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THAILAND 2016 Final parent meeting – 19 days until we fly!

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Presentation on theme: "THAILAND 2016 Final parent meeting – 19 days until we fly!"— Presentation transcript:

1 THAILAND 2016 Final parent meeting – 19 days until we fly!

2 Checklist –phone tree # verification –tips (155$) –Copies of prescriptions –Birth certificates

3 Roommates Fill out the form and hand back to Mrs. S tonight –We will do our best to accommodate the list –Hotels in Thailand are not uniform like they are here Some nights you may have 1 roommate, other nights you may have 5 No mixing of genders in rooms at any time; use common areas. There will be room checks; you must be in your room at assigned times.

4 Expectations on the trip School rules apply. We don’t want to see anyone smoking at any point during this trip. Be where you are supposed to be. Don’t wander away from the group. If a student misses a plane due their own negligence, they will be responsible for getting another flight at their own cost. The group will move on without them. No drinking/alcohol/drugs –(will result in being sent home early @ their own cost) Consequences will follow when we return to school (suspension etc.) No phones (the bill at home will be RIDICULOUS) Show respect to all supervisors, including tour guide and tour director.

5 A note about contraband From the Customs Department of the Kingdom of Thailand Website: “Violators of laws related to illicit drugs, e.g., having and holding for use, or being a producer, seller, or transporter are subject to the death sentence.“

6 Rule of 4 any time that there is free time for shopping or lunch where you’re not all together, you will travel in groups of 4 you MUST inform a teacher where you’re going. be back at meeting place at certain time (1 or 2 hours).

7 $$$ $ exchange – order Thai Baht right away, Travel visas etc Sobeys Bucks and final $ to kids tips

8 Flights

9 Bags Air CanadaCathay Airlines

10 Packing –EF strongly suggests we pack only 1 bag and 1 carry on, as the buses we will use in Thailand will not be able to hold 80 bags –When considering what kind of clothes to pack, keep in mind that it will be 30 degrees above. You can check the blog for a link to the weather in the cities where we are travelling. –Dress MODESTLY. Many of the places we will visit will expect (especially for girls) that our shoulders, knees and toes are covered. –Good walking sandals & light, close toed shoes for visiting temples etc. –(see the packing list for more details)

11 Items to purchase a SMALL umbrella, a travel alarm clock, a power adapter, a money belt/wallet, travel size shampoos etc (nothing bigger than 100ml can go in your carry- on), Ziploc bags (all of your liquids MUST be in a clear bag, if they are not, they will make you throw them in the garbage) Bug spray with DEET & Mega sunscreen Please do not bring your expensive flat iron. If you must have one, buy one that is TRAVEL SIZE. (Even with an adapter, a salon quality iron will fry!) The MONEY BELT is NON-NEGOTIABLE; all students must have one.

12 contact Email blog – Hotel information is on the blog Students may want to set up a skype account etc Telephone chain - handout

13 Just a note Start walking now!

14 Questions

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