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1 Chapter 6 Strategies for Web Auctions, Virtual Communities, and Web Portals Electronic Commerce p218.

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1 1 Chapter 6 Strategies for Web Auctions, Virtual Communities, and Web Portals Electronic Commerce p218

2 2 Objectives  Key characteristics of the six major auction types  Strategies for general and specific consumer Web auction sites  Strategies for B2B Web auction sites  How businesses use virtual communities to increase brand awareness and sales  Strategies for Web portal sites p219 308

3 3 Important Words 1  出价逐升式拍卖 (Ascending-Price Auction)  拍卖师 (Auctioneer)  出价 (Bid)  出价人 (Bidder)  出价逐降式拍卖 (Descending-Price Auction)  双重拍卖 (Double Auction)  荷兰式拍卖 (Dutch Auction)  英式拍卖 (English Auction)  代管契约服务 (Escrow Service)  密封递价最高价拍卖 (First-Price Sealed-Bid Auction)

4 4 Important Words 2  集体购买网站 (Group Purchasing Site)  清算经纪公司 (Liquidation Broker)  起拍价 (Minimum Bid)  出价的最小增价 (Minimum Bid Increment)  在线社区 (Online Community)  开放式拍卖 (Open Auction)  开放出价的拍卖 (Open-Outcry Auction)  预估价 (Private Valuation)  委托出价 (Proxy Bid)  保留价格 (Reserve Price)  保留拍卖 (Reserve Auction)

5 5 Important Words 3  清算经纪公司 (Liquidation Broker)  密封递价拍卖 (Sealed-Bid Auction)  密封递价次高价拍卖 (Second-Price Sealed _Bid Auction)  雇佣出价人 (Shill Bidder)  拍卖专家 (Specialist)  维氏拍卖 (Vickrey Auction)  虚拟社区 (Virtual Community)  网上社区 (Web Community)  美式拍卖 (Yankee Auction)

6 6 Introduction  eBay  In 1995, Pierre Omidyar( 皮尔. 欧米达 )  p219

7 7 §6.1 Auction Basics  In many ways, online auctions provide a business opportunity.  An auction site can charge both buyers and sellers.  can sell advertising on its pages.  can form a market segment.  It is relatively easy that yield profits early in the life of the project. p219

8 8 §6.1.1 Origins Auction  Earliest known auctions were in Babylon ( 巴 比伦 ) around 500 B.C.  Entire Roman Empire ( 罗马帝国 )was auctioned in 193 A.D. after the death of Emporer Pertinax. ( 珀蒂纳克斯皇帝 )  Buddhist temples ( 佛教寺院 ) held auctions to sell the possessions of deceased monks  Auction firms Sotheby’s and Christie’s began in the 17 th century (18 世纪英国索斯比拍卖行和克里斯蒂拍卖行 ) p220

9 9 §6.1.2 English Auctions  Bidders publicly announce their successively higher bids until no higher bid is offered  Open-outcry auction  Minimum price can be used to set the price at which the auction will begin  Reserve price is the minimum price the seller will accept p220

10 10 offer  要约  An offer is a commitment with certain terms made to another party,such as declaration of willingness to buy or sell a product or service.  要约是表示买卖某个产品或服务的意愿的严格、精确、 详细的声明。 p220

11 11 (2) Yankee Auctions  Yankee auctions allow the bidder to choose the quantity of multiple items offered at the auction p220

12 12 §6.1.3 Dutch Auctions  Form of open auction in which bidding starts at a high price and drops until a bidder accepts the price  Usually the seller offers a number of similar items for sale  Good for moving large numbers of commodity items quickly p221

13 13 §6.1.4 Sealed-Bid Auctions Bidders submit their bids independently and are usually prohibited from sharing information with each other p221

14 14 Sealed-Bid Auctions :  First-price sealed-bid Highest bidder wins  Second-price sealed bid Highest bidder wins, but at the second- highest bidder’s price Encourages all bidders to bid their private valuations, reducing collusion William Vickrey( 威廉. 维克瑞 )won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Economics. p221

