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Discovery of highly excited long-lived isomers in neutron- rich hafnium and tantalum isotopes through direct mass measurements Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC.

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Presentation on theme: "Discovery of highly excited long-lived isomers in neutron- rich hafnium and tantalum isotopes through direct mass measurements Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovery of highly excited long-lived isomers in neutron- rich hafnium and tantalum isotopes through direct mass measurements Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

2 Region of Interest 2. I. J. Cullen, Private Communication Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

3 Region of Interest 2. I. J. Cullen, Private Communication Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

4 Region of Interest 3. P. Walker et al., Nature, 399 (1999) 35-40 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

5 Ion Sources UNILAC SIS ESR SHIP FRS Experimental Areas 197 Au Beam at ~500 Mev/u 9 Be Target Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

6 1. F. Bosch, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36(2003) 585-597 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

7 time 4 particles with different mass over charge ratios

8 Sin(  1 ) Sin(  2 ) Sin(  3 ) Sin(  4 ) 11 22 33 44 time Fast Fourier Transform Schottky Mass Spectrometry Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011




12 A =190 q=+74 190 W +74 190 Re +74 190m Os +74 190g Os +74 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011


14 Loss Mechanism Bare Ions Lorentz Corrected t 1/2 =21(4)m Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

15 Hafnium A=183 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

16 Hafnium A=183 γ decay ~3s cooling time Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

17 A=184 184g Ta +72 184g Hf +72 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

18 A=184 184g Ta +72 184g Hf +72 184m1 Hf +72 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

19 A=184 184g Ta +72 184g Hf +72 184m1 Hf +72 184m2 Hf +72 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

20 Merging 2. I. J. Cullen, Thesis 2010

21 Tantalum A=186 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

22 Tantalum A=186 γ decay Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

23 Tantalum A=186 β decay Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

24 A=187 187g Re +73 187g Ta +73 187g W +73 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

25 A=187 187g Re +73 187g Ta +73 187g W +73 187m1 Ta +73 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

26 A=187 187g Re +73 187g Ta +73 187g W +73 187m1 Ta +73 187m2 Ta +73 Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

27 Results Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

28 Results Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

29 Results Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

30 Collaborators P.M. Walker, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, J.J. Carroll, D.M. Cullen, I.J. Cullen, A.Y. Deo, B. Detwiler, C. Dimopoulou, G.D.Dracoulis, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Heil, R.S. Kempley, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, S. Litvinov, Yu.A.Litvinov, Z. Liu, R. Mao, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W.R. Plass, A. Prochazka, C.Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, B. Sun, T.D. Swan, G. Trees, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M.Winkler, P.J. Woods and T.Yamaguchi Thank you! Matthew Reed, Brighton PRE-SPEC meeting January 2011

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