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The Math Studies Project for Internal Assessment   Personal research   Relate to student’s own interest   Use mathematical tools from the syllabus.

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Presentation on theme: "The Math Studies Project for Internal Assessment   Personal research   Relate to student’s own interest   Use mathematical tools from the syllabus."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Math Studies Project for Internal Assessment   Personal research   Relate to student’s own interest   Use mathematical tools from the syllabus   No restriction on the area of interest : sport, art, finance…

2 A good project should be able to be followed by a non-mathematician and be self explanatory all the way through. BE CLEVER ! BE CLEAR ! Your teacher will be here to help at any time

3 Organisation (1) 1 st stage : discussion in class/ Examine others projects/think about a topic   choose a subject before September 30 2 nd stage : organize the data collection/ make appointments/ Collect the data IT IS A TIME CONSUMING STAGE 3 rd Stage : analyse the data : be critic !

4 Organisation (2) 4 th Stage : perform the math analysis 5 th Stage : first conclusions and first “boucle de rétroaction”  DO YOU NEED MORE DATA ??? DO YOU NEED OTHERS MATH PROCESSES ? 6 th Stage : final draft

5 Organisation (3) Recommendation : At each stage : write a draft that will help you : To precise your own ideas To explain the way you think to your teacher To write the final draft Try to write it as close as possible to the final draft

6 Requirement (1) Length The project does not have a word limit. It is the quality of the mathematics and the processes used and described that is important, rather than the number of words written. However : to have an idea, a 10 to 15 pages project (including appendices) is an average.

7 Requirement (2) Commitment : The project is a substantial piece of work (20 hours class time plus several more hours outside the class) The project should demonstrate a commitment of time and effort by the student

8 Choice of Topic (1) The choice of topic must give students sufficient scope to demonstrate their mathematical ability. Statistical Chi-Squared test for Independence Correlation/Linear regression Student ‘t’ test Spearman’s rank order correlation

9 Choice of Topic (2) Algebraic Modelling Quadratic Exponential Trigonometric Calculus i. Optimization Problems ii. Modelling

10 Choice of Topic (3) Number and algebra i Sequences and series ii Linear programming Sets, Logic and Probability i Venn diagrams ii Probabilities Financial Mathematics

11 Examples of previous projects Do people choose a free newspaper at random or is there a relationship with their age and gender ? how does music change the mathematical ability of students ? What influence does doing nothing and listening to music have on perception of time ? The perceived value of a coin or a bill depends on its familiarity Statistical relationship and correlation between subject appreciation and political opinion Do student rank in the family/Number of siblings affect the IB grade ?

12 Assessement 7 Criteria A : Introduction (3) B: Information/Measurement (3) C: Mathematical processes (5) D : Interpretation of results (3) E : Validity (1) F : Structure and communication (3) G : Notation and Terminology (2)

13 Preliminary The Project must have a clear title Other information   Candidate’s name   Candidate’s number   Date   Subject   Teacher’s Name + Table of contents

14 A: Introduction Title Task:What is the aim of the project?   distinct objective +clear hypothesis or direction   must be clearly stated Plan:How to achieve this aim?   Data : describe data collection /sampling techniques   Math process : describe which process and the reason for choosing these processes

15 B: Information / Measurement The information/measurements collected :   may come from a survey, internet, calculation, etc   must be sufficient in quantity (especially if used in tests –Chi2- 50 pieces of data will be necessary)   must be relevant   must be organised (table, sorting, chart …)   Should be given in appendix (questionnaire if any + raw data + processed data : table, diagram …)

16 C: Mathematical Processes (1) Start with simple and relevant processes (diagram, mean…)   Explain the mathematical technique   why it is useful for your project : relevance/validity   For each formula, always do one calculation “by hand” then use the GDC or EXCEL for further calculations.   Always check the accuracy of your results   Interpret results/draw conclusions from the results of the calculations Ex : A simple process can help recognize “incorrect” data or a problem in your survey. Or can prove that you need more data.

17 C: Mathematical Processes (2) Apply relevant sophisticated processes as thoroughly as for simple process. Interpret results/draw conclusions from the results of the calculations Comment on validity of results Check the accuracy of the results For Chi-squared tests to be valid: Frequencies must be used, not raw data or percentages No more than 20% of the expected cells should have a number less than 5 No expected cells should have a number less than 1 For Linear correlation : do not calculate R if the scatter graph shows no correlation !

18 D: Interpretation of results Always give a thorough and detailed analysis and discussion of results : Show how smart you are !

19 E: Validity Examinators know you cannot produce a complete job : be aware of the limits of your project : Limit in your data collection Validity of mathematical processes used Validity of results obtained from these processes

20 F: Structure and Communication The project should :   include the discussion in the body of the work   always uses appropriate mathematical language   be presented correctly and in a systematic manner : paragaph   acknowledged all sources   include website addresses in bibliography   include raw data in appendix (preferably) and processed data in the body.

21 Special recommendation : Conclusion Did the data and calculations support your task? Discuss limitations in its applicability within the project. Scope for improvement /extension of the project

22 G: Notation and Terminology Means that the student :   Uses correct terminology   Uses mathematical notation   Explicitly defines variables

23 Bibliography State websites State websites Footnotes as necessary Footnotes as necessary Other sources of information Other sources of information

24 Appendices  Raw data collected can be placed here

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