15 15 William Vickrey :  Second-price sealed bid 密封递价次高价拍卖,也称为维氏拍卖 William Vickrey( 威廉. 维克瑞 )won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Economics. p221

16 16 §6.1.5 Double Auctions Buyers and sellers each submit combined price-quantity bids to an auctioneer  The auctioneer matches the seller’s offer (lowest price, then up) to the buyer’s offers (highest price, then down)  New York Stock Exchange ( 纽约股票交易所 ) conducts sealed-bid double auctions of stocks and bonds.  Chicago Board of Trade ( 芝加哥同业公会 ) p221

17 17 Six Major Auction Types Figure 6-1 p222 6-1

18 18 §6.2 Web Auction Strategies  1999 PC Computing magazine survey reported that 37% of people responding had made purchases and 12% had sold items using an on- line auction service  15% of the survey’s respondents stated that they would never use an on-line auction site  Analysts and researchers predict the on-line auctions will account for 40% of all e-commerce by 2004 p222

19 19 eBay Home Page Figure 6-2 p224 6-2 智能搜索引擎 到商品分类的链接 第三方担保者

20 20 §6.2.1 General Consumer Auctions  eBay  Search for specific items  Browse by categories of items  Seller options include bold-face type and featured listings (粗体字和最受欢迎名单)  Rating system (评价系统) to provide feedback to alleviate fears concerning seller reliability  Third-party assurance provider TRUSTe (第三方担保者) p223

21 21 eBay  Computerized version of then English auction.  Yankee auction.  Minimum bid increment  Proxy bid p225

22 22 Additional General Consumer Auctions  Auction Universe, owned by Classified Ventures, a partnership of eight major newspapers Auction Universe closed in August 2000.  Yahoo! and Excite have created auctions based on the eBay model p226

23 23 Additional General Consumer Auctions  Offers “Auctions Guarantee” to reimburse any buyer for merchandise purchased that was not delivered, or “materially different” than represented Provides escrow service for items over $250 Third–party escrow service (第三方代管契约服务)  Klik-Klok Dutch Auction Short time-period auctions for quantity offerings p228

24 24 Klik-Klok Dutch Auction in Progress Figure 6-4 p229 6-4 数量选择 价格随计时器下降

25 25 §6.2.2 Specialty Consumer Auctions Technology-related items auction sites Haggle Online ZDNet Onsale uBid, and  Numerous specialty auction sites Golf Club Exchange p229

26 26 §6.2.3 Business-to-Business Auctions  Typically used to dispose of excess inventory ( 处理不用或过期的存货 )  Three methods: ① Large companies use liquidation specialists (清算专家) to find buyers for unusable inventory, create their own auction sites ② Smaller companies often sell their excess inventory to liquidation brokers ( 清算经纪公司 ), who, in turn, create auction sites ③ Web Auction Sites p232

27 27 ① Large companies model  Ingram Micro Major distributor of computer equipment to VARs. ( 销售计算机及相关设备给增值经销商的大型分销公司 ) Auction Block site about 60% of the items’ cost on the site Vs.10%~25% of cost from liquidation brokers  CompUSA p233 Computer equipment To corporate customers ( 主要面对中小企业客户 ) p232

28 28 Examples of Third-Party Auction Sites  Auction IT Computer equipment  Going, Going...Sold! Laboratory equipment  FastParts.Com p234 Electronic components  CheMatch Bulk petrochemicals  Band-x Time on their network  ISE Trade stock p233

29 29 §6.2.4 Auction-Related Services  1.Escrow service ( 代管契约服务) Independent party holds buyer’s payment until the item is received and the buyer is satisfied with the purchase 2.Directory of available auctions ( 拍卖目录) Auction Guide u Guidance for new auction participants AuctionWatch p236 u Links to auctions sorted by category p235

