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Seeking the Ox: Developing Critical Thinkers at LFCC Quality Enhancement Plan For SACS-COC May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeking the Ox: Developing Critical Thinkers at LFCC Quality Enhancement Plan For SACS-COC May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeking the Ox: Developing Critical Thinkers at LFCC Quality Enhancement Plan For SACS-COC May 2007

2 What is a QEP? Q…Quality E… Enhancement P… Plan

3 The LFCC QEP: Purpose The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) of Lord Fairfax Community College aims to create a culture of critical thinking (CT) which permeates all aspects of the College community.

4 What is Critical Thinking? Explain, analyze, and synthesize what we see, hear, and read Use creativity to discover multiple and diverse approaches to issues Find relevant information to address tasks and problems Evaluate claims and evidence to draw reasonable conclusions Justify conclusions and solutions Apply concepts to real-world problems See connections and patterns both within a discipline and across disciplines Reflect on our own thinking and learning.

5 Seeking The Ox

6 Seeking the Ox Recognize… That you don’t know That you aren’t certain That there is a problem That things could be different

7 Discovering the Footprints

8 Seeking the Footprints Begin… to ask questions to think about the issue or problem to consider possibilities to research, read, study

9 Perceiving the Ox


11 Catching the Ox

12 Do the Work Practice! Repeat! Try (maybe fail) Try again! Study more! Try again!

13 Taming the Ox

14 Get it under control Build confidence Practice (with a different focus) Have a little more fun with it

15 Riding the Ox Home

16 Make it work for me… Discover useful tricks Be creative Accomplish meaningful tasks Establish a new comfort zone

17 The Ox Transcended

18 Focus on other things… What I know is there I can get it if I need it I don’t have to think about it Move in the new comfort zone

19 The Ox and the Self Transcended

20 The Ox and Self Transcended Recognize: It’s not about me Knowledge is not independent I’m part of a much larger whole There are connections and relationships

21 Reaching the Source

22 Go back to the beginning Does the situation seem different? How am I different? How will I view the next problem, in light of my thinking on this one?

23 In the World

24 Thinkers… give back teach others learn continuously grow and change make a difference

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