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Published byShana Cole Modified over 8 years ago
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 1 “European Nuclear Science and Applications Research” (ENSAR) Muhsin N. Harakeh Coordinator ENSAR on behalf of the ENSAR management group and ENSAR2 SSC NuPECC Meeting 13-14 June 2014 Jyväskylä, Finland
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 2 Partners of GANIL GSI LNL-INFN LNS-INFN JYL RUG-KVI CERN-ISOLDE ALTO-CNRS TUW ULB KUL CEA INRNE-BAS RBI NPI TUD NCSRD ATOMKI-HAS ECT* UWAR IFJ-PAN FFCUL IFIN-HH USC CIEMAT UCM PSI UNIBAS JOGU UNIMAN 30 beneficiaries 18 countries 30 beneficiaries 18 countries 7 TNA Facilities 53 associated partners GUF EC financial contribution: 8 M€
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 3 ENSAR & ENSAR2 ENSAR started on September 1, 2010 End of the ENSAR project August 31, 2014 Pre-proposal for ENSAR2 as response to the EC consultation by October 2012 In February 2013, ENSAR2 came on the short list of the EC to be targeted for a call. We asked the community to help in the preparation of the ENSAR2 proposal (in particular suggestions for NAs and JRAs).
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 4 Preparation of FP8 ENSAR2 Creation of the Scientific Steering Committee with representatives of ENSAR2 TNA facilities and experts of their scientific fields: beginning of March 2013 ENSAR Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) ENSARMuhsin N. HarakehKetel Turzó CERN/ISOLDEMaria BorgeKarsten Riisager CNRS/ALTOFaiçal AzaiezWolfram Korten COPIN/IFJ-HILAdam MajKrzysztof Rusek ECT*Wolfram WeisePaul-Henri Heenen GANILMarek LewitowiczMartin Freer GSIJürgen GerlLola Cortina Gil IFIN-HHLivius TracheNorbert Pietralla INFN/LNL-LNSRosa AlbaSuzana Szilner JYURauno JulinRolf-Dietmar Herzberg
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 5 Preparation of FP8 ENSAR2 Call for new ideas: deadline on April 15, 2013 42 new ideas received 14 Networks 27 Joint Research Activities 1 Transnational access to AGATA These do not include 10 TNAs Some of the Networking and Joint Research activities are connected to current projects selected by the ERANET- NuPNET: GANAS, NEDENSAA, and FATIMA (R&D on detectors), EMILIE (EURISOL technologies) and SARFEN (nuclear theory)
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 66 Meeting with EC on 22 April & 14 October 2013 GSI/FAIR and GANIL/SPIRAL2: TNA within ENSAR2 or construction and running budget as ESFRI RI New infrastructures from Poland and Romania: Krakow/Warsaw (Cyclotrons) Bucharest (high-energy tandem and ELI-NP) ECT*: TNA in Hadron Physics and ENSAR2 AGATA infrastructure Relations with international infrastructures in Canada, China, Japan, Russia, South Africa and U.S. Prolongation of ENSAR: Ask for 4 months Annex I with amendment N o 2 has been submitted Preparation of FP8 ENSAR2
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 77 Preparation of FP8 ENSAR2 Preselection of work packages for presentation Presentation of new ideas during ENSAR Town Meeting, Warsaw, Poland – June 17 to 20, 2013 SSC meeting in Roissy on 10 September October 2013: ENSAR2 proposal well advanced We are ready for the 1 st Horizon 2020 call SSC meetings and possible presentations of WPs for further optimisation
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 8 After a 3-step selection process and after discussion with EC officers on 14-10-2013: 10 TNAs 7 JRAs 12 NAs EC financial contribution request: 10 M€ Transnational Access Activities: 50% Joint Research Activities: ≥ 35% Networking Activities: ≥ 15% ENSAR2 New Ideas - 1
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 9 ENSAR2 New Ideas - 2 TNAs GANIL (France) GSI (Germany) LNL / LNS (Italy) JYFL (Finland) ISOLDE – CERN (Switzerland) ALTO – CNRS (France) KVI (The Netherlands) SLCJ-HIL / IFJ PAN (Poland) ELI-NP / IFIN-HH (Romania) ECT* (Italy) ENSAR2 New Ideas - 2
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 10 ENSAR2 New Ideas - 3 JRAs AGATA detector + applications Theo: Theory of Nuclear Structure & Reactions ECOS: Stable ion beams + medical isotopes EURISOL facility (all stages) RESIST: Resonant ionisation techniques for separators PASPAG-SEE: Particle and gamma detection SATNuRSE: Simulations and analysis tools
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 11 ENSAR2 New Ideas - 4 NAs FISCO: FInancial and Scientific COordination NA ASTARTE: Advancement of radiation therapy detectors NucApp: Nuclear applications FULN: Fundamental understanding of light nuclei ENSAF: Small-scale accelerator facilities NUSPIN: Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation GDS: Active targets (TPC gaseous detectors) MIDAS: ECR ion sources PREFUNIS: Precision tests of FIS GES: Advanced electronics network CWG: Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions Ion-Beam Therapy
