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Cooperation and Learning Strategy Instruction for Autonomy TESOL Arabia, March 2016 Raquel Coelho.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation and Learning Strategy Instruction for Autonomy TESOL Arabia, March 2016 Raquel Coelho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperation and Learning Strategy Instruction for Autonomy TESOL Arabia, March 2016 Raquel Coelho

2 Today’s Menu Teacher & learner responsibility Complexity of concepts Why CL & LLS instruction to support autonomy? Setting expectations & behaviour management LLSs choice & instruction CL choice & example Q & A

3 (From Chamot, Barnhardt, El-Dinary and Robbins, 1999: 46)

4 Autonomy, a complex construct

5 Autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning” (Holec, 1981, cited by Palfreyman, 2003:1) CL motivates (Dörnyei, 2001) & fosters group cohesion (Kagan, 1995; Al-Yaseen, 2014) Individual accountability & shared responsibility (Kagan, 1995; Al-Yaseen, 2014) CL is rooted in sociocultural theory, which attributes relevance to social interaction in the language learning process (Oxford, 1997; Swain and Lapkin, 1998; Lightbown and Spada, 2006) Sociocultural theory is based on Vygotsky’s work, which has vastly been adapted and adopted in education Autonomy & cooperation foster a critical & integrative citizenship from childhood Why CL & Strategy Instruction for Autonomy?

6 Great Expectations Set clear expectations, teach cooperation & learning strategies explicitly (Gillies and Boyle, 2010; Gillies and Ashman, 1996; Mercer, 1996; Chamot and O’Malley, 1994) Social interactions in CL are greatly structured and teachers must dedicate time to plan and prepare successful CL lessons (Oxford, 1997) in order to encourage positive interactions and positively impact motivation to learn (Dörnyei, 2001).

7 Behaviour management Focus on the positive. Catch them being good! When they get off task, quietly slip a STOP card on the group’s desk.

8 Behaviour management Role cards help children to focus and gives everyone an important job. They need to be introduced gradually.

9 Learning Strategies – 3 Categories Metacognitive Strategies Cognitive Strategies Socio-Affective Strategies Students plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning. Students interact with what they learn, changing or organising it mentally or physically. Students interact with others, or use attitudes or feelings to enhance their learning. Categorisation from Chamot and O'Malley, 1994

10 Strategies we will share today Metacognitive Predict Skimming & scanning (2 strategies!) Cognitive Activate prior knowledge Take notes (Eg Table/Chart? Maths problems) Socio-Affective Questioning for clarification Cooperating Self-talk


12 Oxford & Macaro’s flexible cycle (Oxford, 2013: 184)

13 Choosing from numerous CL structures Think-pair-share – Easy to set up and requires little to no resources. Jigsaw – Requires lots of time to prepare resources that are relevant and pitched at the students’ levels.

14 (Timed) Think-pair-share A CL structure Set an amount of time for individual & silent thinking Followed by 2 slots of time, so that the pair can take turns in talking and listening Finally, share with the whole group

15 Jigsaw – Another CL structure The original jigsaw looks like this: Each person becomes and expert in 1 strategy and then shares their expertise with the other members of their Home Group 1 – Experts in flowers 2 - Experts in leaves 3 - Experts in stems 4 - Experts in roots In this session, because it is not easy for you to move around, we will not try it out.

16 Jigsaw in the classroom – An example


18 Use simple graphic organisers which can be re-used.

19 Posters made by children

20 Detail of children’s poster

21 Mini-jigsaw Instead of this: -------------------------------------------------------------------- We will do this: 1 st, read your own card. 2 nd predict what your partner’s strategy is about, just by its name. 3 rd teach the person next to you. They can make notes. Then they will teach you about their learning strategy and you can make notes.

22 (Timed) Think-pair-share A CL structure 1 st, think quietly about how this would work well / not work in your context. 1 minute 2 nd, pair with a partner close to you. 1 minute each 3 rd, share with the whole group.

23 Q & A Time! As time is short, if you would like to discuss anything in depth, please let me know and we can get together. In case you want the PPT I am happy to email it to you if you send me a message:

24 Recommended reading National Capital Language Research Centre: Handbook written for teachers: Chamot, A. U., Barnhardt, S., El- Dinary, P. B. and Robbins, J. (1999) The learning strategies handbook. New York: Longman. This is where the strategy descriptions used in this session came from. CALLA handbook, also written for teachers: Chamot, A. U. and O'Malley, J. M. (1994) The CALLA handbook: implementing the cognitive academic language learning approach. USA: Longman. Great story to introduce good habits and learning strategies (Beware of reference to Gods!): E2BN (2006) Anansi brings stories to the world [online]. England: East of England Broadband Network. Available from: anansi- brings-stories-to-the-world.html [Accessed 6 November 2014]. anansi- brings-stories-to-the-world.html

25 Recommended reading (Cont.) Extensive list of CL structures & how to use them: Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (2009) Kagan cooperative learning. San Clemente: Kagan Publishing. Another categorization system: Yet another categorization system: teachinglearning.html teachinglearning.html Interesting article with non-categorized strategies: learning-strategies-for-active-students-?page=3

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