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Demographics--the study of people through statistics  1st World Countries  Examples--US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan  Also called-- DEVELOPED  3rd.

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2 Demographics--the study of people through statistics  1st World Countries  Examples--US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan  Also called-- DEVELOPED  3rd World Countries  Examples- Africa, most countries of Asia  Also called-- DEVELOPING


4 First World, Second World,Third World  The terms first world, second world, and third world are used to divide the nations of Earth into three broad categories. Originally, the term "first world" referred to capitalist societies, the term "second world" to centrally planned ones, whereas "third world" stood for tribal systems. During the Cold War, the phrase "first world" referred to nations within the United States' sphere of influence, the phrase "second world" to nations within the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, and the phrase "third world" to nations within neither sphere. After the Cold War, "first world" began to refer to countries with "Western" societies and large economies and "third world" to developing countries in regions such as Africa (because originally neither Cold War superpower bothered with such countries); with the fall of Leninist Communism the term "second world" largely fell out of use.third worldCold WarUnited StatesSoviet Union"Western" societies economiesdeveloping countries AfricasuperpowerLeninistCommunism


6 Standard of Living  1st world countries have a HIGH standard of Living  People can afford material goods  Belief in Health Care and Education  3rd world countries have a LOW standard of living  People are generally impoverished

7 Standard of Living Commercial Agriculture Subsistence Agriculture

8 Labor, Products, Resources  1st World Countries-- Industrialized  Highly skilled workforce-- most people are involved in service activities  3rd World Countries-- generally agrarian  Workforce consists of unskilled labor

9 Infrastructure  1st world countries can afford to make improvements-- high tax base  3rd world countries--can’t afford to make improvements-- lack capital

10 Human Development Index  In an attempt to create an alternative to purely economic measuers of development such as GDP, the HDI places 3 socioeconomic categories (life expectancy, education attainment, income) on a scale of 0-1 and averaging the values. 



13 How can you tell?  By looking at a variety of indicators:  Gross National Product  Per Capita (any value of a country, divided by its population  Agricultural activity (Subsistence--3rd or commercial-- 1st)  Economic Activity

14 What other Questions can we ask? (Handout1)  Age structure  Doubling Time  GDP  Infant Mortality  Life expectancy at birth  Literacy  Growth Rate

15 What Should you expect from each country? DevelopedDeveloping  StableAge StructureUnstable growth  HighDoubling TimeLow  HighGDPLow  LowInfant MortalityHigh  High70sLife expectancyLow  High98%LiteracyLow  LowGrowth RateHigh  High% of IndustryLow  Low 2% or below% of AgricultureHigh (above 60%)  High % of ServiceLow  LowPersons per DentistHigh  LowPersons per TVHIgh  HighKilowatt Hours per personLow  Export moreImport/Export rationImport more

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