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 12 Partners of 30 40 beneficiaries ≥ 18 countries 30 40 beneficiaries ≥ 18 countries 7 10 TNA Facilities Community: 2700-3000 scientists and highly qualified engineers Close collaboration with infrastructures outside Europe: Canada: TRIUMF China: IMP Lanzhou Japan: RIKEN & RCNP Russia: Dubna/JINR South Africa: iThemba United States: NSCL & ANL Close collaboration with infrastructures outside Europe: Canada: TRIUMF China: IMP Lanzhou Japan: RIKEN & RCNP Russia: Dubna/JINR South Africa: iThemba United States: NSCL & ANL GANIL GSI LNL-INFN LNS-INFN JYL ALTO-CNRS TUW ULB KUL CEA INRNE-BAS RBI NPI TUD NCSRD ATOMKI-HAS ECT* FFCUL ELI-NP / IFIN-HH USC CIEMAT UCM PSI UNIBAS JOGU UNIMAN I I UWAR-HIL & IFJ PAN ISOLDE-CERN IFIC Univ. Sevilla TUM Dresden ILL Max Planck KTH Univ. Birmingham Köln CSIC RUG-KVI FP8 ENSAR2
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 13 Meeting with the new EC liaison officer (18 March 2014): Prolongation of ENSAR project: 4 months; not to go beyond 2014. The Swiss institutes cannot be beneficiaries. The situation may change by June 2014. International partners: easier TNA rules; careful not to give money to rich countries (USA, Japan,…). Budget: 10 M€ of total budget is strongly recommended. Number of beneficiaries: 20 is an optimum but 30 seems to be still acceptable. Impact studies: socioeconomic impacts to be done internally. Templates published on April 15 th (finally < 100 pages). No negotiation phase: the budget will not be cut if the project is selected.
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 14 SSC meeting 10-11 April 2014 at GSI Innovation in ENSAR2. Links with industry already present in some networks. Industrial companies can be associated partners: they are identified in the proposal without being beneficiaries. NEW - Management of data: define standards and procedures to provide raw data (strong links with all TNAs). Reduce number of NAs
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 15 ENSAR2 New Ideas - 4 NAs FISCO: FInancial and Scientific COordination NA ASTARTE: Advancement of radiation therapy detectors NucApp: Nuclear applications FULN: Fundamental understanding of light nuclei ENSAF: Small-scale accelerator facilities NUSPIN: Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation GDS: Active targets (TPC gaseous detectors) MIDAS: ECR ion sources PREFUNIS: Precision tests of FIS (finally dropped out) GES: Advanced electronics network (finally dropped out) CWG: Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions Ion-Beam Therapy
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 16 ENSAR2 New Ideas - 4 NAs FISCO: FInancial and Scientific COordination NA MEDINET (ASTARTE+ Ion-Beam Therapy) NucApp: Nuclear applications NuSPRA + FULN ENSAF: Small-scale accelerator facilities NUSPIN: Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation GDS: Active targets (TPC gaseous detectors) MIDAS: ECR ion sources
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland ENSAR2 - Total budget
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland NAs
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland JRAs
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland TNAs
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland Budget NAs WP Coordinating institution Budget k€ FISCOGANIL550 NuSPRA + FULNGSI & University of Birmingham250 MIDASJYU120 NUSPININFN170 MEDINETLMU200 GDSGANIL100 ENSAFNCSRD100 NucAppGANIL100 Total1590 k€
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland Budget JRAs WP Coordinating institution Budget k€ PASPAG-SEEIEM-CSIC400 AGATAIFIC470 TheoSCNRS540 RESISTJYU440 SATNuRSERUG430 EURISOLCNRS670 ECOSCNRS720 Total3670 k€
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland Budget TNAs WP Coordinating institution Budget k€ INFN LNL-LNSINFN756 ECT* 229 KVIRUG311 ISOLDECERN712 GANIL 979 JYU-JYFLJYU623 GSI 311 ALTOCNRS411 IFIN-HH / ELI-NPELI-NP133 NLC (Poland)UWAR, IFJ PAN275 Total 4740 k€
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland Budget allocation - TNA
