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Grid Computing 1 Presented by Wanying Zhao. Grid Computing 2 Outline Conception Basic Issues Grid Architecture Standards for Grid Environments Key Components.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid Computing 1 Presented by Wanying Zhao. Grid Computing 2 Outline Conception Basic Issues Grid Architecture Standards for Grid Environments Key Components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid Computing 1 Presented by Wanying Zhao

2 Grid Computing 2 Outline Conception Basic Issues Grid Architecture Standards for Grid Environments Key Components Applications

3 Grid Computing 3 What Grid Computing is Allows sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in dynamic, distributed “ virtual organizations ”.

4 Grid Computing 4 Electrical Power Grid Analogy Electrical power grid users (or electrical appliances) get access to electricity through wall sockets with no care or consideration for where or how the electricity is actually generated. “The power grid” links together power plants of many different kinds The Grid users (or client applications) gain access to computing resources (processors, storage, data, applications, and so on) as needed with little or no knowledge of where those resources are located or what the underlying technologies, hardware, operating system, and so on are "the Grid" links together computing resources (PCs, workstations, servers, storage elements) and provides the mechanism needed to access them.

5 Grid Computing 5 Why need Grid Computing? Core networking technology now accelerates at a much faster rate than advances in microprocessor speeds Exploiting under utilized resources Parallel CPU capacity Virtual resources and virtual organizations for collaboration Access to additional resources

6 Grid Computing 6 Who needs Grid Computing? Not just computer scientists… scientists “hit the wall” when faced with situations: –The amount of data they need is huge and the data is stored in different institutions. –The amount of similar calculations the scientist has to do is huge. Other areas: –Government –Business –Education –Industrial design –……

7 Grid Computing 7 Types of resources Computation Storage Communications Software and licenses Special equipment, capacities, architectures, and policies

8 Grid Computing 8 Job Scheduling

9 Grid Computing 9 Security Access policy - What is shared? Who is allowed to share? When can sharing occur? Authentication - How do you identify a user or resource? Authorization -How do you determine whether a certain operation is consistent with the rules?

10 Grid Computing 10 Grid Security Model

11 Grid Computing 11 Grid User Roles ---A User’s Perspective Enrolling and installing grid software Logging onto the grid Queries and submitting jobs Data configuration Monitoring progress and recovery Reserving resources

12 Grid Computing 12 Grid User Roles ---An Administrator’s Perspective Planning Installation Managing enrollment of donors and users Certificate authority Resource management Data sharing

13 Grid Computing 13 Grid Architecture Application Collective Resource Connectivity Fabric Application Transport Internet Link GRID Internet

14 Grid Computing 14 Grid Architecture Fabric layer: Provides the resources to which shared access is mediated by Grid protocols. Connectivity layer: Defines the core communication and authentication protocols required for grid-specific network functions. Resource layer: Defines protocols, APIs, and SDKs for secure negotiations, initiation, monitoring control, accounting and payment of sharing operations on individual resources. Collective Layer: Contains protocols and services that capture interactions among a collection of resources. Application Layer: These are user applications that operate within VO environment.

15 Grid Computing 15 Standards for Grid Environments OGSA(Open Grid Service Architecture) OGSI(Open Grid Services Interface) OGSA-DAI(data access and integration) GridFTP WSRF(Web Services Resource Framework) Web services related standards –XML –WSDL(Web Services Description Language ) –SOAP(Service Oriented Architecture Protocol ) –UDDI

16 Grid Computing 16 Key Components Portal/user interface

17 Grid Computing 17 Key Components Security –Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

18 Grid Computing 18 Key Components Broker –Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS)

19 Grid Computing 19 Key Components Scheduler

20 Grid Computing 20 Key Components Data management –Grid Access to Secondary Storage (GASS)

21 Grid Computing 21 Key Components Job and resource management –Grid Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM)

