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Unit 1 Global Jobs Pact, Decent Work, Green Jobs and Sustainability: validation of a trade union training manual Kisumu, 22 nd to 26 th August.

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1 Unit 1 Global Jobs Pact, Decent Work, Green Jobs and Sustainability: validation of a trade union training manual Kisumu, 22 nd to 26 th August

2 GROUP 1 -Togbe (Ghana) -Godwin (Kenya) -Joe (Kenya) -Nyasha (Zimbabwe) GROUP 3 -Yahya (Togo) -Anthony (Uganda) -Mary (Malawi) -Jane (Mauritius) -Carolyn (Kenya) GROUP 2 -Noah (Kenya) -Thulani (South Africa) -Ochuli (Nigeria) -Emmanuel (Nigeria) Groups

3 Group 1 ACTIVITY 1: Thinking of your own country, try to give an example that shows that the relentless pursue of growth can have devastating consequences on the environment (it could be the installation of a certain industry, the unplanned growth of the slums in a city,…) ACTIVITY 2: Considering the dimensions of sustainability, try to establish a relationship with the production activities typical of the industry you are in or of any important industry in your country. Try to explain how each of these dimensions is expressed.

4 Group 2 ACTIVITY 3: Give an example of an ecosystem from your country in which the services provided (provisioning, supporting, regulating or cultural services) have been affected by human activity or other factors (for example, climate events). ACTIVITY 5: On Chapter 4, we have discussed the role of the State in the definition of policies and alternatives for environmental governance. Tell us about the participation of communities and civil society organizations (including trade unions) of your country, in the definition of these alternatives, along with the State.

5 Group 3 ACTIVITY 4: On Chapter 3, we have seen the links between environment and poverty, food security, and human health. Can you provide examples from you own country that show the impact of environmental degradation on any of these? Which groups were (are) the worst affected?

6 To all groups ACTIVITY 6: Make a list of terms from Unit 1 that you think it would be good to include in a glossary (a list of words that you find a bit difficult to understand or that would require further explanation). + Examples to be included

7 Gini cofficient

8 + 3 –Environment Basis –Social Goal –Economics Tool + 1 –Politics - Social participation in decision making to define the collective future. –And –Technology –Ethics/Moral “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Our future common, Brundtland Report, 1987 Dimensions of sustainability

9 Decoupling

10 Global sustainability is not possible without a contraction and convergence process: - contraction in the consumption of resources in developed countries -(limited/sustainable) expansion in developing countries – but also needed a different development …until converging to a sustainable point ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT: average amount of resources used per capita / country / region measured in hectares Should be 1.89ha, average 2.18ha North America 9.7ha, Europeans, 5.6ha, Mozambique 0.6 EMISSIONS PER CAPITA Contraction and convergence for social equity

11 CHANGE OF LIFESTYLES + Rich countries + Higher classes in developing world. Sustainable development as a proposal. Consumption side

12 Money annually spend on food consumption

13 Ecosystem services

14 Body text Apollo image of the planet

15 Thank you

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