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Finnish sentiment analysis and a tool for social media tracking

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Presentation on theme: "Finnish sentiment analysis and a tool for social media tracking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finnish sentiment analysis and a tool for social media tracking

2 Who we are? Faculty of Business, ICT and Chemical Engineering
Program degree: Business information technology Arto Kivinen Tuomo Helo Tuukka Ojanen

3 Why we are doing this? NEMO = Business Value from Negative Emotions
What kind of impact negative information does for business Knowing emotional aspects of social media Calculated positive, neutral and negative classification

4 Demonstration Sentiment & Data analyzer

5 Sentiment analysis methods
Supervised classification analysis was performed by using multinomial logistic regression, support vector machine, and random forest algorithms Twitter messages were classified into three categories: Negative sentiment, neutral, and positive sentiment The training and test sets were based on more than 9000 manually classified tweets Dictionaries of positive (>1500) and negative (>3000) Finnish words were used The used features included word counts and percentages, but also e.g. link counts and user tag counts

6 Architecture BigData Social media tracker Third party software
MongoDB 3.2 MongoDB 3.2 Futusome API Aggregation MapReduce Crawler Twitter/Facebook… API User HTTP Geocode enrichment Desktop WebSocket NodeJS Sentiment analysis WebSocket Drupal 8 PHP HTTP API R script Optimized in threads Mobile Apache HTTP PostgreSQL

7 Partners & Use cases Futusome Tampere University of Technology
Super Analytics Nooa Säästöpankki Rud Pedersen Skanska S-TOK

8 Thank you! Questions? Arto Kivinen Tuomo Helo
Tuukka Ojanen

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