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How Grower Groups Fit in the GRDC Regional Model? Dr Stephen Loss - General Manager (South) Farming Systems, Agronomy & Soils.

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Presentation on theme: "How Grower Groups Fit in the GRDC Regional Model? Dr Stephen Loss - General Manager (South) Farming Systems, Agronomy & Soils."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Grower Groups Fit in the GRDC Regional Model? Dr Stephen Loss - General Manager (South) Farming Systems, Agronomy & Soils

2 HOW TO GET 100% OUT OF LIFE If: A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4. Y = 25 Z = 26 Then Freud would say: S E X = 19+5+24 = Only 48% Your financial adviser would definitely say: M O N E Y = 13+15+14+5+25 = 72% Getting there.. Your doctor might say: H E A L T H = 8+5+1+12+20+8 = 54% Not much better! Your priest might say: C H A R I T Y = 3+8+1+18+9+20+25 = 84% Hmmm?

3 HOW TO GET 100% OUT OF LIFE A teacher might think: K N O W L E D G E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% Getting close. Your boss would say: H A R D W O R K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% Even closer. However, anyone with a PhD knows: B U L L S H I T = 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% Even better!! Ron Barassi has THE ANSWER: A T T I T U D E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100 %

4 GRDC RENEWAL Why do we need to change? growth in grains industry refocussing of government funds away from R&D GRDC no longer a minor player – budget & projects increasing role of private sector & globalisation growers wanting more focus on research that delivers benefits to their businesses – impact! lack of awareness of GRDC – poor engagement with industry poor relationships with some stakeholders


6 WHAT CHANGES So what has changed? investment process that aligns with a ‘time to delivery’ approach: 1-3, 3-8 and 8+ years internal restructure North/South regional boundary = NSW/Vic border regional offices – ‘hub & spoke’ model new business systems and processes greater focus on branding and engagement new MD – Steve Jefferies

7 WHAT CHANGES Investment Portfolio: Time to Delivery Long term (8+ years): strategic research national & global (40%) Medium term (3-8 year): applied research & development regional (40%) Short term (1-3 year): extension & validation local (20%)

8 Investment Areas R, D & E will deliver into seven investment areas: WHAT CHANGES 1)Agronomy 2)Farming System 3)Soils 4)Nutrition 5)Weeds 6)Pests 7)Diseases Regional Focus Regional & National Focus

9 WHAT CHANGES Hub and Spoke Model Canberra Head Office weeds, pests & disease, 8+ research, capacity, Grower Services, legal and corporate, comms & stakeholder liaison. Southern region office in Adelaide General Manager FS, Agron & Soils: Stephen Loss Regional Grower Services Manager: Craig Ruchs Business Analyst; Manager; Contracts Admin; Team Assistant Northern offices in Toowoomba & Dubbo GM: Jan Edwards Expansion of western office in Perth GM: Darren Hughes

10 WHAT CHANGES Greater Regional Engagement new structure that delivers the best value to growers through better regional engagement. projects that better account for regional differences esp. in farming systems & soils. GRDC Canberra GRDC SOUTH Adelaide Growers and Advisers Grower Groups Regional Cropping Solutions Network Southern Panel

11 GROWER GROUPS vital link between GRDC (staff, panel & RCSN) & growers. provider of local 1-3 yr extension validation – small plot, replicated trials face to face extension – field days, workshops, demos communication – newsletters, websites, factsheets training & capacity building – courses, workshops, programs partner with unis, CSIRO, DoA in 3-8 yr projects inform current grower knowledge, practices, attitudes, etc. local validation trials will feed into regional knowledge transfer knowledge to growers/advisors through 1-3 yr projects What is the best way for GRDC to work with grower groups? individual projects and initiative (e.g. stubble initiative)

12 SOUTHERN OFFICE LAUNCH Friday April 22 nd National Wine Centre: cnr North Terrace & Hackney Rd Senator Anne Ruston Invitations will be sent shortly - your all invited!



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