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INDIVIDUALIZATON OF CHEMISTRY TEACHING – THE CASE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Meliha Zejnilagic-Hajric 1, Behija Bisic 2, Ines Nuic 1 1 Faculty of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "INDIVIDUALIZATON OF CHEMISTRY TEACHING – THE CASE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Meliha Zejnilagic-Hajric 1, Behija Bisic 2, Ines Nuic 1 1 Faculty of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDIVIDUALIZATON OF CHEMISTRY TEACHING – THE CASE OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Meliha Zejnilagic-Hajric 1, Behija Bisic 2, Ines Nuic 1 1 Faculty of Science Sarajevo, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 JU “Mješovita srednja industrijska škola”, 72 000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina Presenting author: ABSTRACT REFERENCES: Sirhan G. (2007) Learning Difficulties in Chemistry: An Overview. Journal of Turkish Science Education. [Online]. 4, pp 2-20. Dostupno na: [3.4.2012.]. Suzić N. (1983) Neke pretpostavke za rad sa poluprogramiranim materijalom. Naša škola. Sarajevo. [Online]. 1-2, pp. 41-45. Dostupno na: [15.3.2012.]. Suzić N. (1981) Individualizacija nastave hemije poluprogramiranim radom sa udžbenikom i nastavnim filmom. Pedagoška stvarnost. Novi Sad. [Online]. 7, pp. 609- 620. Dostupno na: [15.3.2012.]. CONCLUSION In our schools the programmed or semi-programmed work is not custom, so our students are not used to it. This may be the reason that we did not get greater difference between EG and CG. But, since slight difference exists, we believe that, in order to get better results, this kind of realization of chemistry classes should be applied in bigger extension. Students had positive impresions on semi-programmed work using textbook and video-clip, and this encourage us to use it more frequently. OBSERVATIONS Results of ET confirmed that selected groups were equal considering their previous knowledge on nonmetals and sulfur itself - there were no significant statistical diference among these groups of students (t=0,46). After teaching “Sulfur” in both groups in described way, T-I has been conducted to determine the kind of improvement in students’ knowledge, as well as in potential difference between CG and EG. Graphic 1: Results of T-I Results showed that there were no statistically significant difference between CG and EG on T-I (t=0,50). These results were also considered when taking into account the Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. Test contained five questions in first level, three in second, six in third level and one in fourth level. Questions in 5 th and 6 th level were not set. OBSERVATIONS – continued Graphic 2. T-I results considering Bloom’s taxonomy As expected, the majority of students solved the questions on 1 st level, and only a few on 4 th level. T-II has been applied to test the students’ knowledge ten days after teaching curriculum unit “Sulfur” in EG and CG, in order to test the permanence of knowledge. Graphic 3. Results of T II As we can see from Graphic 3., EG students showed greater permanence of knowledge than CG. These results may not show the big difference in most of the test questions. Also, student still had same problems on both tests (e.g. 13th question in both tests was the biggest obstacle). METHODOLOGY In order to experimentaly verify the efficiency of selected model of individualized teaching, we have chosen the students from two high-schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Druga gimnazija” in Zenica and “Muhsin Rizvic” in Breza. The study has been conducted in 2011/2012 school year and involved 102 students total. Students were divided in control (CG) and experimental (EG) group, and all classes were taught by the same teacher. In CG the usual way of realization the curriculum unit “Sulfur”, was applied, while in EG an experimental factor has been introduced: semi-programmed work with the textbook and video-clip. Research required four teaching hours in each class, during which following insruments were applied (Table 1): Table 1. Instruments and the activities during the research S-I included questions about general characteristics of chemistry classes and students’ own interests and opinions about chemistry. ET was aimed to show the knowledge that studens possess prior to teaching selected unit, and T-I was conducted after the realization of this curriculum unit, to see what knowledge do students posses after teaching in two different ways. With S-II the students of EG were asked to give their opinion on applying semi-programmed work with textbook and video clips. T-II served to show the amount of gained knowledge 10 days after teaching. One of the tasks of teaching and learning in schools is the adoption and acquiring of knowledge. In order for knowledge to be more permanent it is necessary to proactively involve students in the process of acquiring the knowledge. The objective of this research is to develop a model of individualization in modern chemistry education, in which students would be in charge of operations and whose success will depend on the size and complexity of the subject matter, the manner and the pace of processing information. The goal of this research is to experimentally determine the efficacy of individualized chemistry teaching using semi-programmed work by using the textbook and video clips. The research was conducted in the 2011/2012 school year, in two high schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Study involved students from two classes in each school, a total of 102 students, divided in two groups, control and experimental. An experimental factor was introduced in the experimental group. In both groups new curriculum content has been taught – teaching unit “Sulfur”. Research results have confirmed the main hypothesis and the sub-hypotheses. Numerous benefits of individualized teaching in chemistry, applying semi-programmed textbook and video clips can be observed: students learn individually and at their own pace; the motivation is expressed as well as their achievement; semi-programmed work develops individuality, work habits, learning techniques, work with the textbook, self-confidence, etc. 44th World Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 11.-16. 8. 2013

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