 Symmetric (secret) Key  Alice and Bob share a secret key, K ab  Encryption – Plaintext message is encrypted and decrypted with K ab  Authentication – Alice proves to Bob that she knows K ab (e.g. a password)

20 Symmetric (secret) Key Alice Bob Message “Plaintext” Encryption By “K” Encryption By “K” Ciphertext Decryption By “K” Decryption By “K” Message “Plaintext” Ciphertext

21 Public Key Encryption  Bob generates 2 keys, K eb and K db  Bob publishes K eb (public key)  Alice encrypts: ciphertext C = E(K eb, plaintext P)  Bob decrypts: P = D(K db, C)  It must not be possible to compute K db (private key) from K eb

22 Public Key Encryption Alice Bob Message “Plaintext” Encryption by Bob Public K Encryption by Bob Public K Ciphertext Decryption by private “K” Decryption by private “K” Message “Plaintext” Ciphertext It must not be possible to compute (private key) from ‘Public kay‘

23 Digital Signatures  Alice generates K ea and K da  Alice publishes K ea  Alice signs plaintext P: (P, S = D(K da, P))  Alice sends P, S to Bob  Bob verifies that E(K ea, S) = P (since only Alice knows K da )

24 Digital Signatures Alice Bob Message “Plaintext” Signe P by private “K” To get S Signe P by private “K” To get S Send (S+P) verifies by public “K” To make sure that the Message from Alice verifies by public “K” To make sure that the Message from Alice Message “Plaintext” Send (S+P)

25 Combining Public Key Encryption and Authentication  Alice encrypts with Bob’s public key: C = E(K eb, P)  Alice signs with her secret key: S = D(K da, C)  Alice sends S, C to Bob  Bob verifies E(K ea, C) = C  Bob decrypts: P = D(K db, C)

26 Combining Public Key Encryption and Authentication Alice Bob Message “Plaintext” Send (C+S) Message “Plaintext” Send (C+S) encrypts with Bob’s public “K” signs with her secret “K” C S Verifie with Alice public “K” Decrypts with his private “K”

27 Cryptographic Attacks  Ciphertext only: attacker has only ciphertext.  Known plaintext: attacker has plaintext and corresponding ciphertext.  Chosen plaintext: attacker can encrypt messages of his choosing.  Distinguishing attack: an attacker can distinguish your cipher from an ideal cipher (random permutation).  A cipher must be secure against all of these attacks.

28 Kerckhoffs’ Principle  The security of an encryption system must depend only on the key, not on the secrecy of the algorithm.  Nearly all proprietary encryption systems have been broken (Enigma, DeCSS, zipcrack).  Secure systems use published algorithms (PGP, OpenSSL, Truecrypt).

29 Provable Security  There is no such thing as a provably secure system.  Proof of unbreakable encryption does not prove the system is secure.  The only provably secure encryption is the one time pad: C = P + K, where K is as long as P and never reused.  Systems are believed secure only when many people try and fail to break them.

30 Cryptographic Algorithms  Block ciphers (secret/symmetric key)  Hashes  MAC (keyed hashes)  Diffie-Hellman key exchange  RSA (public key encryption and digital signature)  ElGamal digital signature

31 Block Ciphers  AES  DES  3DES  Twofish  Blowfish  Serpent  RC4  IDEA  Etc. E D Plaintext Ciphertext Key

32 Encryption Modes  ECB – Electronic Code Book  CBC – Cipher Block Chaining  OFB – Output Feedback  CTR – Counter

33 ECB Mode  C i = E(K, P i )  Insecure (ciphertext blocks may repeat) C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C4C4 P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P4P4 EEEE

34 CBC Mode  C i = E(K, P i xor C i-1 )  C 0 = IV (initialization Vector) (fixed, random, counter, or nonce)  Most popular mode PiPi + E C i-1 CiCi P i-1 IV

35 OFB Mode  K 0 = IV (nonce = number used once)  K i = E(K, K i-1 )  C i = P i xor K i  Not tamper resistant E PiPi + CiCi KiKi

36 CTR Mode  K i = E(K, nonce || i)  C i = P i xor K i  Not tamper resistant E PiPi + CiCi KiKi (nonce || i)

37 Block Cipher Components  S boxes – invertible lookup tables, depends on key  P boxes – reorder bits (may also depend on key)  Key schedule – function of key (e.g. bit selection or simple hash) SSSS P SSSS P Schedule One Round Key Round Key

38 Substitution by itself is weak

39 Permutation by itself is weak  But combining many rounds of substitution and permutation might build a strong cipher.

40 Stream Ciphers C i-1 CiCi C i+1 P i-1 PiPi P i+1 PRNG + Key XOR Pseudo Random Number Generator

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