30 30 Auction-Related Services 3. Auction search and price-monitoring service ( 拍卖搜索和价格监测服务) Price Watch 4. Auction software ( 拍卖软件) for sellers: Auction management software for buyers: Sniping software 5. Electronic payments ( 电子结算) p237

31 31 §6.2.5 Seller-Bid Auctions and Group Purchasing Sites  Reverse auctions Sellers of goods and services bid the prices at which they are willing to sell  Group purchasing sites Items are posted with a price, as the number of bids increase, the seller negotiates a better price with the item’s provider p237

32 32 Group purchasing sites  Group purchasing sites Items are posted with a price, as the number of bids increase, the seller negotiates a better price with the item’s provider  p239

33 33 §6.3 Virtual Community Strategies  The scenario of Fran Dennision  Three key elements 1. Cellular-satellite communications technology 2. Electronic marketplaces AvantGo 3. Software agents MIT Media Lab Software Agents Group  Intelligent software agents (智能软件代理)  Software robots, or bots (软件机器人)  BestBook Buys p240  BotSpot p239

34 34 Intelligent Agents  A program that performs functions such as information gathering, information filtering, or mediation (running in the background) on behalf of a person or entity  Examples of widely known agents: Auction Bot, BargainFinder Firefly, Kasbah p322

35 35 Intelligent software agents  Intelligent software agents  Software robots, or bots (软件机器人)  BestBook Buys  BotSpot    p322

36 36 §6.3.1 Virtual Communities  Gathering places for people and businesses that does not have a physical existence Usenet newsgroups Chat rooms Web sites  Helps companies, customers, and suppliers plan, collaborate, transact business, and interact in a mutually beneficial way p241

37 37 §6.3.2 Early Web Communities  WELL Whole Earth ‘lectronic Link Predates the web ( 1985), began as a series of dialogs among San Francisco authors and readers Purchased by (电子杂志出版公司 1999)  GeoCities Beverly Hills Internet Free web space for members Sells advertising to generate revenue Owned by Yahoo! ( 1999 , $50 亿 ) p243

38 38 Early Web Communities  Tripod Similar to GeoCities Free web space for members Owned by Lycos ( 1998 , $5800 万 )  Created by Cornell University students News feeds, art gallery Closed in 2001 p244

39 39 §6.3.3 Web Community Consolidation  Most virtual communities have been unable to support themselves and have either closed or been sold to companies or sites that have other revenue-generating activities. p243

40 40 §6.3.4 Web Portal Strategies  Combinations of virtual communities, search engines, and Web directories  Provide a high degree of “stickiness” (黏度 ) that is extremely attractive to advertisers  Examples include AOL, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, MSN, Netscape Netcenter, Snap, and Yahoo! p244

41 41 Web Portal Strategies  Typically ask members to provide demographic information about themselves  Very high potential for targeted marketing  High visitor counts yield high advertising rates p244

42 42 Nielsen/NetRatings 统计报告  网上十大受欢迎网站 2001 年 8 月  Nielsen/NetRatings ( 2001.8.7. ) p245

43 43 各网站黏度指标统计 Figure 6-13 Stickiness of popular Web sites accessed from at-home computers 网站名 非重复访问者滞留时间(分) 非重复访问者数量 ( 百万 ) p245 eBay 35 7 Yahoo! 26 31 MSN 22 29 AOL Time Warner 16 39 Disney 15 7 Excite @Home 13 7 Lycos Network 8 9 Google 6 6 5 6 Microsoft 4 10

44 44 各网站黏度指标统计 2 Figure 6-14 Stickiness of popular Web sites accessed from at-work computers 网站名 非重复访问者滞留时间 ( 分 ) 非重复访问者数量 ( 百万 ) p245 eBay 52 6 Yahoo! 42 19 MSN 32 18 AOL Time Warner 27 20 Disney 16 6 11 5 Google 9 6 Microsoft 6 9 Lycos Network 6 6 6 5

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