22 Grid Computing 22 Globus Toolkit 4 An open source toolkit for building computing developed and provided by the Globus Alliance. A collection of open-source components –Many of these are based on existing standards –others are based on (and in some cases driving) evolving standards Globus Toolkit 4 provides components in the following five categories: – Common runtime components – Security –Data management – Information services – Execution management

23 Grid Computing 23 Globus Toolkit 4

24 Grid Computing 24 Simple Example Application: A system that takes Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files and uses nodes on a grid to render a set of JPEG files representing sub-images of the complete image. Three components of the system –RenderClient: A Java application with a graphical interface for the user that drives the rendering work on the grid and displays the resulting sub-images into a final large image. –RenderWorker: A Java application with no graphical user interface that converts one sub-image of the SVG file into a JPEG file. –RenderSourceService: A Globus Toolkit 4 grid service, deployed into a Globus Toolkit 4 container. It is initialized by the RenderClient and hands out work instructions to RenderWorker processes on the grid.

25 Grid Computing 25 Simple Example

26 Grid Computing 26 Simple Example

27 Grid Computing 27 Simple Example

28 Grid Computing 28 Applications The Southern California Earthquake Center uses Globus software to visualize earthquake simulation data.

29 Grid Computing 29 Applications Scientists in the Earth System Grid (ESG) are producing, archiving, and providing access to climate data that advances our understanding of global climate change. ESG uses Globus software for security, data movement, and system monitoring.

30 Grid Computing 30 Applications Computational scientists at Brown University are using the Globus Toolkit and MPICH-G2 to simulate the flow of blood through human arteries.

31 Grid Computing 31 Applications Globus Toolkit-driven Grid computing is central to management of large datasets generated by colliders such as those at CERN. This simulation shows two colliding lead ions just after impact, with quarks in red, blue, and green and hadrons in white.

32 Grid Computing 32 Software implementations and middleware Advanced Resource Connector (NorduGrid's ARC) Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) Globus Toolkit Sun Grid Engine ProActive UNICORE SDSC Storage resource broker (data grid) gLite (EGEE) NInf GridRPC IceGrid Java CoG Kit Alchemi GridGain gridGISTICS Gridbus Middleware Vishwa UGP GRIA

33 Grid Computing 33 Organizations & Production Grids Alliances and organizations Open Grid Forum (Formerly Global Grid Forum) Object Management Group Production grids Enabling Grids for E-sciencE NorduGrid Open Science Grid OurGrid Sun Grid Xgrid Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications DEISA FusionGrid

34 Grid Computing 34 Grid Projects International Grid Projects Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute Europe (OMII-Europe) - May 2006 -> May 2008 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) - March 2004 -> March 2006 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE II (EGEE II) - April 2006 -> April 2008 BREIN — September 2007 → August 2009 DataTAG - January 2001 -> January 2003 European DataGrid (EDG) - March 2001 -> March 2004 BalticGrid - November 2005 -> April 2008 National Grid Projects D-Grid (German) GARUDA (Indian) grid computing project at VECC (Calcutta, India) China Grid Project INFN Grid (Italian) KnowledgeGrid Malaysia NAREGI Project Singapore National Grid Project Thai National Grid Project BELNET Grid, Belgium

35 Grid Computing 35 Prospect of Grid computing The Grid aims ultimately to turn the global network of computers into one vast computational resource. Related to many areas in computer science Being developed by hundreds of researchers and software engineers around the world. Still “work in process” Potentially revolutionary.

36 Grid Computing 36 Reference “The Anatomy of the Grid(Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations)” ---by Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Steven Tuecke “Physiology of the Grid (An Open Grid Services Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration )” ---by Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Jeffrey M. Nick, Steven Tuecke “Grid Computing:Past,Present, and Future”--- by Elias Kourpas, June 2006 “Introduction to Grid Computing” ---IBM Redbook,2005 IBM Grid Globus website:

37 Grid Computing 37 Thank You! “You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one” ---Beatles

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