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Journal Club Julie Shah, MD Milton S Hershey Medical Center Penn State University.

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1 Journal Club Julie Shah, MD Milton S Hershey Medical Center Penn State University

2 Disclosure ♥I do not have any financial interests with the manufacturer of the products discussed in this presentation

3 Objective ♥Analyze the most current journals regarding diabetes research

4 Differential Clinical Responses to Everolimus-Eluting and Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stents in Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus Gregg. W. Stone, Elvin Kedhi, Dean J. Kereiakes, Helen Parise, Martin Fahy, Patrick W. Serruys and Pieter C. Smits

5 Background ♥Drug eluting stents have significantly lower rates of target- lesion revascularization (TLR) and target- vessel revascularisation (TVR) compared to BMS in patients with and without Diabetes. ♥Prior studies have shown comparable rates of restenosis for Paclitaxel eluting stents in pts with/ without diabetes ♥Efficacy of rapamycin analog eluting stent ( everolimus, sirolimus etc) in pts with diabetes vs without remains unclear

6 Hypothesis ♥To evaluate any differences in safety outcomes between different DES according to the presence of diabetes. ♥To confirm better outcomes with use of Everolimus-eluting stent (EES) compared to Paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) in pts without diabetes

7 This study has two parts ♥Comparison of outcomes in patients  without diabetes mellitus  With diabetes mellitus

8 Material & Methods ♥Data from four trials ♥Each study was prospective, randomized, single-blinded ♥Follow-up is planned for 5 years in each trial and is currently complete through 2years in all 4 studies

9 Meta-analysis with four major studies

10 Source of Funding ♥The SPIRIT II, III, and IV trials were funded by Abbott Vascular. ♥The COMPARE trial was funded by research grants from Abbott Vascular and Boston Scientific. ♥The analysis presented here was funded in part by a research grant from Abbott Vascular

11 Statistical Analysis ♥SAS version 9.1.3 ♥Intention to treat ♥Multivariate analyses with logistic regression ♥Chi square, Fisher exact test and t- test ♥Kaplan-meier display ♥P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant

12 Results Total N=6780 Without Diabetes n=4911 (72.4%) EES (n= 3056) PES (n= 1855) Diabetes n=1869 (27.6%) EES (n= 1188) PES (n=681)

13 Results




17 Pts without Diabetes

18 Pts with Diabetes




22 Summary The major findings from this analysis are: ♥In pts without diabetes, EES has better outcomes ♥In pts with diabetes, there are no differences in outcomes ♥In diabetics not requiring insulin, ischemic TLR in reduced with EES ♥In diabetics requiring insulin, ischemic TLR is less with PES

23 Discussion ♥Difference in outcome based on diabetes status may be related to difference in mechanism of action of these two drugs ♥Paclitaxel disrupts microtubular function and interferes with multiple pathways of restenosis- smooth muscle proliferation, migration, matrix production, cell to cell signaling

24 Mechanism of Everolimus ♥Rapamycin analogs interfere with cellular mitosis. They bind to FK binding protein and modulate the activity of mTOR ( mammalian target of rapamycin) which results in cell cycle arrest. ♥These processes tightly regulated by glycosylation- dependent enzymes, and thus diabetes may be playing a role in the their function

25 Limitations ♥the sample size remains inadequate to exclude small differences between the 2 stent types in t he diabetic cohort ♥a very large randomized trial (5000 patients) restricted to patients with diabetes mellitus would berequired to determine whether meaningful differences in safety outcomes between EES and PES he diabetic cohort ♥Longer-term follow-up is necessary to deter-mine whether meaningful differences between the stent types in diabetic patients will emerge over time

26 The End


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