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 25 Call 2 - H2020-INFRAIA-2014/2015 Integrating and opening existing national and regional research infrastructures of pan-European interest Physical Sciences - Advanced Communities Research infrastructures for nuclear physics. ENSAR2 Open and interconnected science and engineering for academia and industry. Improvement of access, of cooperation, and of services. ENSAR2 partners have already prepared the proposal. Will be discussed next Monday & Tuesday (16-17 June 2014) in Roissy. We are ready for the 1 st Horizon 2020 call: deadline 2 September 2014 Project Call
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 26 Thank you for your attention
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 27 ENSAR Organisation Coordinator: M. N. Harakeh (GANIL/KVI-CART) Deputy Coordinator: M. Lewitowicz (GANIL) Project Manager: K. Turzó (GANIL) Financial/administrative: V. Vandevoorde/S. Dubromel Managing institution: GANIL 30 Partners 27 NA01 FISCO Meetings: 2 /year Meetings: 1 /year Meetings: 1 /year
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 28 Transnational Access Facilities in IA ENSAR TNA1 (Access to GANIL, 3510 hours of beam) TNA2 (Access to GSI, 3750 h) TNA3 (Access to INFN-LNL&LNS, 4424 h) TNA4 (Access to JYU-JYFL, 3000h) TNA5 (Access to KVI, 800 h) TNA6 (Access to CERN-ISOLDE, 5200 h) TNA7 (Access to ALTO, 1470 h) Strong emphasis on the support for users (30-40% of the TNA EC request)
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 29 Network Activities in ENSAR NA01 FISCO (FInancial & Scientific COordination) M. N. Harakeh NA02 ECOS (European Collaboration On Stable ion beams) F. Azaiez NA03 EURISOL NET (EURopean ISOL NETwork) Y. Blumenfeld NA04 ATHENA (Advanced THeory & Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics) K. Sonnabend NA05 EGAN (European Gamma & Ancillary detectors Network) S. Lenzi NA06 EFINION (European Forum for Innovative applications of Nuclear ION beams and tools) S. Harissopulos
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 30 Joint Research Activities in ENSAR The JRAs deal with all aspects of experimental activities from sources and targets, to detectors, to simulations of experimental set-ups, data analysis and a development of adequate theoretical tools. JRA01 ARES (Advanced Research on Ecr ion Sources) G. Ciavola JRA02 ActILab (Actinide ISOL target R&D Laboratory) T. Stora JRA03 PREMAS (Low-energy beam PREparation, MAnipulation & Spectroscopy) A. Jokinen JRA04 INDESYS (INnovative solutions for nuclear physics DEtector SYStems: “From basic R&D to applications for the society”) D. Cortina Gil JRA05 SiNuRSE (Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe) N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki JRA06 EWIRA (East West Integrated Research Activities) D. Balabanski Create a niche for the small(er) laboratories from Central and South- Eastern Europe and bring them to a level comparable to that of the existing Western European laboratories JRA07 THEXO (THeoretical tools in support of infrastructures) P.-H. Heenen
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 31 In July 2012, the EC started a consultation process in the framework of Horizon 2020: “This consultation is organised in order to prepare future EU activities supporting the integration of and access to existing national research infrastructures.” “The aim of these activities is to provide a wider and more efficient access to, and use of, the research infrastructures existing in EU Member States, Associated Countries and at international level when appropriate.” “Provide the users of research infrastructures with a harmonised, improved and optimised access to the best research infrastructures in a given field.” “Increase the potential for innovation and technology transfer of the related research infrastructures, in particular by reinforcing the partnership with industry…” EC Consultation
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 32 ENSAR responded in October 2012. The ENSAR2 proposal aims at: Supporting the access costs to the research infrastructures at the highest possible level and >> than the few % of real operational costs today Supporting the scientists, especially the young researchers, participating in experiments at these infrastructures Supporting the novel instrumentation and theory developments leading to strong improvements of the research infrastructures through Joint Research Activities Supporting the synergy of the community and promoting and facilitating the use of the research infrastructures through Networking Activities Response
NuPECC Meeting, 13-14 June 2014; Jyväskylä, Finland 33 FP8 Selected projects February 2013: ENSAR2 FP8 Selected projects February 2013: ENSAR2
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