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Evaluating Post- Secondary Options University Sojourner Truth E-Mentoring Program October.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Post- Secondary Options University Sojourner Truth E-Mentoring Program October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Post- Secondary Options University Sojourner Truth E-Mentoring Program October

2 Educational Options There are several different post- secondary educational institutions to choose from.

3 Choices There are many ways people make the right and wrong choices when choosing a post– secondary path. Can some people offer some suggestions as to what some of these choices are?

4 Wrong Reasons My friends are going there I won’t be able to get in anywhere else Your parents want you to go to a particular school even though you don’t like it

5 Correctly Consider: Do I want to go to a big school/small school? Do I want to go to a private school/public school? Do I want to stay in state? What do I want to or think I will major in? How much do I want to pay a year? Do I want to go to a diverse school? Location (city/rural)?

6 Big or Small School? Should you choose a big school or a small school? What are some of the things you should consider when making this decision?

7 Public or Private School? Would you prefer a private school/public school? Private schools generally cost more than public schools because they must get their funding from private sources.

8 Michigan Do you want to stay in state? In-state schools generally cost less than out-of-state schools.

9 Choosing a Major What do you want to or think you will want to major in? Some schools provide very good programs for specific majors.

10 Money Factor How much do you want to pay a year?

11 Diversity Would you prefer going to a diverse school? Students may choose schools that best meet their individual needs. There are many different schools that offer religious or ethnic diversity.

12 Location, Location, Location Are you more comfortable in a rural or urban setting? If you feel a city atmosphere may be stressful to you, then find a school that is located in a slower- paced environment.

13 Paying for School Applying for scholarships and grants is a critical step in planning for your future schooling. Start your search for money now!

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