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Against Abuse Part II By: Megan, Ayla, and Lauren.

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Presentation on theme: "Against Abuse Part II By: Megan, Ayla, and Lauren."— Presentation transcript:

1 Against Abuse Part II By: Megan, Ayla, and Lauren

2 Animal testing Definition  Animal testing is when people in laboratories test products, from beauty products cancer treatments, to make sure the product will be safe and effective for humans.

3 How could this be ineffective?  Animal testing is often not an effective method of product tests  Only 2% of all diseases that people have are on record in the animal kingdom  When tested on humans as well as animals, studies show that only 5-25% of the results match  Most of the drugs passed in animal testing are deemed useless to humans, despite passing in animal testing

4 Sad facts  Almost 9% of put to sleep animals in laboratories die  33 animals die each second in labs worldwide as a result of animal testing  From the time our presentation started to the time it is over 14850 animals will die from animal testing

5 Scientist have discovered 400 methods that can effectively replace animal testing.

6 Thank you  HELP TODAY WITH THE ARL  Help puppies like this guy-->


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