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Olivia Bina (ICS) Francesco La Camera (Università Roma3) Ciência 4-7 July 2010: Crise, Economia e Inovação Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Olivia Bina (ICS) Francesco La Camera (Università Roma3) Ciência 4-7 July 2010: Crise, Economia e Inovação Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olivia Bina (ICS) Francesco La Camera (Università Roma3) Ciência 4-7 July 2010: Crise, Economia e Inovação Social

2 Four points

3 3 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

4 1. Responses to the crises by international institutions: how are problems and solutions framed? ‘[t]o frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation’ (Entam 1993: 52) 2. What concepts and values underpin the framing and policy choices revealed in these responses? 3. What promise, what shortcomings? 4 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

5 Four points

6 6 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10) SourceTitle EC (2010) Europe 2020 A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth OECD (2010)Innovation Strategy OECD (2009)Declaration on Green Growth UNEP (2009)Global Green New Deal UNESCAP (2008)Greening Growth in Asia and the Pacific WBCSD (2010)Vision 2050 The New Agenda for Business

7 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10) 7

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11 Concepts and values have shifted (marginally): Quantity of growth must also consider quality. How? Through: energy and eco-efficiency, low-carbon economies and Monetary valuation of ecosystem services Markets do not always work: need to be regulated by interventions on prices, to get them right, including the environmental costs associated with the production of goods and services, Technology is crucial: Promote science associated to the development of clean technologies and competiveness, to decarbonise economies. 11 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

12 12 ‘The key to growing sustainability is not to produce less but to produce differently’ [levels of production and consumption, and continued pursuit of growth are not problematic] ‘The true value of many environmental goods and services is not paid for by those who use them’ [need market mechanism to allocate environmental resources efficiently] Assessment of environmental problems ‘is complicated by uncertainty about the effect of economic activity on the environment’ [need better information] Thus, self-interest can be harnessed to protect the environment, and some action by government may be needed where property rights or price mechanisms cannot function. World Bank (1992) ‘Development and the Environment’, World Development Report.

13 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10) 13 3 dimensions of problems & solutions VALUES/CONCEP TS EconomySocietyEnvironment Priority/valuesQuantity (and quality)Quality (and quantity) Economy and Justice Scarcity, allocationDistributionScale, proportionality PerspectiveIndividual perspective Global perspective (pro capita ratio) Global perspective Justice target(s)Individual rightsCommon goodCommon good (all species)

14 Economics as the ‘tutor of governments’ Robert Skidelsky (2009:170) dictates framing in terms of what matters (Gitlin 1980) 14 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

15 15 Commitment to a notion of progress as growth (& trickle down)

16 Instrumental rationality Economic rationality Ecological rationality LIMITS 16 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

17 The world of the 21 st century is a very different world (a shrinking planet); It is the link between the economy, the environment and society that is at the heart of these crises; Not economy or economics alone; And the link is not only one of scarcity and externalities It is one of dependency. Needed: a 21 st century where the bioshpere – not the economy – become the dependent variable 17 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

18 18 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10) “Double crisis” “Financial & Economic crisis” “Financial & Economic crisis” “Climate change opportunity to grow” “Climate change opportunity to grow”

19 19 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10) Perspective: 1 crisis: Relationship man-nature Perspective: 1 crisis: Relationship man-nature “solve conflict between E&D” “Address contradiction in what we want”

20 20 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

21 Quantity to quality Growth to development Self-interest to common good Economic rationality to ecological rationality Allocation to scale & distribution a 21 st century where the bioshpere – not the economy – become the dependent variable upon which to build a sustainable development for all people 21 Olivia Bina - ICS (5/VII/10)

22 Four points

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